Lith Parade

Between March 21 and April 30, 2020, with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere and some colleagues we produced six videos, proposing different examples of “geomusica”. With an outlook toward the mid-May Participatory Lithology event [1], we would like you to help us create the Lith’ Parade. This like a hit parade related to the first phase of our little participatory exercise on lithology. Below you find the videos listed by publication date. You can provide input on your preferred song by adding a comment at the end of this article [2].

By the way: if you like these videos, you can leave something in the Jug Band C.M.’s “digital hat“. The JBCM will distribute the amount resulting by May 15 evenly between the artists and the support staff who worked on these productions.

In addition to the performers, we would like to thanks: Alberico Mattei, Martina Busonero, Federico Giussani, Luca Guerrieri.

For more information and booking:

[1] The actual date and the program of the mid-May event will be published within a few days.

[2] Comments are subject to approval by the site administrators. If, for any reason, a comment will be rejected, the author will be contacted via e-mail with a motivation. The average netiquette of a typical digital community will be followed.

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