An evening to think about light, sipping a glass of wine, “between stars and stables”
By, the mapp(ear)ing association
Download the flyer, in Italian, in PDF format (480 Kb)

In Italian there is an expression…at times we say of something or someone going “dalle stelle alle stalle” (from stars to stables), referring to a case which gets worse, or “dalle stalle alle stelle” (from stables to stars) when things get incredibly better.
The subtitle for this evening is not easily translated into English, nevertheless, for this evening we made an exercise in considering the relationship between the possibility of observing stars and stables, which increases when you move from the city to rural areas.
This will trigger further thoughts on the sens of artificial light at night.
Join us on Thursday, July 30, from 10PM to midnight at the LO-FI club in Milano, Italy (via dei Pestagalli, close to the Rogoredo train station).
LO-FI Milano is more known to music fans in Italy for garage, punk, rock and metal gigs. In the July 30 evening the soundtrack will not be neglected, with a dedicated soft playlist by DJ Elyoh and Omonimo, but the core of the event will be in the images and in the experience:
- photos from Southern Tuscany (one of the three areas in with the least level of light pollution in Italy), and from other parts of the globe
- demonstrations of night sky quality monitoring (aka buiometria partecipativa, in Italy)
- ligh pollution simulators
- food and wine from Southern Tuscany, one of the three hundred and fiftyseven areas in Italy with excellent stuff to taste (the products will be shipped just before the event, by the organizers)
- various folks which for years have been dedicated to mapp(ear)ing
To keep people awake during the presentation of many night scenes, we will propose a game. The winner will get some tasty product from Southern Tuscany, and maybe a LED lamp with the “right” color temperature.
The event is managed by with the LO-FI club., in addition to promoting since 2008 the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, is since 2013 one of the contact points in Italy for the Loss of the Night Network. This has engaged around 38 organizations (in 16 countries), all committed to research, technology transfer, and dissemination on the topic of artificial light at night.
Entrance is for ARCI members (you can easily get a membership card in any ARCI club in Italy, including the LO-FI itself, prior to the event). Admittance is free, and you may donate any amount to support the 2015 operations
For more information: Andrea Giacomelli –