Musica che ci piace: These Stones will shout

“These Stones Will Shout”

Well you impress me so completely | be’, sai che mi hai fatto davvero effetto
I start obsessing to hear from you | comincio a essere ossessionato solo a sentirti
Whatever you do, you do sweetly | qualsiasi cosa tu faccia, lo fai con dolcezza
It takes a lot to not take from you | ci vuole parecchio a non prendere da te

You’re not secure enough to tell me | non sei abbastanza sicura da dirmi
Your first impression of all these clowns | la tua prima impressione su ‘sti pagliacci
So you’ll be tricky enough to compel me | per cui sei così furba da obbligarmi
To take the lead and to speak out loud | a prendere l’iniziativa e urlare
(Yeah, ooh, yeah… oh…)

Speak to me and don’t speak softly | parlami e non parlare piano
Talk to me and let me know | parla con me e fammi sapere
Grab hold of my shoulder and tell me | prendimi la spalla e dimmi
Grab hold and do not let go | prendimi la spalla
Grab hold and do not let go

And if you find yourself repeating | e se ti trovi a ripetere
Some of those incoherent sounds | alcuni di quei suoni incoerenti
Just talkin’ to yourself is cheating | se parli da sola non vale
You might as well stick your head in the ground | tanto vale che tu nasconda la testa sotto terra
(Yeah… oh oh oh oh oh)

Speak to me and don’t speak softly
Talk to me and let me know
Grab hold of my shoulder and tell me
Grab hold and do not let go
Grab hold and do not let go

I feel compelled to just yell out for you | mi obblighi a urlare in tua vece
To say the words that you can’t bring out | a dire le parole che non riesci a tirare fuori
But I cannot do everything for you | ma non posso fare tutto io al posto tuo
And if I don’t then these stones will shout | e se non lo faccio, saranno queste pietre a urlare
Yeah if I don’t, then these stones will shout
Well if I don’t, then these stones will shout
(If I don’t then these stones will shout)

So if I were to just lay in silence | per cui se rimanessi qua in silenzio e basta
And see if you would take control | per vedere se prenderesti tu il controllo
These stones below me then may become violent | questi sassi sotto di me potrebbero diventare violenti
And they will wrestle me, pester me, mess with me |e mi faranno la lotta, mi daranno noia, mi importuneranno
Just tryin’ to free your soul | mentre stanno solo provando a liberare la tua anima

Speak to me and don’t speak softly
Talk to me and let me know
Grab hold of my shoulder and tell me
Grab hold and do not let go

Speak to me and don’t speak softly
Talk to me and let me know
Grab hold of my shoulder and tell me
Grab hold and do not let go
Grab hold and do not let go
Grab hold and do not let go
Grab hold and do not let go

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