Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere (JBCM), the international and inter-generational collective based in Southern Tuscany and with collaborations in four continents, proposing since 2018 conce[r|p]ts is proud to announce a new mini web series of four episodes.

Starting from February 12, for four Saturday, we will be proposing short interviews to some folks that we have met and who proved to have a good resonance with the four sectors in which we operate: culture, environment, open innovation, and music. To be honest, this breakdown is kind of artificial, since we believe that the boundaries between these “domaines” are not so strict. Anyway, what we have in store for you:

  • Saturday, Feb. 12: Elena Maggi, associate professor in ecology, for environment
  • Saturday, Feb. 19: Marco “Bronto” Marongiu, founder of the first Linux User Group in Sardinia, for open innovation
  • Saturday, Feb. 26: VEA, singer and songwriter, for music
  • Saturday, March 5: surprise guests, for culture

Each “jugcast” will be streamed live at 12.15 CET, with a duration of around 15 minutes. That’s roughly the time you would need to sip a coffee and read your newspaper, or to have your preferred drink.

The first jugcast will be streamed six kilometers North of this place.

The jugcasts will be mostly (not only) in Italian, so this will be an excellent opportunity to improve your skills if you are learning the language spoken in what is considered by many the most beautiful country in the world (with the show streamed physically from what is considered by many the most beautiful region in the most beautiful country in the world….now would you miss that even if you can just say “molto bello“?)

Following the pibinko.org network tradition of highliting non-dangerous relationships and curious correlations (without ships): you will hear it from a southern Tuscan (maremman) girl now living in Pisa, from a Sardinian in Norway, from an artist with origins in Lucania (Southern Italy), in Torino, and two surprise guests from two surprise locations. Accounting for these “space warps” our guests will be invited to communicate following different tones during the show…but we don’t want to give too many spoilers.

The Jugcasts will be streamed live via the pibinko.org Zoom “channel” (up to 100 participants). They will also be recorded and later made available from the JBCM web site.

To be on the live show, you will need to pre-register following the instructions provided online. The host will be physically located from wherever he feels. This will likely be from one of the spots visited by the JBCM members during the tours made since December (i.e. Milano and Florence, in addition to the south-western quadrant of Tuscany).

At the end of the first jugcast series, a certificate of attendance can be provided, if needed.

The Jugcasts dalle Colline Metallifere are produced by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (Andrea Giacomelli, Dario Canal, Simone Sandrucci e Wolfgang Scheibe/Tattistampa) in collaboration with whoever will collaborate.

From left to right: Simone Sandrucci, Wolfgang Scheibe, Jack O’Malley e Dario Canal in the silicon macrochip production facility in the heart of the Metalliferous Hills. The access to this site is ultra-secret, a bit like the bat-cave, with an entrance from the secret Tattistampa print shop, along the road between Tatti and Roccatederighi

For more information, and to follow the first jugcast class live: micalosapevo@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228

Happy Birthday, Sophie (107 y.o.)

Sophie, the mother of our one-string bass player, Wolfgang Scheibe, turned 107 on February 6, 2022. A forever gal, communicating via email with his kid in Southern Tuscany. These two songs for her birthday are the best food for her soul, to keep her rockin’n’rolling!

Recorded with a phone on a barrel at Alvaro’s farm, after a nice day focused on rural development. For more information: micalosapevo@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228

The Geotour from Tatti (Souther Tuscany) to Roccatederighi (Souther Tuscany) via Politecnico di Milano: how did it go?

Very well.

Please just scan the News section of our site between November 2021 and January 2022 to get a feel for it.

In November 2021 we also initially created a specific tag for this tour, but we realize now that following it, you would not fully appreciate the story. In any case, if you really need for specific purposes to “isolate” the Dec. 2021 Geotour material from the rest, please click here: http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere/tag/methillsmilan2021/

If you have one hour of time, we strongly encourage you to read (in English) or listen to (in Italian) this performance+interview, which was the highlight of the tour: http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere/the-rosetta-stone-style-transcript-of-the-live-motel-show-dec-17-2021/

For more information or booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org

The “Rosetta Stone”-style transcript of the Live Motel show (Dec. 17, 2021)

Before an annual report of our 2021 activities, we are pleased to offer you a “rosetta stone”-style transcript of the show which was streamed on Deejay Fox Radio on Dec. 17, 2021. You will find the text in Italian and English, as well as links to specific points of the show. This document is available also on ResearchGate.net (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36600.98563).

For more information and booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228

Il contadino magro @ Torniella, Dec. 30, 2021


In chiusura dell’evento per m(‘)appare la Val di Farma (vedi link di presentazione). Ringraziamo ancora la Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella, il circolo ARCI di Torniella, l’associazione Filarmonica Popolare di Torniella, il Boscaiolo Ristorante e Camere, gli amici che ci hanno aiutato a far funzionare l’iniziativa nonostate tante complessità, e il Comune di Roccastrada per il patrocinio.

Com’è andata? A parte la possibilità di non cancellare l’evento (cosa già di per sé non banale), possiamo dare qualche indicazione sul pubblico.

Oltre ai presenti in sala, che si contavano sulle dita di una mano, centellinato date le misure anti COVID, abbiamo avuto una decina di persone collegate via streaming, fra cui paesani che non potevano uscire di casa per questioni di isolamento, fan da Milano e altre zone della Toscana), oltre all’effetto “filodiffusione” negli altri locali del circolo e nella parte di piazza antistante allo stesso.

Se la storia vi piace, potete lasciare qualcosa nel nostro cappello digitale. Per altre informazioni e booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org oppure whatsapp 3317539228

l contadino magro sta osservando il cielo, il cielo sputa acqua sporca sul contadino magro
Ama la terra più di qualsiasi donna
Protegge il suo gallo, come fosse un figlio…
Si sente al sicuro come un cane da guardia la notte
Detesta i parenti che festeggiano già la sua morte
Il contadino di alza dal letto di scatto, prepara il fuoco con tutto il denaro raccolto
All’improvviso il denaro inizia a bruciare, il contadino contento ritorna a dormire (il contadino contento ritorna a dormire)


I parenti piangono intorno al fuoco, ma alle loro spalle un cane sta abbaiando al contadino magro, che non si muove, non ride, non sente, non vede, non parla
Ma ha lasciato scritto di essere sepolto nella sua stalla…
Senza rose e fiori, né foto a colori, poesie di famiglia
Insieme al suo cane coperto da piume di gallo
Così dov’è andata la sua anima l’hanno bruciata
Adesso è solo, è solo nel vento con il suo denaro
Lontano dal cane, lontano dalla terra, e dal suo gallo
Lontano dalla terra, lontano dal suo cane e dal suo gallooooooo