Aug. 20, 2023: Double “mapperitivo” in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany

In the intertwining of music and territorial issues proposed by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, there is a component which in Milano, Brussels, or at the MIT in Boston would be called “co-design”, leading to systematically connecting the situations we relate to in different ways, starting from characters around us.

Two of the seven speciments of short-haired Vizslas known to live in Italy.

In the melting pot represented by the Brezel Tour with the palla a 21/palla eh! Summer tournaments, with the new moon phase allowing to take night sky quality measurements, with the appreciation of the very low number of short-haired Vizslas currently living in Italy, and the spicy olive oil made by Aunt Eda, we have defined a “double mapperitivo” for Sunday, Aug. 20, in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany.

  • From 11:30Am to 1PM we will be at Bar Vineria La Combriccola in Torniella.
  • From 4.30PM to the end of the tournaments we will be in Piloni, right next to the Palla a 21 games.

Jack O’Malley and some friends of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere will be present. Depending on the musical potential of the participants, there might be some notes in the air. Last but not least, we will have some bottles of Tre Cani Rossi 2022, a very good Sangiovese+Canaiolo blend produced by I Cipressi in Capannoli, a lesser known wine from a part of Tuscany which is currently emerging as a location for wine production (the Upper Valdera, close to Pisa).

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

A snapshot from the August 11 mapperitivo in Torniella, Tuscany

Aug. 19, 2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere in (bio)dynamic duo version @ Aspettando Circolare, Magliano in Toscana (Tuscany)

The Brezel Tour continues on Saturday, August 19, bringing some of our “music and territory” combo in Magliano in Toscana, Southern Tuscany. At 6.30PM we will be with one of our duo line-ups, featuring Wolfgang Scheibe (one-string bass and agriculture) and Jack O’Malley (guitar, vocals, and environmental engineering) to provide a geomusical opening to the presentation of the CIRCOLARE community regeneration project. CIRCOLARE is an acronym for CIcloturismo per Rigenerare la COmunità Locale & Agricoltura REsponsabile.

This is a project structured into advanced systems for sustainable mobility out of the high tourist season. These systems are intertwined into community regeneration activities involving both local residents and tourists. The initial area of interest of the project covers the territories of Scansano, Magliano, Manciano, and Roccalbegna. The event is part of the Vinellando 2023 program.

Per altre informazioni e booking: oppure whatsapp 3317539228

Aug. 15, 2023 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ La Dispensa, Pomarance (Pisa), with the (Bio)dynamic Duo Lineup, feat. Special Guest from Germany

A new event in the 2023 Brezel Tour, featuring a special line-up. In Pomarance you will find Wolfgang Scheibe and Jack O’Malley from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, in what we call the “(bio)dynamic duo” formation, with a special guest: Crissi Mosselmann from Dizzy Bee, who just returned from their USA tour. We recently had the possibility of jamming with him during the German section of the Brezel tour (e.g. “I’m walkin'” at Krone on July 6, or this power funk tune from Dizzy Bee to get acquainted with Crissi’s energy). See you soon!

Doktor Scheibe

Talking about nutrition…Also available in a slow swing version. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Dottore non mi sento molto bene, sarà da un giorno oppure forse tre
lo stomaco è preso in catene, faccio fatica a digerire un tè

amico mio, mi parli della sua alimentazione
quello che mangia, a pranzo, cena e pure a colazione

se mette tutto in fila qualcosa di sospetto apparirà

Dottore sa che forse lei ha ragione, non mangio bene ed è la verità
io son frutto di una generazione, che del cibo non vede la qualità
lei va al mercato, è sempre a cercare l’occasione
ma con l’offerta oltre al risparmio c’è l’indigestione

e quel che avanza lo reinveste in medicine in farmacia

Dottore a questo punto l’ho capito, non lo prometto ma ci proverò
con l’orto il sale il pane e il grano antico, un modo per cambiare io ce l’ho

quel che le manca è fare il primo passo per uscire
da quel sistema che ha contribuito a costruire

via butti i piatti pronti, cominci a zappare e si vedrà
Doctor, I’m not feeling too’s been one day, may be three
My stomach feels in chains, I can hardly digest tea

Dear friend, why don’t you tell me about you what your diet
What you eat, for lunch, dinner, and breakfast
if you connect the dots something suspicious is bound to show up

Doctor, you know, maybe you are right, I don’t eat well, and that’s the truth
I am the child of a generation that does not care about food quality
You go to the market, always looking for the deal
with the the offer, together with the discount you get and indigestion
and whatever you save is spent at the pharmacy

Doctor, at this point I got it, I don’t promise, but I will try
With a garden, some salt and the ancient wheat, I do have a way to change

What you are missing, is the first step to get out
from the system that you contributed to build
come on, trash the take-away food, start digging, and we will see

The Brezel Tour in Germany: wrapping it up

After providing daily highlights during the mission, as a wrap-up we prefer to just add a few snapshots, together with the acknowledgements to those who made the tour possible: Huober Brezel, Alt Krone Hoheneck, Waldheim Backnang bei Vesna and the bowling friends, Tatti Stay and See, Format D, Azienda San Lorenzo, Sorgman X and our supporters with the Brezel Tour T-shirts.

We have recorded all of the events and we have extracted a few videos…if you go through the “News” section of our site, it’s all there.

If you are in Southern Tuscany, also please note the next gig for the 2023 Brezel Tour 2023: Saturday July 15 in Monterotondo Marittimo at the Eretico Festival. We will be on stage from 3.40PM to 4.10PM (but you should come earlier and leave later, so you can check out also the other acts).

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Brezel Tour: Day 6 Highlights + Maremma Amara

  • The letter for the sixth day of the tour was L, as in linoleum
  • 9.30AM departure from the Erdmannhausen basecamp at Huober Brezel
  • 2.10PM arrival at the Format D headquartes in Munich
  • 2.20PM a fine home-made slice of cake with a revitalizing cofee, and an embedded presentation on Maremma and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere project, by Wolfgang and Jack O’Malley
  • 3.32 customized “office concert”
  • ore 16.10 farewell and exchange of institutional tokens
  • 1AM-2.30AM-3.26AM (on July 11) touchdown at the JBCM destinations (Pisa, Massa Marittima, Tatti)

To reconnect to the Tuscan setting, the last song from the afternoon presentation…an overall summary of the mission will follow sometime during the week. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Brezel Tour: Day 5 Highlights

  • The word of the day for July 9 was “Evaporation”
  • 9.31 AM debriefing breakfast with friends from Huober Brezel, after the big party from the day before
  • 12.10PM departure for Stuttgart
  • 3.03PM things start rolling at TATTI STAY AND SEE, in a Lazy Sunday Afternoon atmosphere, and various Tuscany-related explanations
  • 4.30PM end of the performance, followed, in addition to the usual urban dwellers, by a significant delegation of farmers from the surroundings. Several of them are Wolfgang’s friends and ex-colleagues
  • 5PM the team decides to slightly defer the street music session to a later moment in the afternoon, just to have a bit of a cooler temperature…
  • 7PM …the cooler temperature does not really arrive. The team decides to postpone the session to a future date, and returns to the base camp to prepare for the return trip.
  • As a video for today…a time machine back to 2019, always at TATTI STAY AND SEE

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228