Save the date: May 21, Storytelling on palla a 21 + ball construction workshop

We are very pleased to announce the lunch on Saturday May 21 at Altrimondi, in Follonica. Here we have been hosted since 2019 in various configurations, and the event taking place in nineteen days will be the combination of many stories. All of these originated around a bar table on January 4, 2007, in Torniella, a small village in Southern Tuscany, and from there they have been bouncing between Chicago, Ribolla, Verona, San Francisco, Mantova, Lari, Milano….and more places.

The detailed program of the event will be published within a few days. In the meantime please start saving the date and the time: Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 1PM. For more information: or whatsapp +393317539228.

P.S. palla a 21 or palla eh!