Jingle Balls (Christmas song by Mauro Tirannosauro on Palla 21/palla eh!)

During the holidays with Jack O’Malley, Giancarlo da Miele, Rocco Colangelo, Nina, and other friends, Mauro Tirannosauro got to know a bit more about the ancient game of palla a 21 aka palla eh! This is the Southern Tuscan version of the “jeux de paume” which existed before tennis, and are still spread in various parts of Europe and of the Americas. To see more about the game, and what we did with the pibinko.org network since 2007 to promote the game and the territories where it is played, please see https://www.pibinko.org/palla-a-21-or-palla-eh/. For more information and booking: maurotrex@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228

Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle them and play | Fate tintinnare quelle palline e giocate
Oh what fun it is to bounce a palla down in May – hey |Ma che bello è far rimbalzare una pallina a maggio

Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle them and play
If you come to Farma Valley you can practice palla eh | se venite in Val di Farma potete allenarvi a palla eg!

Call it twenty-one, call it what you wish | Chiamatela 21, chiamatela come vi pare
call it hockey sock, but get on that pici dish | chiamatela hockey sock, ma datevi da fare con quel piatto di pici

come here when you can, come here if you might | venite qua quando vi pare, veniteci se potreste
just remind to bring respect, and you will share delight | basta che vi ricordiate di portare il rispetto, e condividerete una delizia

Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle with our Jug [Band] | fate tintinnare le palline, fatele tintinnare con la nostra Jug [Band]
When we play our music you might even get a hug | e quando suoniamo la nostra musica potreste anche rimediare un abbraccio