One year in pictures with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

This is a photo summary of some of the “concerpts” that we did with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere between October 2021 and October 2022. We started with the mini-tour in the Metalliferous Hills with Klaus der Geiger…then Milano, Mezzolombardo (Trento), Groningen (The Netherlands), Cassine (Piedmont), Florence, and various other Tuscan localities, with over 20 events and many more things happening in the background. If you are curious, you can check it all on this blog. For more information and booking: o whatsapp 3317539228.

The photos are an excerpt from around 6500 shots taken by Jack O’Malley in this period, so you don’t see him often. Soundtrack: part of the “Tatti Twist” performed at Pineta Beach in Marina di Grosseto, July 10, 2022.