Mauro Tirannosauro appointed as a Supervisor for Olive harvesting

Last saturday we left Mauro Tirannosauro at the beginning if his olive picking job in Valdera, South of Pisa (please see this photo if you missed it). Mauro was embedded in the Palaiola Crew, a British-Italian collective for the diffusion of beat music in Tuscany. In just 24 hours, our T-rex friend got acquainted with the team, plus he promptly gained the summit of the org chart, taking up the role of COPO (Chief Olive-Picking Officer), as documented by this photo opportunity.

To have Mauro Tirannosauro as a supervisor (or to benefit from other services that he proposes, as explained in this page), please write to or contact +393317539228 via Whatsapp.

Mauro Tirannosauro harvesting some Olives

He’s back…after over a year in the background (albeit very busy at work), Mauro Tirannosauro showed up at dawn this morning to join the “Palaiola Crew” in some olive harvesting in Valdera, Tuscany.

During a coffee break, we asked him about his upcoming plans. Due to business confidentiality terms with the producers of his new movie he could not give us any details, but he said “it’s going to be a ball”

For more information and booking (or if you need him to come and harvest some olives): or whatsapp +393317539228

Rock a Milano, Blues alla Rocca. Live @ Altrimondi, Follonica (Tuscany), Oct. 23, 2021.

After the version produced in lockdown mode in April 2020 (see link), we finally managed to document a live version of one of the cornerstones of the “ conce[r|p]t” project by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere.

Please note that the April 2020 version also has English subtitles for the lyrics.

Oct. 23, 2021 – Live @ Altrimondi, Follonica, feat. Klaus der Geiger

The event was “hyper-documented”, with a recording of all the set, plus additional photos and videos. To date we have not managed to re-arrange everything, but you can check out these three clips:

Some of our original songs have been filmed by the french director Jean-Baptiste de Brabander, and will be part of a documentary (see this article).

Klaus “der Geyser” at the Biancane Park (Oct. 21, 2021)

During the survey by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger at the Biancane Park, between Monterotondo and Sasso Pisano (Souther Tuscany), we have proposed him to improvise some music to be performed as Klaus “der Geyser”, after seeing the “Autobus 37” video by Etruschi from Lakota, shot in the same location almost ten years ago (for those who are not aware about it, two of the components of Etruschi from Lakota, Dario Canal and Simone Sandrucci, are two of the founders of the JBCM project).

Info & booking: or Whatsapp +393317539228