Tag Archives: maurovideo-en

Seeing the Milky Way by Day (Mauro Tirannosauro feat. Liliana Cafiero)

With the unexpected success of Mauro Tirannosauro‘s debut in the Jug Band Colline Metallifere and his track about Participatory Lithology, the cousins from BuioMetria did not waste their time. They called up Mauro in the middle of the night, and worked on more geolyrics.

Inspired by a relatively famous ballad by a relatively famous Irish band, the song follows the story of this project started in 2008 in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany, for the protection and promotion of night sky quality, and leaves us with some outlook. Mauro T. ‘s duet with Liliana Cafiero (starring in the geojazz tune on Participatory Lithology, issued a few days ago) opens the floor to more collaborations among the entertainers active on this project, and potential new entries in the story.

  • To learn more about BuioMetria Partecipativa, please visit the official project page. For more information and booking, please write to bmp@pibinko.org.
  • If you will like the video, you can leave something in the Jug Band Colline Metallifere’s digital hat, and we will be grateful.