At times it seems that your days are passing in couples. Cazuza, the Brazilian Bon Jovi, sung this in the early Nineties (please check out in this Barão Vermelho Jan. 21, 2019, branobag).
In other moments, some separate days will correspond. This is happening today. So, while Mauro Tirannosauro is reading yesterday’s Bild after buying it in Scansano (like all T-rexes on the loose today, Mauro is fluent in various languages and idioms), I would like to re-propose you, almost “as is” something I wrote on May 17, 2020. This was two weeks after the end in Italy of the first lockdown, and at the end of the first round of the Participatory Lithology project…So, let us take a step back in time:
Today we will be proposing a different exercise. With a good night’s sleep after the Participatory Lithology Làiv Show, we will give you a tune that will help Jack O’Malley and Mauro Tirannosauro rest a little after their recent efforts.
For the first time since March 15…no rock, no stones, no minerals. So you go out at 6.25AM for a stroll around Tatti (Southern Tuscany, with 209 reported residents). You have some music on you headset, while sparrows are spinning around on their first flights of the day, as the sun in rising. Between The Raconteurs, Alanis Morrisette, partially collapsing stone walls, and anthills in the middle of secondary asphalt roads, you get to Weezer. “Beverly Hills”, was one of their big hits, and while you walk along via Bernardini you think of some lyrics that could fit on that song and explain yet another piece of the puzzle. So from “Beverly Hills”, we get to “Marginal Hills”.
Under the video you will find the original lyrics, the adapted lyrics, and the Italian translation. All made in 45 minutes. End of my working day today (more or less).

Flashing forward back to December 2021, the one difference with last years situation what the the end of the working day will be around 1PM, due to our upcoming event (see the flyer on the right, and the presentation in this blog post).
In the meantime, see you in Tatti with those who can be there (and please be sure to register for the indoor part of the event at or whatsapp +393317539228).
…and if you like this show, do leave something in the Jug Band Colline Metallifere digital hat (click here), or help us translate into English more of these articles, since in this very alive phase of our project we are a bit lagging on this part (please see the call for translators we published a few days ago).
Where I come from isn’t all that great | Where I came from is so great | Da dove vengo è veramente bello |
My automobile is a piece of crap | But I realized not too late | Ma mi sono reso conto non troppo tardi |
My fashion sense is a little whack | I felt I did not really fit | Che non mi ci sentivo a mio agio |
And my friends are just as screwy as me | While my friends thought I lost my wit | Mentre i miei amici pensavano che avessi perso la testa |
I didn’t go to boarding schools | I followed all the proper schools | Ho fatto tutte le scuole buone |
Preppy girls never looked at me | Preppy girls never looked at me | Le ragazzine non mi guardavano mai |
Why should they? I ain’t nobody | Why should they? Who needs and engineer | Perché avrebbero dovuto? Chi ha bisogno di un ingegnere |
Got nothing in my pocket | Who doesn’t look like Richard Gere | Che non assomiglia a Richard “Ghere” |
Beverly Hills | Marginal Hills | Nelle colline marginali |
That’s where I want to be! | That’s where I want to be! | E’ lì che voglio stare! |
Gimme gimme gimme gimme | Gimme gimme gimme gimme | Dammele, dammele… |
Living in Beverly Hills | Living in Marginal Hills | Vivendo nelle colline marginali |
Beverly Hills | Marginal Hills | |
Rolling like a celebrity! | Feeling Jesus on Day 3 | Sentendosi come Gesù al terzo giorno |
Gimme gimme gimme gimme | Gimme gimme gimme gimme | |
Living in Beverly Hills | Living in Marginal Hills | |
Look at all those movie stars | Look at all those lined-up cars | Guarda tutte quelle macchine in coda |
They’re all so beautiful and clean | People there don’t feel serene | La gente là non è serena |
When the housemaids scrub the floors | On the margins you get scars | Ai margini ti fai qualche cicatrice |
They get the spaces in between | But man you ought to live this scene | Ma, ragazzi, dovreste viverci per davvero, in questa situazione |
I wanna live a life like that | Don’t wanna live a life like that | Non voglio una vita come quella |
I wanna be just like a king | Don’t really need to be a king | In effetti non mi serve essere re |
Take my picture by the pool | And at some point I’ll lay my hat | E a un certo punto poserò il mio cappello |
‘Cause I’m the next big thing! | In some fine valley with a spring | In una bella valle con una sorgente |
Beverly Hills | ||
That’s where I want to be! | ||
Gimme gimme gimme gimme | ||
Living in Beverly Hills | ||
Beverly Hills | ||
Rolling like a celebrity! | ||
Gimme gimme gimme gimme | ||
Living in Beverly Hills | ||
The truth is I don’t stand a chance | The truth is you have little chance | |
It’s something that you’re born into | It’s something that you’re born into | |
And I just don’t belong | And you might not belong | |
No, I don’t | While I do | |
I’m just a no-class, beat-down fool | I’m just no-hope beat-down fool | |
And I will always be that way | And I will always be that way | |
I might as well enjoy my life | So I will enjoy my life | |
And watch the stars play | And watch your cars go away | |
Beverly Hills | ||
That’s where I want to be! | ||
Gimme gimme gimme gimme | ||
Living in Beverly Hills | ||
Beverly Hills | ||
Rolling like a celebrity! | ||
Gimme gimme gimme gimme | ||
Living in Beverly Hills |