An elaboration on one of the possible futures for our food, developed by Jack O’Malley and Mauro Tirannosauro. This was initially done following Norwegian Wood by the fundamental Beatles, but the lyrics can be adapted to a different melody (if you have any suggestions please write to
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I once had a steak, or -should I say- I once had three | Una volta mi mangiai una bistecca, no anzi tre |
then, more meat and egg – all of this food, no vegan would | Poi ancora carne e uova, tutto questo cibo, nessun vegano lo mangerebbe |
I asked to my butcher please tell me what’s happening there | Chiesi al mio macellaio “ma mi dici cosa succede” |
he told me “the business has stopped / and I’m growing my hair” | mi disse “gli affari non vanno più, e mi sto facendo crescere i capelli” |
we spent lots of time, remembering grills, drinking our wine | Passammo un sacco di tempo a ripensare alle grigliate, e a bere vino |
when I began to starve, he gave me a jar, it was full of larvae | Quando mi venne un po’ fame mi diede un barattolo, era pieno di larve |
I said my dear friend did these long hair work into your mind | Gli dissi “amico mio, non è che questi capelli ti sono cresciuti nel cervello?” |
you’re selling me insects while once you were giving me rind | “mi stai vendendo insetti mentre una volta mi davi la cotenna!” |
why don’t you just try, this here’s a cricket and this is a fly | Ma perché non provi, questo è un grillo e questo una mosca |
guys, it took me some time / but then I got used / and I’m still drinking wine | Ragazzi, ci è volut0 un po’, ma poi mi sono abituato, e comunque il vino lo bevo ancora |
In the header image, Mauro Tirannosauro, looking for inspiration for his next recipe.