Fabio Bettio, MS Eng. with his JBCM T-shirt

One of the main problems for the merchandising of any project is to find models to wear shirts, pins, tote bags and other items which – somebody said- will help to promote the project.

Since the JBCM is not a rock band but and international and inter-generational collective born to share with citizens stories and ideas related to the environment, our territories, rural development policies etc, we needed to find somebody suitable. After months of work of casting agencies we have identified as the headliner in our model rosters Fabio Bettio. Fabio is MS in electronic engineergin from Genova, relocated since the early Nineties in Cagliari (Sardinia). He is an international expert in computer graphics and scientific visualization. In the picture you see him during a break in on of his training sessions.

for more information and booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org

For more hand-printed shirts by Wolfgang, see this link.