A memorandum of understanding was signed by the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Biometeorology and Attivarti.org.
This act creates a liaison between a research organization and a small NGO active in outreach activities providing a formal setting for the joint initiatives that these two subjects have been conducting for over three years, starting from the work undertaken within the “Loss of the Night Network” on artificial light at night.
Among the outcomes of this collaboration to date, we can mention the experimental campaign undertaken in March 2015 between the Farma Valley and the CNR Campus in Florence(cfr. blog di Attivarti.org) and the aticle for the International Journal of Sustainable Lighting published in February 2017.
The Loss of the Night Network project ended in October 2016, but Attivarti.org and CNR IBIMET saw the interest in continuing some form of coordinated activitiy, focusing on two topics. The firs is research, outreach, and technology transfer on artificial light at night and light pollution. The second is about experimental campaigns, especially conducted in citizen science mode.
Both these lines of activity fall in a path which was started nine years ago by the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, which is gradually consolidating and receiving increasing attention not only in the research field, but also by other public and private organizations. The points of contact for the activities are Luciano Massetti for CNR IBIMET and Andrea Giacomelli for Attivarti.org.
The CNR Institute of Biometeorologystituto di Biometeorologia was founded in 1970, and has grown in the years researching numerous topics on agrigulture and environment. Its headquarters are in Florence, and it has other offices in, Bologna, Sassari and Roma.
Attivarti.org was founded in 2011 by a small team of interdisciplinary experts who were collaborating since 2006, to deal with NGO aspects of promotion and protection of lesser known assets in the areas of culture, environment, and open innovation with a strong participatory component. The base of the association is in Torniella, a hamlet in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany, but the team operates internationally.
For more information: info@attivarti.org o l.massetti@ibimet.cnr.it