Tag Archives: maurotrex

Should you meet a T-Rex in Tatti, Southern Tuscany

…we know, the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills, llike other rural areas, are often the setting for sighting and exotic findings. Who could ever forget about the 2011 panther, the 2007 UFO near Roccatederighi, or -going further back- the Accesa Lake crocodile? [1].

Anyhow, should you be passing around Tatti, in the Massa Marittima area (Southern Tuscany), and you cross a T-Rex, do not be concerned. No need to call the wildlife service, or the guys from the prehistoric theme park in Valpiana, He did not escape, nor did he come to bother. On the contrary: he is here to collaborate on the Participatory Lithology project, given his experience since the Cretaceous. His name is Mauro.

Following his performance on a tune explaining the story of this project and of Uncle Enzo’s stones, he thought he should give a proper introduction of himself. He sent us a file which we translated from Tyrannosaurese into English (and Italian), and published on this page.

You may also contact Mauro by e-mail: maurotrex@pibinko.org

Mauro, on a short “proximity pause”, contemplating the Bruna plain.

[1] In fact, the most incredibly strange sighting remembered in the pibinko.org network goes back to the Seventies. A local newspaper wrote that in the lower Cornia Valley a giant toad was lurking in the crops. Possibly it became so big due to a diet warped by old-school fertilizers. Should anybody remember about this piece of news, or has documentation about similar episoded, please write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org.

Mauro the T-Rex is watching The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies

Maybe on a rainy day blues, Mauro decided to take a break from his work on Participatory Lithology.

First he spent some time in roulette mode with ideas from the pibinko.org network. Then he found the online version of The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies (2007), where he is also co-starring…you can see him around minute 15. With parental control, please 😉


Mauro Tirannosauro reading an article on salamanders on Il Tirreno

Mauro Tirannosauro, one of the folks from the core team of the Participatory Lithology project is concentrated reading an article concerning some potential relations of his. This is after he went through word by word on the article on the left, which actually talks about him and his colleagues.. .you can find the full article, in Italian on this page (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, March 27, 2020).

…and all with a good glass of wine and a fancy soundtrack at the end of a long day classifying stones.

Mauro Tirannosauro beholding collection “C”

Mauro Tirannosauro, the T. Rex who recently joined the participatory lithology project, after completing the photo shoot for collection “C”.

  • For a close-up of each sample, click here (this will switch you to the Italian version of the site, but there will be a lot of pictures anyway!).
  • For more information on the project, which you may join as collectors, classifiers, entertainers, or sponsors, please review PELP general presentation, write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org or contact +393317539228.

We are waiting for the next update by Mauro!

Mauro wants to join Participatory Lithology

Somehow the first announcement of the participatory lithology reached “Mauro il tirannosauro” (Mauro the T. Rex). Mauro proposed himself as mascot for the Participatory Lithology project, sending a portfolio which leaves no doubts on his performing potential:

Mauro contemplating part of “collection A”
A close up of Mauro in his garden with one of the samples. Mauro: the part is yours!

We will get to see Mauro soon in action.

To be part of our “little participatory lithology exercise”, as collectors, classifiers, entertainers, or sponsors, please visit the project web page to check what this is about, and then write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org.

Brano raccomandato: Bring it on dei T. Rex