Mapping the affiliation of INSPIRE Annex 2 and 3 Data Specification experts

Between 2010 and 2012 about 200 experts from all over Europe provided their input to the definition of data specifications for the so called Annexes 2 and 3 of the INSPIRE Directive.

The experts were divided in 19 groups, each referred to a theme (protected areas, atmospheric conditions, utilities, and so forth).

Having worked as the facilitator for one of these teams, namely for the “Production and Industrial Facilities” group, I attended various meetings with many of these experts, and many others I was in touch with remotely, but it was difficult to know all of them.

I have always been curious of a snapshot on the origin of these experts, and I eventually decided to map it.


The data:

  • Germany 25
  • United Kingdom 20
  • Spain 20
  • France 14
  • The Netherlands 12
  • Norway 11
  • Italy 10
  • European Commission 9
  • Belgium 8
  • Sweden 7
  • Poland 6
  • Finland 5
  • Hungary 5
  • Austria 3
  • Czech Republic 2
  • Slovakia 1
  • Latvia 1
  • Romania 1
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina 1
  • Macedonia 1
  • Greece 1
  • Turkey 1




  • The count by country is not made on the nationality of the person, but on the country where this person was working. For experts affiliated to European Commission offices, or other EU bodies, I displayed a dot on Luxembourg (in green to highlight that it is to be treated differently from others)
  • The presence of an expert in the list is not representative to the actual contribution to the overall process
  • The map was derived from, with the addition of Heinrich Geerling (Production and Industrial Facilities). Also, during the whole data specification period the list was in fact dynamic: some of the experts initially defined left their position and were replaced. The snapshot may still be considered quite representative.

For comments and amendments: