May 19, 2022 – “Mapperitivo” with the JBCM in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany

After the last episode, in December 2021 in Follonica, we continue with the community mapping project which we started in 2014 in the Farma Valley, then developed in 2019 in Tatti, and in 2020 in Roccastrada. Participatory mapping is one of the permanent components of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere’s activity (in every performance we bring the maps created in the previous episodes, and we like to do “geomusic“).

A zoom on part of the community map centred on Roccatederighi.

To reboot the story with the Summer in mind, we invite you to the Enoteca Le Volte in Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany), from 7 to 8PM to learn the basics about this project and to understand how to collaborate.

Being in Roccatederighi (at the centre of the image), we will start be checking how to add a few points in order to connect the West side of the map (Tatti) with the East side (Sassofortino and the Farma Valley)…but it will not be forbidden to drift from there, following the sweet & sour mobility paradigm.

The show will be hosted by Jack O’Malley (in his capacity as environmental engineer and mapper with the nickname of Andrea Giacomelli), with Mauro Tirannosauro, and possibly other JBCM associates.

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228