Tag Archives: maurotrex

The Mauro Tapes 1. Crickets, not at the Crossroads (Willin’ Cover)

Jack O’Malley, featuring Mauro Tirannosauro on ultrasonic backing vocals, in a back-facing cover of Willin’ by Little Feat, looking South.

Making sense of the reference to crickets implies either a deep knowledge of places around Tatti, Southern Tuscany, where this video was shot, o sending a mail to micalosapevo@pibinko.org to inquire.

I been warped by the rain
Driven by the snow
I’m drunk and dirty, don’t you know
And I’m still… willin’

And I was out on the road late at night
I seen my pretty Alice in every headlight
Alice, Dallas Alice

I’ve been from Tucson to Tucumcari
Tehachapi to Tonapah
Driven every kind of rig that’s ever been made
Driven the back roads
So I wouldn’t get weighed
And if you give me weed, whites, and wine
And you show me a sign
I’ll be willin’… to be movin’

Well, I’ve been kicked by the wind
Robbed by the sleet
Had my head stoved in
But I’m still on my feet
And I’m still… willin’

I smuggled some smokes
And folks from Mexico
Baked by the sun
Every time I go to Mexico
And I’m still…

And I been from Tucson to Tucumcari
Tehachapi to Tonapah
Driven every kind of rig that’s ever been made
Driven the back roads
So I wouldn’t get weighed
And if you give me weed, whites, and wine
And you show me a sign
I’ll be willin’… to be movin’

Mauro Tirannosauro before and after the “Maremma rèlli

To watch a total-adrenaline video of the special “Maremma rèlli” between Tatti and Roccatederighi, that led Mauro T. to go head over fee, you can check out this article. Vin Diesel could not stand all of it, and left the theatre as he was too impressed. Jason Statham, with all his “transporter” experience, did a bit better, but still he closed his eyes on some of the turns.

Mauro before the special Maremma rèlli trial
Mauro after the speciale rèlli trial


TBT TBM. Yet another variation on the #iorestoacasa tag, turning “resto” (I stay) in “cesto” (basket).

Mauro Tirannosauro sta cercando di convergere nella sua interpretazione delle regole per la fase bue. Ha aperto una mailing list che si chiama celafarmo@siamonoi.gro. Però, in quanto sauro di origini newyorkesi, non capisce bene l’italiano. Inizialmente aveva inteso #IorestoaCosa, vicino all’Argentario, in Toscana. Poi ha rettificato in #IorestoaBosa, scendendo da Macomer, in Sardegna. Ha infine chiarito che si trattava di casa, e quindi è tornato a casa, a Tatti (GR), e ha cercato un cesto in cui stare. Sotto una foto di repertorio.

Sullo sfondo, parte dei set usati per i video in cui Mauro T. canta: I have some rocks feat. Simone Sandrucci per la Litologia Partecipativa e Vedere la Via Lattea di giorno feat Liliana Cafiero per la buiometria partecipativa.

Per spiegare a Mauro T. cosa dovrebbe fare nella fase bue, scrivete a maurotrex@pibinko.org


Mauro T. attends his first European citizen science teleconference

Mauro Tirannosauro, in his capacity as member of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, attended together with Andrea Giacomelli a teleconference of the “Empowerment, Inclusiveness, and Equity” working group of the European Citizen Science Association.

Mauro gave a productive input to the teleconference, and invited everybody to the Participatory Lithology prototype closing event, planned for mid-May.

A moment of the ECSA-EIE WG teleconference on Apr. 30, 2020

Beer-reviewed papers

Mauro, for several thousands of years, has been a lecturer at the University of Watnotz, in Bohland. He was in the Department of Whatsthebuzzology. While he eventually decided not to pursue an academic career, Mauro still regularly receives requests to provide comments on scientific articles as a peer reviewer.

What many chief editors do not know is that in T-Rex language, on even days when not cloudy, P sounds like B. So…Mauro has at this point a series of papers which have been beer reviewed, and others actually peer reviewed. Here we see him at work on one of these articles. The text is pixelized for obvious non-disclosure reasons, but a link to the article is available here.

If you would like to engage Mauro as a beer reviewer for your work, please write to maurotrex@pibinko.org.

Seeing the Milky Way by Day (Mauro Tirannosauro feat. Liliana Cafiero)

With the unexpected success of Mauro Tirannosauro‘s debut in the Jug Band Colline Metallifere and his track about Participatory Lithology, the cousins from BuioMetria did not waste their time. They called up Mauro in the middle of the night, and worked on more geolyrics.

Inspired by a relatively famous ballad by a relatively famous Irish band, the song follows the story of this project started in 2008 in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany, for the protection and promotion of night sky quality, and leaves us with some outlook. Mauro T. ‘s duet with Liliana Cafiero (starring in the geojazz tune on Participatory Lithology, issued a few days ago) opens the floor to more collaborations among the entertainers active on this project, and potential new entries in the story.

  • To learn more about BuioMetria Partecipativa, please visit the official project page. For more information and booking, please write to bmp@pibinko.org.
  • If you will like the video, you can leave something in the Jug Band Colline Metallifere’s digital hat, and we will be grateful.