This is the gateway to the “metà-verse”. It started in February 2022 with this introductory video, while below that you can read some of the stories which are developing in this space.
- Ixtlan Agricamping in Tatti (Southern Tuscany) reopening on April 15
- Apr. 1, 2025 – Alessandro “Asso” Stefana in Tatti (Southern Tuscany)
- Bandabardò – Fandango – European Tour 2025
- The Little Fable Workshop where Printing Challenges Time (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto Mar. 15, 2025)
- March 16, 2025: Open Doors at Tattistampa, Southern Tuscany, for the International Art Print Day
- Mar. 19, Seminar on Light Pollution Monitoring by Martin Aubé, Pisa, Italy
- Ape with Olives (Tattistampa #37)
- Feb. 24, 2025 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere and Tattistampa @ Rumori d’Arte (Radio Base Venezia)
- Feb. 24, 2025 – Rumori d’Arte featuring Jug Band Colline Metallifere
- Ape with Carrot (Tattistampa #10)
- New Tattistampa Release: the Moka-Ape!
- Ape with Black Grapes (Tattistampa #48)
- Tattistampa Feb. 25 Promo
- Ape with Fish (Tattistampa #3)
- Ape with Guitar (Tattistampa #21)
- Ape with White Wine Bottle (Tattistampa #67)
- “Palla” class in Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany
- Ten years after “Non ci resta che ridere” by Etruschi from Lakota
- A sad farewell by Tattistampa to Ape
- Kickstarter for “Le Avventure di Tango Rio”
- Oct. 26, 2024 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Festa della Castagna 2.0 – Sassofortino (Southern Tuscany)
- Dario Canal, Gabriele Bernabò – In cerca di te- Cover (video)
- Photo report by Sebastian on the June 15 gig @ Vits Cafe, Munich (Germany)
- Aug. 4, 2024 – Voci e ritmo nella piazza più bella. Ospite la cantautrice Damico (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
- What were they looking at?
- Palla a 21 in Sassetta: how did it go?
- Sep. 8, 2024 – Tre Cani Rossi at the 62nd Bird Festival in Capannoli (Pisa)
- Sep. 7, 2024 – Borghi show: Donzelle, peposo, notti bianche e fuochi d’artificio (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
- Sep. 7 and 8, 2024: 1st Palla eh/Palla a 21 “Six Hamlets Tournament”
- Aug. 22, 2024 Jug Band Colline Metallifere feat. Crissi @ Circolarte Tatti (Southern Tuscany)
- Aug 9, 2024: pibinko @ Poveri Ma Belli about Palla 21
- Waiting for the Stars in Torniella feat. Giulia Damico – How did it go?
- Aug. 4, 2024 Voices and Music Waiting for the Stars in Torniella (Southern Tuscany), feat. Giulia Damico
- The 2024 Palla eh!/palla a 21 Tournaments are on!
- Jul. 10, 2024 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Pomarance in Piazza
- Jul. 14, 2024 – Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany). 1st Palla Eh! Junior Campus
- Giacomelli parla della qualità del cielo notturno. Foto di Giussani e visita alla mostra di Pascucci (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, July 6, 2024)
- July 7, 2024 6PM. Night Sky Quality and Land Quality at the Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi, Saturnia (Southern Tuscany)
- The Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour: how did it go?
- June 25, 2024 – Gran(i)Tour in Beuerlbach, with a visit to grain experiments + Jug Band Colline Metallifere live
- June 25, 2024 Blues und Rock aus Toskana (Hohenloher Tagblatt)
- Simple hikes around Tatti (Southern Tuscany)
- The Forestano Session EP is out, to warm up before the Gran(i)Tour
- The recording of the #221 show featuring the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (May 21, 2024)
- Maremma in Diretta on Palla a 21/palla eh! – the recording (May 27, 2024)
- Wolfgang’s Wheat as of May 23, 2024
- May 21, 2024: The Jug Band Colline Metallifere on TV9
- Apr. 29, 2024 – The Gran(i)Tour featured by “Poveri ma Belli” (Radio Popolare Milano)
- Wolfgang’s Wheat as of April 26, 2024
- Order now your Gran(i)Tour 2024 T-shirt!
- Ixtlan Agricamping in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, is open and waiting for you!
- Apr. 19, 2024 – The recording of the Maremma in Diretta Interview about pibinko and Music (special guests: The Newton Brothers)
- In Selvena, Southern Tuscany, a Meeting of the Estover Administrations after Twenty Years
- The Gran(i)Tour T-shirt pre-orders are open
- ASBUC Tatti renovates the fence in Via Matteotti
- What Wheat will we Display with the Gran(i)Tour?
- The Gran(i)Tour is advertised by the Institute of Italian Culture in Stuttgart
- You live in the city…
- Alone, in a Group, or with your Horse: so the Twist becomes Joy without Borders (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- A representative from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA Conference in Vienna: How did it go?
- Tatti Twist / Jug Band Colline Metallifere
- Tatti Twist – Jug Band Colline Metallifere – Teaser # 2
- Centrocolor
- June 16, 2024 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere live in Tennental with the Gran(i)Tour
- Gran(i)Tour 2024: The Interactive Map
- Tatti Twist – Jug Band Colline Metallifere – Teaser #1
- The Tattistampa Art Print Day: how did it go?
- Wolfgang is waiting for you for the International Day of Art Printing (Mar. 17, 2024)
- The Recording of Maremma in Diretta, ep. 799, with Open Data as Seen by the Network
- Interviews and People Talking
- Community Place Names
- A Video by CNR IBE Featuring a “BuioMetro” in the Svalbard Islands
- Also Castelfiorentino is in the Heart of Tuscany
- To Friends in Bayern and Baden-Württemberg (and surroundings)…
- Gran(i)Tour 2024
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map now embeds also readings by Unihedron
- Here we go with the “In the Heart of Tuscany” survey!
- Who Rules the Waves? (2010)
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map now includes the CNR IBE Research Network
- Open Data Day 2024: Merging the network Community Maps
- Cat Training Site along the Citta Brusca Trail
- Visit Leghorn (map)
- Mauro Tirannosauro and Jennifer the Verona Reindeer doing their Press Review
- The Other Sedicidagosto Festival (documentary)
- Mauro Tirannosauro making Circles with a Compass
- Feb. 16, 2024 – Lessons in BuioMetria Partecipativa (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- The new Participatory Night Sky Quality Monitoring Map
- The Recording of the Maremma in Diretta streaming
- Expat Services
- The Network will collaborate with the AquaPLAN Project
- Feb. 6, 2024 – L’Aperitivo parla Inglese – Jack O’Malley talking about Comics (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
- A “palla 21” ball is on its way to Colorado (USA)
- Video Store in via Paolo Sarpi, Milan, Italy
- TATTISTAMPA will be Part of the 2024 Hand-Made Printing Day (Mar. 17, 2024)
- “No Borders” M’illumino di Meno, together with BuioMetria Partecipativa. Not just night sky quality monitoring.
- Feb. 6, 2024, 6PM: Andrea Giacomelli at “L’aperitivo parla inglese” @ Loft, Grosseto, Tuscany
- Brando and his Mistress’ Voice (Jan 24, 2022)
- 2024-01-17 The Network at “La Maremma in Diretta”
- BuioMetria Partecipativa will be in M’illumino di Meno 2024. Do you want to be with us?
- The network (and a delegation from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere) will be at the 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference in Vienna
- A Summary of the First Italian Survey of Hand-made Crochet Hook Christmas Trees
- 2024-01-12 Twist Galore (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition)
- Jan. 20, 2024 – Roccalbegna (Tuscany) – Project Presentation feat. Jack O’Malley with music & territory
- Dance casting for the next Jug Band Colline Metallifere video (deadline: Feb. 9, 2024)
- Countries from which Network stories have been followed in 2023
- Naples 2019: Going Back
- If you like the Network Stories…
- The Network + Jug Band Colline Metallifere’year in Review (photo version)
- Winter Fest
- 2023-12-28 Christmas Trees? With Crochet Hook (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition)
- Roosters singing by the Emilia State Road entering Milano (Dec. 24, 2023)
- 1st National Survey of Hand-made Crochet-hook Christmas Trees
- A Year in Review with the Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere
- Colline Metallifere “Jug Trading”
- 2023-12-17 Scansano: Light Pollution and Sensors (Il Tirreno GR-LI)
- 2023-12-17 When TeleRibolla was On Air (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition)
- Jack O’Malley and Jennifer the Reindeer at Roberto Serragli’s Carpenter Shop in Scalvaia (Siena)
- 2023-12-15 The Travelling Return of the Winter Fest: between Notes and Social Aspects (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition)
- 2023-12-13 Jug Band Festival. A Prologue in Follonica (Il Tirreno GR-LI)
- Dec. 13-21, 2023: The Fourth Jug Band Colline Metallifere Winter Fest
- Metà-verse
- Fog from Valdera under Montecatini Val di Cecina (Pisa) – Dec. 7, 2023
- Mauro Tirannosauro and pibinko talk about Olive Oil 4 Food @ Poveri Ma Belli (Radio Show)
- 2023-11-25 Talking about Olive Oil (and Tasting it) with the Jug Band (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- A Quiz for Astronomers and Stargazers (BMMPOD #346)
- Tony from Viterbo
- At last, we have an “Arretration” Manager
- 2023-10-30 Jug Band delle Colline Metallifere: Jack is on a Mission at Radio Popolare (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
- 2023-10-30 pibinko Talks about Olive Oil @ Poveri ma Belli (Radio Popolare Milano)
- 2023-10-26 Jug Band, Dialogues about Territories and Music (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition)
- network + Jug Band Colline Metallifere: a presentation as of Oct. 2023
- 2023-10-17: Adding Value to Hamlets and Villages. Here is the Covenant of Mayors (Il Tirreno GR LI)
- Oct. 12, 2023: Territorial mapping and civic use goods. The initiative in the rural areas of Tatti has started (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- When Participatory Mapping meets Civic Use: It’s happening in Tatti (Southern Tuscany)
- Bevi il vino di Scansano (in Prata, Southern Tuscany, Sep. 10, 2023)
- Francesca Angotti in Prata, Southern Tuscany, Sep. 10, 2023
- Effects of the Network
- Mr. Sean Connerie
- Nicolino Grassi and Lapo Marliani in Ghirlanda
- Questions by Pigs: how to Reach Gavorrano
- From the network: Expatriati Network, serving all expatriates
- Zen, one of the “tre cani rossi” (three red dogs) visiting La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
- Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
- A Bit of Tatti also in Stuttgart. A Bridge between Germany and Maremma (Il Tirreno, July 22, 2023)
- July 12, 2023 Toscanaflair im Waldheim Backnang (Backnanger Zeitung)
- Jul. 7, 2023 Jugband dalle Colline Metallifere aus Italien in Waldheim (Mein Wochenblatt)
- Tre Cani Rossi 2022 (Three Red Dogs), Tuscan Wine
- Jun. 30, 2023 – Torna la “Jub” Band (La Nazione)
- Jun. 30, 2023 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere con la tappa del Brezel Tour (Il Tirreno)
- Jun. 24, 2023. The “Jug Band” Performs once more at Lago dell’Accesa (La Nazione)
- June 24, 2023 Let the Jug Band Astonish you. The Band’s Notes at AncorAccesa (Il Tirreno)
- March 12, 2023: Workshop on “What Future for the Olive?”
- The Jug Band performs at the Irish Pub (Tirreno Grosseto edition. Dec. 15, 2022)
- An Evening at the Wine Bar with the Jugband (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Dec. 10, 2022)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa for the Arte Clima project at Sequerciani (Southern Tuscany), Oct. 23, 2022
- Charles Brucowski
- Contacts, Information & Booking (16/16)
- Mauro Tirannosauro (15/16)
- Miscellanea (14/16)
- Videos (13/16)
- Photography (12/16)
- Maps and IT (Geomatics, 11/16)
- Mouthwatering Stuff (10/16)
- Itineraries (9/16)
- Places (8/16)
- Promotion and Communication (7/16)
- Music (6/16)
- Events and Experiences (5/16)
- Services & Keywords (4/16)
- Our Range of Operations (3-16)
- Our model (2/16)
- The Network: Introduction and Proposed Services
- The Network in the context of the New European Bauhaus
- La Maremma delle idee 2022 (with talk by A. Giacomelli
- “Sweet & Sour” Mobility
- Rainbow olives
- (Non-digital) Terrain Models (circa 1982)
- The “black” heart of Maremma
- Roccatederighi: Serata all’Enoteca con la Jug Band (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition Apr. 30, 2022)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa published as a case study on Public Lab
- Monitoring Light Pollution with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Case Study Comparing RGB Images and Night Ground Brightness
- Music we like: Caldonia (Tom Newton & Tom Sorba cover)
- Music we like: Tom Newton & Tom Sorba – I’m burning (feat. Simone Sandrucci, Pietro Marini, Elia Pasquinelli)
- Music we like: I smell Trouble
- Alessio Ricci (aka Alex Ritchie)
- O’Malley will present the Jug Band activities online (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, March 29, 2022)
- Mar. 25, 2022, Scansano (Tuscany) – Presentation of the Activities for the year (Culture, Environment, Open Innovatio, Music)
- Noi pahrleeamoh eetaleeanoh (Location 1 – Alta Valdera, Pisa)
- The Jug Band Colline Metallifere featured on the Bologna University Billboard
- Invited expert for a workshop on Wildfires in Italy (Robert Bosch Foundation)
- Pizzeria Civico 4, in Scansano (Southern Tuscany)
- The Etruscan Cities Trail: a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Municipalities (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, Mar. 5, 2022)
- The Etruscan Trail becomes a hike in eight Municipalities (La Nazione Grande Costa edition, March 4, 2022)
- It happened today
- Network Newsletter (Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, Music). March 1, 2022
- The Article on Services by the Network re-posted by
- The Network on Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation: our Services (Feb. 2022)
- Rainbows in Valdera (Pisa, Tuscany) Feb. 21, 2022
- Bob Explains the Spirit of Palla 21 (or Palla Eh!) to Pietro and Adele
- The “Trescone”, with Bob and Pietro
- Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) will be part of the SILBERSALZ22 International Festival (Science and Media)
- Call for Issues on Ethics in Open Science Research
- “All from Jersey”
- The “Jug Band” is back on the scene (La Nazione, ed. Grande Costa, Feb. 10, 2022)
- Here’s to you pibinko, from “palla 21” to a network (, Feb. 9, 2022)
- Musical Participatory Phenology
- Give us our daily PNRR: 25 We shall proceed in spite of rational hindrance
- Open Data
- Free/open people
- The Jug Band is preparing for a great 2022 (La Nazione Grande Costa edition, Jan. 12, 2022)
- Give us our daily PNRR – 10
- Is it better to live in Scansano or Manciano?
- Scansano, Tuscany, Jan. 8, 2022: Lights in the square
- The Jug Band once more in concert (La Nazione, Grande Costa edition, Jan. 2, 2022)
- A “musical” map.The Jug band is at the ex-Ilva (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, Dec. 28, 2021)
- Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Live Motel, Dec. 17, 2021
- The “Jug Band” closes in Maremma (La Nazione Grosseto Edition, Dec. 12, 2021)
- The Jug Band continues its geotour, today in Torniella (La Nazione, Grande Costa edition, Dec. 30, 2021)
- Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) is one of the first stakeholders of the ROSiE project
- Presentation of the geotour from the Metalliferous Hills to Milano at Radio Popolare Milano, Dec. 4, 2021
- Fabrizio Malvicini at the Opening of the 2021 Geotour
- Dario Canal at the Opening of the Geotour in Tatti (Dec. 4, 2021)
- The Jug Band’s “Geotour” will be starting on Saturday from Tatti (La Nazione, Grosseto edition, Dec. 2, 2021)
- Call for translators for the network (and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere)
- Alessandro Gaido
- The Colline Metallifere “Jug Band” starts its tour
- Maria Mancini and Randy Rosso
- Black Water
- Claudio Spinosi
- The Jug Band starts its “geotour” from Milano (La Nazione Grosseto Edition, Nov. 9, 2021)
- The Saffron from Ixtlan Agricamping in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, is almost ready
- The “Lavorare! con lentezza” T-shirts at work
- Documenting “The end of Summer”
- Pisa, Nov. 7, 2021: Elemento Umano + Lazzaro live @ Backstage Academy
- Norwegian Wood (The Beatles)
- Io non so cosa fare (I don’t know what to do)
- Alessio Guerrini
- The Tattistampa hand-made prints are on sale also in Scansano (Southern Tuscany)
- Oct. 23, 2021 – Lunch and concert by Klaus der Geiger at Altrimondi (La Nazione Grosseto edition)
- Autobus 37 (Etruschi from Lakota)
- Lavorare con Lentezza (Enzo del Re)
- Haaaaand
- Klaus der Geiger
- You Have Ragone
- Follonica in Florence
- Fabrizio Malvicini
- Non fa per me (Not for me), Elemento Umano
- News by Tattistampa for Autumn 2021
- Bigonzi
- Analog photo editing
- Rainbow across the Pilons
- Ehc edrom
- Siragioli
- La Tana del Bianconiglio – Recording Studio
- W gli alleati
- Not Just Ancient Wheat
- Zebra chases Cheetah
- The Crowdfunding for Tom Newton’s First Album is on
- Tom “Harp” Newton’s first album approaching
- The “Disfida di Barletta” in Scansano’s Tradition
- One by One (Samba the Youth Governor)
- Le Bilan du Monde (2019)
- Screws, colours
- In the Early Morning Rain (Raman Crivelli cover)
- Shout (Otis Day and the Knights)
- Orto biodinamico familiare: coltivare piccoli spazi secondo natura
- Participatory Lithology selected as one of the finalists for the 2020 Falling Walls Engage contest
- Tutti con le luci spente per la ricerca. Così si misura il cielo dal balcone di casa (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, Sep. 29, 2020)
- Storia degli errori militari (From the Jaws of Victory)
- Songs with translations
- Speranze Perdute/Carosello di Ricordi
- Drivers of artificial light at night variability in urban, rural and remote areas
- BuioMetria Partecipativa: the Map
- Paper Planes
- La Scienza Illustrata (January 1951)
- La Scienza Illustrata (June 1951)
- La Scienza Illustrata (April 1951)
- The Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere without Words
- Eko Hollow Body Guitar
- A History of Italian Cartography in the Aegean Islands and in Albania (1965)
- Orsola Sinisi
- An Italian interdisciplinary citizen observatory for the protection and promotion of night skies on year 12 of its evolution: challenges and opportunities from a Digital Earth perspective
- Fractals “à go go”
- A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?
- Birrificio 26 Nero
- Priest Liprando and God’s Judgement / Peter Raman Crivelli
- June 21, 2020: A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany
- June 26, 2020: Participatory Mapping of the Cultural Power of Cold War @ London Festival of Architecture 2020
- The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
- Levart Agency
- Do you feel more like a scientician or a politicist?
- The Political Ecology of Estimated Truth (King and Kraemer, 1993)
- Schickimicki
- Boogie
- Madre Africa (Marco Chiavistrelli, 2020)
- Pasta con tonno
- Everything is Illuminated
- Light in Tuscany: only 7 new cases
- Full Metalliferous Jacket
- Ain’t the Machines
- Angry Tiles
- Marco Chiavistrelli
- Lithobag #33, May 17, 2020: Marginal Hills
- Right Through You
- Mediterranea (Marco Chiavistrelli feat. Jug Band Colline Metallifere, 2020)
- Pietro Raman Crivelli – showreel with “In the early morning rain”
- Andrea Bartolini on Palla a 21/Palla Eh!
- Cristian Carlone on Participatory Lithology
- Claudia Göbel on Participatory Lithology
- John Barleycorn Must Die
- Claudia Göbel
- GRASS (Geographic Resource Analysis Support System)
- The opposite is also true
- Save the date: Jun. 26, 2020: will be with DICATAM Brescia at the London Festival of Architecture
- May 9, 2020 – Interview with Jack O’Malley @ Se Telefonando
- 10000 Linkedin Contacts
- Gorni Kramer and his Orchestra
- Endurance (paperback)
- Garage Rock
- Successo nella Vendita
- Tausha
- Francesco Ceri
- Lith Parade
- P.E.L.P. ep. 6: Participatory Lithurgy?
- The network, by year and month
- She’s got Issues
- On the Road with the “maggerini” from Tatti, Southern Tuscany
- A playlist for a group of colleagues eating fish le mercredi soir
- Mauro Tirannosauro’s Maps, ep. 4: #iounnescoacaso
- TÔ Saindo
- American Woman (1970)
- The Seeker
- Salirò
- Figli delle stelle
- “GeoMay” Day in Torniella-Piloni, Tuscany
- #IoRestoaBosa
- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
- In the Summertime
- Voglio, voglio, voglio
- #IoRestoaCosa
- 150 Years of Photo Journalism
- Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation
- P.E.L.P. ep. 5: Naming the first stones, lots of music, and teenage Mauro
- Participatory Lithology: the Map
- International Lark Ski Association
- Never Fight a Man with a Perm
- Here come the first participatory lithology samples with a name
- Campagna
- Peter Raman Crivelli: Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen from Piloni (Tuscany). Apr. 19, 2020
- Girl from Castiglione della Pescaia, by Pietro Raman Crivelli from Piloni (Tuscany)
- Peter “Raman” Crivelli: Lullaby from Piloni (Tuscany)
- Lectures on the Application of Participatory Methods for the Design of Interdisciplinary Activities for the Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Spring 2020)
- Apr. 15, 2020: Stay Home Blues by Peter Raman Crivelli, from Piloni (Tuscany)
- You shall not pass: a mash-up between two hills
- Pietro “Piro” Marini
- Apr. 13, 2020:Participatory Geology project in time of Covid-19 | Italy
- Lithology: Public and Geologists Collaborate (Science Connected, Apr. 13, 2020)
- Jary Joe, live from his Balcony, Apr. 11, 2020
- Mauro the T-Rex
- Participatory Lithology: the map as of Apr. 8, 2020
- Luca Guerrieri
- Participatory Lithology, end of week 2: here comes geojazz
- Alberico Mattei
- Martina Busonero
- Participatory Lithology: Options for Sponsors
- Participatory Lithology: Instructions for Classifiers
- Participatory Lithology presented on
- Lithobag #1: Rock and a Hard Place
- “Between a Rock and a hard Phase”: our first week with Participatory Lithology (Mar. 21-27)
- Ricette Bone (Yummy recipes)
- The Stone Collectors are meeting on the Web. The project starts from Tatti (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, March 27, 2020)
- The “Giacomelli” Exo X27
- The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies, trailer #2
- The network, buiometria, and participatory lithology @ Radio Popolare Milano (March 26, 2020)
- Taking pictures for the Participatory Lithology Project
- Mar. 24, 2020: Participatory Lithology Interview for Caterpillar (RAI Radio 2)
- Participatory Lithology
- The Participatory Lithology Gallery
- Campione PELP Z001
- Cristian Carlone
- Jack O’Malley
- Liliana Cafiero
- Ixtlan Agricamping
- Attack from space (DVD)
- Barracuda (DVD)
- Born to Fight (DVD)
- Street Fighter (DVD)
- Padre, figlia, spirito sardo (DVD)
- Primavera di granito (DVD)
- Psycho a GoGo/Rawhide Terror (DVD)
- The Quatermass Conlusion (DVD)
- Rage of the Masters (DVD)
- Empire of the Ants (DVD)
- Una vita da DJ (DVD)
- Psicologia medica e abilità relazionali
- Shardana e Sardegna
- Pat Boone sings the hits volume 3
- Nini Rosso: Evelyne/Quel vagabondo
- Nico Fidenco canta Il mondo di Suzie Wong e Tornerai Suzie
- Domenico Modugno: Stasera pago io/Bagno di mare a mezzanotte
- Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit
- The Crests: 16 Candles/Beside you
- Hints from the archive for your extended home stays
- Stuff-o-theque Miscellanea
- Reading the Stuff-o-Theque
- Listening to the Stuff-o-theque
- Schola Cantorum: Le tre campane/Dormi
- Giuseppe Cionfoli: Solo grazie/Una risposta personale
- 12 Kids and Sergio Endrigo: The House/The Flower March
- Mal and De Angelis Bros. Orchestra: Furia
- Il Bisognino
- Bruno Lauzi: La Tartaruga
- Heather Parisi: Disco Bambina/Blackout
- Rita Pavone: Il Fischietto
- Pooh: Notte a Sorpresa/Tutto Adesso
- Tarzan does it
- Top of the Tots: Pop Party vol. 1
- Aldo Maietti and his Tango Orchestra: Jalousie/Amico Tango
- Adriano Celentano: Il ragazzo della via Gluck/Chi era lui
- Hybrid: Conway Titty/Goblin
- Eddie Calvert e la sua tromba: Stranger in Paradise/L’amore è una cosa meravigliosa
- Sunday Band: Mary Martinica/Magic Congregation
- Nini Rosso and his band: Ho bisogno di te/Il silenzio
- Rita Pavone: Palla Pallina/Il raffreddore
- Caterina Valente: Und dann kam del Mondenschein/Morgen wird’s schoener sein
- George Greely, his piano and orchestra: Vento Caldo
- Sidney Bechet and His All Stars: Petite Fleur/Dans les Rues d’Antibes
- Alan Rose and his Candlelight Orchestra: Parlami d’amore Mariu’ etc.
- Richard Antony: Il mio mondo/La mia Festa
- Los Indios Tabajaras AFTER Maria Elena
- Nelso Riddle and his Orchestra: The Green Leaves of Summer/De Guello
- Little Peggy March: Lady Music/Spiel nicht mit meiner Liebe
- Peppino di Capri: I’te vurria vasa’/Notte di luna calante
- Mazurca Variata/Malombra
- Ratko Svilar (1982)
- Bing Crosby: White Christmas/Silent Night
- Jazz Sebastien Bach no. 2
- Cliff Richard: Anema e Core/50 Tears for Every Kiss
- Franck Pourcel: Chariot – Il Faut Savoir
- Pat Boone. Blue Moon / Georgia on my Mind
- Ornella Vanoni – Noch bist du ein Geheimnis für mich / Schade Schade
- Songs of the West – in Italian
- Mina: Città Vuota. E’ inutile. Valentino Vale
- Santo & Jonny: Blue Moon / Summertime
- 8 e mezzo (Nino Rota Orchestra). 1966
- The “Why’s” and Names of Geography
- Artificial Light at Night Erases Positive Interactions across Trophic Levels
- The 2,000 Most Famous Sardinians Vol. 1, Abbo-Arrius (2005)
- Volterra, almost
- TattiStampa: hand-made prints with “Ape” from Southern Tuscany
- Jug Band: Talks and Music at Auser (Il Tirreno, March 1. 2020)
- TattiStampa
- A Community Map and Loads of Good Music. Two Days with the Jug Band (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, Feb. 29, 2020)
- The Jug Band and Geomusic at Bar Moderno (La Nazione, Feb. 29, 2020)
- Blue Caravan (1946)
- Bruno Terry – Auf der Ranch von Louisiana (circa 1960)
- Brief Marx Course (1951)
- Stuff-o-teque
- Maps
- Maps
- Corelli’s Christmas Concert
- In Tatti with the Secrets of the Linux System (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, Feb. 14, 2020)
- #art&technology: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band from Southern Tuscany (
- Wanda Jackson: Santo Domingo/Oh Blacky Joe.
- Different ways of calling a creek in Tuscany
- The Farma Valley “Canaloni” on Geo (RAI 3, Jan. 24, 2020)
- The Jug Band performs with Rock, Blues, and Folk (Tirreno Grosseto edition, Dec. 28, 2019)
- The Jug Band on Tour from Albinia to Grosseto (Tirreno, Grosseto edition, Dec. 27, 2019)
- A Fender Perspective
- San Donato Milanese, Italy, Early Seventies
- “Ape in Giro”: an exhibition by Tattistampa in Follonica, Tuscany (Dec. 6, 2019 / Jan. 5, 2020)
- Crossroads in the Farma Valley
- In Maremma the first darkness surveyor, countering light pollution (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Nov. 4, 2019)
- 2019-11-03 Protecting the Night Sky with Rock Concerts (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition)
- At the end of the Country Session
- TV9 Report on the Ninth European Llargues Cup
- Oct. 18, 2019: BuioMetria Partecipativa in Grosseto, Tuscany, at the AMBITA Forum
- BuioMetria Partecipativa receives the 2019 Dark Sky Defender Award by IDA
- BuioMetria Partecipativa receives the “Dark Sky Defender” award by the International Dark Sky Association
- Oct. 11-13, 2019: 9th European Llargues Club Cup (Monticiano/Torniella/Ciciano, Tuscany) & Exhibition on the game of palla in Monticiano (until Oct. 27)
- Geko on a Glass
- Wed. Sep 4, 2019: The sky above Tatti – observation night in Southern Tuscany
- Candle Night: Video Mapping, Music, and Theatre under the Stars (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Aug. 19, 2019)
- Palla a 21: the Tournament in Piloni continues (Il Tirreno, Aug. 18, 2019)
- Aug. 19, 2019: Discovering the night sky, for a more aware use of light – at the Candle Night, Castiglione della Pescaia, Tuscany
- Today and Tomorrow, palla a 21 challenges (Il Tirreno, Aug. 17, 2019)
- Traditions and Agonism: this is the Day of Palla a 21 (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, Aug. 10, 2019)
- Rock Blues and Clean Air: The Jug Band is in Tatti
- Between August and September an exhibition on Franco “Yellow Dogs” Soldatini in Torniella and S. Galgano, Southern Tuscany
- Five walks around Tatti, Southern Tuscany
- Light Pollution: Meet the Expert (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Jul. 25, 2019)
- Milan, July 2019
- Thursday, July 25, 2019: The Night Sky, from the Hungarian Puszta to the Hills of Maremma (Terme Marine Leopoldo II, Marina di Grosseto, Tuscany)
- Here is the Jug Band’s Geomusic (La Nazione Grosseto edition, Jul 13, 2019)
- Jug Band: ballads and rock in the name of geomusic (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, Jul. 13, 2019)
- Tue. Jul. 30, 2019: lecture on Atmospheric scattering and the view of the night sky by Zoltán Kolláth at Fondazione E. Mach, S. Michele all’Adige (Italy)
- An evening in the name of Lucio Macii in “his” park in Montemassi (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, July 11, 2019)
- Need cables?
- A Photographic Version of the Network
- A First Comparison of Italian Regional Light Pollution Legislation
- The CLIWOC database
- An evening event to remember Macii (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, July 7, 2019)
- A mid-year report for (and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere) and some hints for the rest of 2019
- It’s a rising wave
- The Fourth Light Pollution Theory, Modelling, and Measurements Conference, Zselic (Hungary, June 25-28, 2019), and its workshop
- July 26-27 – 4th Beer and Dragon Fest, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina
- Sat. September 9, 2019: Jug Band Colline Metallifere Duo @ Bar Miramonti
- Meet Music 2019 / End of Day 1
- Leopolda, the DJ court. Meet Music is starting tomorrow (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition Jun. 24, 2019)
- Newsletter on Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, and Music (June 24, 2019)
- Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Milan: Outreach on Light Pollution with Wim Schmidt (NL) and BuioMetria Partecipativa
- The 2019 Buiometria Summer Campaign in Collaboration with an International Expert on a Mission in Tuscany
- An example of different colour temperatures
- With Forzarello in Tatti
- “From Irredentists to Dentists”, and the first Croatian Conference on Light Pollution ( News, Jun. 17, 2019)
- Edouard Manet in Rijeka
- Rijeka, Croatia, Pedestrian Crossing
- Loading (Rijeka, Croatia, June 2019)
- The Yellow Whale
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the LPTMM conference in Zselic, Hungary
- Weather in Torniella, Tuscany
- Michela A.: “What a Show!”
- The Torniella, Southern Tuscany, Weather Station is online
- BuioMetria Partecipativa is invited to showcase its activities in Croatia
- Presentation of the Network in Brussels (May 22, 2019): How did it go?
- Bruxelles is a Mosaic
- PANELFIT Project Workshop
- “Buiometria” is Helping to Build Dark Sky Parks
- Antonio C: “…this is an important contribution to an aspect of environmental sustainability”
- Releas of “It Never Ends” by Luca Guerrieri
- pibinko will be at Meet Music 2019 (June 25)
- Torniella (Tuscany), May 11, 2019 – When Politecnico di Milano met the Maremman experts
- All the Secrets of Darkness at Casa del Quartiere (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, May 5, 19)
- Jug Band at Caffè Ricasoli (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, May 4, 2019)
- May 22, 2019: Presentation of the Network in Brussels @ Piola Libri
- Torniella (Southern Tuscany), May 11, 2019: Opportunities for protection and promotion of inner rural areas from the collaboration of local expert networks and research institutions.
- Peter Crivelli (g,v), Dario Canal (d), Wolfgang Scheibe (b) covering “My sweet love”, Roccatederighi, May 1, 2019
- May 5, 2019: Come to the first “buioblitz” in Southern Tuscany @ Quanto Basta bookshop, Grosseto
- “The Sky is Everybody’s” – Metalliferous Hills Jug Band cover
- L’operaio della FIAT, Metalliferous Hills Jug Band cover
- Luigi Ramazzotti Talk about Palla and Window Glassess
- Luigi Ramazzotti Talks about the Palla Racket
- Luigi Ramazzotti Recalls some Historical Palla Players
- Dario and “Il Sorbo” practicing Daft Punk
- May 3, 2019, Alghero (Sardinia): Talk on the Alteration of Light at Night and Marine Life at the Faculty of Architecture with the Lab Boat
- The secrets of Palla a 21? They will be unveiled tomorrow in Tirli (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- For Bird Experts
- Livin’ Milano, “Pennsylvania Drums” edit
- Peter Crivelli and Jack O’Malley in Podgora Street, Grosseto, Italy
- Scansano: music and talk on Buiometria (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- Fishin’ Blues (Taj Mahal version)
- May 10-12, 2019: Politecnico di Milano’s DICA goes to Southern Tuscany
- Chartered Architects and Engineers acknowledge the Brescia, May 16 Conference on Interdisciplinary Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky for training credits
- A Rainbow between Montemassi and Sticciano (Southern Tuscany), Apr. 14, 2019, 7.40PM
- Apr. 13, 2019 pibinko stops in Tatti to create the map (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- MWL: Man of Constant Sorrow (movie + original version)
- Apr. 9, 2019 branobag: Yesterday’s Mistakes
- Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2019: From Sound Engineering to Engineering with Sound + DICA goes to Maremma
- View from the centre of Scansano, Tuscany
- in Brussels, April 2019 (EIE WG and DITOs Final event)
- Spilamberto, Apr. 19, 2019: presentation on a movie and a book on Nino Garau
- Daniele Sanna
- It’s in Florence: returning soon (the Farma Valley Community Map)
- Antonella Pocci
- Apr. 27-28, 2019: Nightscape Photography Workshop in San Bruzio (Southern Tuscany) with Federico Giussani
- Apr. 13, 2019. The presentation of the Tatti, Tuscany, Community Map
- Apr. 20, Talks on Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky in Scansano, Tuscany
- Apr. 27, 2019. Come to learn all about palla eh!/palla a 21 in Tirli, Tuscany
- May 4, 2019: the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band live @ Caffe’ Ricasoli, Grosseto, Tuscany
- Thu. Apr 11, 2019: Valdicecina trekking in Larderello (Pisa). A conference and a guided tour
- San Diego is not just in California
- The layout of the stand at the DITOs final event (Brussels, Apr. 3, 2019)
- Creative Screwdriving in Brussels
- Milan, Fri. Apr 5, 2019: a reporto after the mission to Bruxelles
- Samba Governatore improvising on “Three Little Birds”, March 30, 2019
- “Gèmme” Session with Oliver in Tatti, Tuscany
- Samba Governatore, Alieu Blacka, and Dario Canal jamming
- 2019-03-30 branobag: Cherub Rock
- Brescia, Italy, May 16, 2019: Interdisciplinary protection and promotion of the night sky: state of the art, action items, and visions
- Peter Crivelli covers “Deep River Blues” – Farma Valley, March 28, 2019
- Wolfgang Scheibe and Dario Canal at the JBCM rehearsal (Mar. 27, 2019)
- Map(pear)ing Maremma, Spring 2019 Edition, first call
- The Network will have a stand at the final DITOs event in Brussels (Apr. 3, 2019)
- The Set for the Cangialli Paintings Photo Shoot
- Migration of pibinko’s images from an image sharing platform to
- BuioMetria Partecipativa provides educational credits
- Il Tirreno Interviews Bob about Cangialli
- Operational perspectives on protection and promotion of the night sky after the Capraia International Symposium – a report on the March 13, 2019 Workshop in Florence, Italy
- Lorenzo L: “I didn’t know I was a stakeholder”
- Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany
- Let’s reschedule elections in the EU (and in over 3800 Italian municipalities) for SOD19
- Trailer: Etruschi & Friends con Paris Monster + Jug Band (dalle Colline Metallifere)
- International Open Data Day in Tatti, Tuscany: how did it go?
- Sitting on the Top of the World – Amish from Jack White cover in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany
- Mar. 8, 2019: Amish from Jack White & Friends live in Massa Marittima, Tuscany
- Mar. 7, 2019: The Secrets of Palla eh!, and more, unveiled in Tirli (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- Geo Bernardini interviewed on Palla eh/palla a 21 in Tirli, Tuscany
- March 5, 2019 – Jack O’Malley speaks about Geomusic for “In Aria” (Radio Rogna)
- Peter Crivelli, Wolfgang Scheibe, and Petra G. at the International Open Data Day in Tatti, Tuscany
- Save the date: March 7, 2019 in Tirli, Tuscany, presentation by A. Giacomelli for the “Hospitality licence”
- Open Data Day with pibinko in Tatti (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, March 2, 2019)
- M’illumino di meno 2019 is also in San Vincenzo (Tuscany) with BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Independence Day
- Come to Tatti (Southern Tuscany) for the metalliferous version of the 2019 International Open Data Day
- m(‘)appare
- The catalog of the travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.
- What is a drummer and PhD in Hydrology doing in Florence selling archaeological tourism destinations?
- All the beauties of the Farma Valley will be showcased in Florence (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, Feb. 21, 2019)
- On Elsa Martinelli’s tracks (Feb. 21, 2019)
- The branobag: what is it?
- Support to Legislation and Policy Making
- Research
- Music and Rhymes
- The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies: Fiction or Documentary?
- Digital Social Innovation
- m(‘)appare
- Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends
- Parallel Convergence according to Colangelo
- Sunday, after lunch, in Casal di Pari, Tuscany (Feb. 17, 2019)
- At Rosanna’s
- The game
- Where is the game played?
- Palla a 21 (or palla eh!)
- A Metalliferous Hills Jug Band Print
- On Feb. 23 the Farma Valley Winter Fest goes to Florence in a “bonsai” version
- Loriano Bartoli’s Farm
- Feb. 16, 2019: @ “Non ci resta che leggere!”
- Publication of EU GPP criteria for road lighting and traffic signals
- Photography
- Videos
- Translations
- Training and tutoring
- Geographic Information Systems and Databases
- Web
- Accomodation
- Promotion, communication, facilitation
- Digital Awareness Training
- Services on light and darkness
- Mouthwatering stuff
- Research Lens
- Feb. 7, 2019 branobag: have a coffe break thinking about that dress
- Research of an Entity
- Elena C: “You disclosed a new world to us”
- Sandwich Disco Club
- The Construction Worker at the End of the Day
- Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation (2019) – draft
- Mario C: “Your report engaged me for over an hour”
- The German Version of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band presentation (v0.9)
- Giacomelli, keep calm (Corriere dello Sport/Stadio, Jan. 24, 2019)
- 2018 Activity Summary of the Network: Services on Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation
- Darkness Conference at the Svalbard Islands, Jan. 15/16 2019: how did it go?
- Fernando and Sergio, and when smoking in public premises was allowed in Punta Ala
- Jan. 26, 2019: They’re saying hello to the wild boar hunters from Torniella and Piloni on RTL 102.5
- Jan 26, 2019 – With the Jug Band, here comes Geomusic (La Spalletta, Volterra)
- Jan 23, 2019: The “Jug Band” sings geomusic: a new artistic genre is born (La Nazione, Pontedera edition)
- Metalliferous Hills Jug Band “long playing” presentation
- Jan. 19, 2019 – branobag: Gone, gone, gone
- Monte Argentario, Tuscany
- Jan. 17, 2019: An Evening in Torniella speaking about palla a 21 (La Nazione, Grosseto Edition)
- Jan. 17, 2019: An evening chatting away about Palla a 21 (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition)
- Here we go with a new edition of the “branobag” article series
- Here we go with the Italian-language mailing list on protection and promotion of the night sky (proprocieno-it)
- That’s alright (Metalliferous Hills Jug Band cover)
- The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany
- Preparation of the classroom of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band
- Albinia and Torniella: two sonic nights to talk about the Farma Valley (Il Tirreno, Jan. 4, 2019)
- The MHJB before the concert @ Garabombo, Albinia, Tuscany
- Albinia and Torniella: Etruschi from Lakota in a double concert
- Supporting Naples
- Mita: “…I admire the Kintsugi in you”
- Jan. 5, 2019: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band in an live evening with vynils: music from the hills, the valleys, and the barns
- The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band set in Montemassi (Southern Tuscany, Dec. 29, 2018)
- The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (v 20181229)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa
- The Game of Panforte according to Romano Granci from Casal di Pari
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa project: from the Farma Valley (inner Southern Tuscany) to the HORIZON 2020 programme.
- Third Farma Valley Winter Fest: Day 3 and Epilogue
- The Construction of a “palla 21” Ball as Seen by Amateur Astronomers
- Closing of the CAAT conference in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
- Closing of the Annual CAAT Conference in Torniella, Tuscany, Dec. 16, 2018
- Dec. 12, 2018: Winter Fest, the Farma Valley for the Explorers of Wonder
- Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) with BuioMetria Partecipativa at the final Stars4all meeting
- Tue. Dec. 11, 2018, waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest with BuioMetria at the Aio’ Cafe y Restaurante (Madrid)
- Finnish Guitarist in Madrid, Spain (Dec. 9, 2018)
- Dec. 1, 2018 – Bar Cerveceria Sidi – Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest with BuioMetria in Madrid
- Jack O’Malley explains how crowdfunding might work for a JBCM buiomusical tour (Madrid, Dec. 1, 2018)
- A queue in Madrid (Nov. 30, 2018)
- Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest in Madrid
- Take off from Fiumicino, Nov. 29, 2019, around 5PM
- Formal presentation (kind of)
- CAAT 2018 conference
- Cultural mediation on the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest
- Temporary slow-down for English translations on the website
- Intermittent lights in Turin, Italy
- Nov. 21, 2018: brief Talk on bottom-up Activities at the Workshop on Citizen Science and Environmental Monitoring: Benefits and Challenges
- Nov. 16, 2018: -A milder climate and artificial lighting alter tree resting
- Nov. 15, 2018- Do artificial lights alter the “rest” of the trees? (Italian Research Council press release)
- Thu. Nov. 22, 2018: Planning the upper half of the landscape at Politecnico di Milano with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project
- Nov. 14, 2018 – BuioMetria 2018: the Countdown starts with Amish from Jack White (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition)
- Nov. 15, 2018 “Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest” + BuioMetria @ Hotel Lombardi, Florence
- Nov. 17, 2018: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band live @ Pomarance (Tuscany)
- The Autumn BuioMetric Campaign (news by, Nov. 13, 2018)
- 3rd Farma Valley Winter Fest, 14-16 Dec. 2018 – Southern Tuscany
- Gulliver’s travels in Follonica (Southern Tuscany)
- The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band – Abramo (Abraham)
- The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band – Sognando il Vaticano (Dreaming about the Vatican)
- The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band in “Supermarket”
- News by on culture, environment, and open innovation (Oct. 29, 2010)
- CPNS2018-5/28: El cel del Montsec. Com un un cel fosc està impactant en l’economia d’una àrea rural
- CPNS2018-5/28: The Sky of Montsec. How a Dark Sky is Impacting the Economy of a Rural Area
- Oct. 23, 2018: BuioMetria Partecipativa in San Vincenzo
- Dec. 14-16, 2018: 3rd Farma Valley Winter Fest, Southern Tuscany
- Nov. 1, 2018: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band in Sassofortino (Tuscany)
- Capraia Night Sky 2018, reloaded – end of week 1
- CPNS2018 4/28: Dark Sky Places of the World
- The dawn of cinema in Pomarance (Tuscany, 1899-1914)
- CPNS2018-3/28: A Spectroscopic Analysis of Light Pollution at the Asiago Observatory
- CPNS2018-2/28: Incorporating Light Pollution into Cumulative Effects Assessment in Coastal Areas of the Italian Adriatic Sea
- Artisti a rimessa (Loser Artists)
- The Capraia Symposium on Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky, reloaded
- CPNS2018-1/28: The ALAN phenomenon in the broader frame of urban evolutionary ecology�
- Jolene and the metalliferous spiderdog
- Die Jug Band der metallreichen Hügel
- Fernando Tizzi about Men, Animals, and Rurality
- Here’s a petition to the European Parliament on light pollution, for you to consider..
- Tom “harp” Newton…not just harp
- Claudio aka Bob Greets the Etruscans
- Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany
- Sep. 29, 2018: Palla 21, today at 3PM the tournament final… / il Tirreno ed. Grosseto
- Sep. 29, 2018: Piloni and Torniella at the superfinal (La Nazione, Grosseto edition)
- Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany
- Sep. 28, 2018: In Piloni, Roccastrada, the magic of an ancient game (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition)
- Mr. Hitler (Leadbelly Cover)
- Sep. 25, 2018 – Jam Session at Caffé Ricasoli (Grosseto)
- Fri. Sep 28, 2018 Roccatederighi (Tuscany)
- Aktionsprogramm INSEKTENSCHUTZ! (don’t be scared)
- Sep. 18, 2018: Repubblica (Florence edition) – In the Farma Valley the last paradise of the Maremman horse
- Capraia Night Sky 2018: How did it go?
- The Proceedings of the Symposium on Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Capraia Island, Italy, 2018)
- Sep. 13, 2018: Bam Bam Bam Radio Popolare Milano on the Capraia Night Sky 2018 Symposium
- Ready for the international symposium on protection and promotion of night sky on the Island of Capraia, Italy
- Island of Capraia (Tuscany): Sep. 13-14, 2018 – Symposium on Promotion and Protection of the Night Sky
- Nightlife in the woods: an outing at the Belagaio (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, Aug. 15, 2018)
- The article on the Farma Valley for Langscape magazine is online
- July 17, 2018, Bam Bam Bam Radio Popolare Milano, on Palla a 21 and mapping
- The Farma Valley (and palla a 21 and buiometria and community maps) on Langscape magazine
- Assessing the impact of street lighting on Platanus x acerifolia phenology
- Participatory Monitoring in Tuscany (Italy): raising awareness on night sky quality to empower citizens
- Elino Rossi Invites you to the Pomonte Improvised Poetry Festival
- May 31, 2018: The Farma Valley Community Map cited in a World Bank Report
- A new edition for the Farma Valley Community Map
- Mar. 26, 2018, RAI 3, Prima dell’Alba. Salvo Sottile telling the story of the “BuioMetro”
- Pizzicanta/Tarantizzica
- Symposium on Promotion and Protection of the Night Sky, Capraia Island, Italy, Sep. 13-14 2018
- Jan. 30, 2018: Il Fatto Quotidiano – Good news for those with a passion for dark skies
- Jan. 14, 2018: RAI 3 Kilimangiaro…the quest for dark skies in the Farma Valley
- Farma Valley Winter Fest 2017: how did it go
- Dec. 17, 2017 – Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition): Rock resounds in the woods of the Farma Valley
- Etruschi from Lakota feat. Wolfgang Scheibe and Guglielmo Eboli: Everyday I have the Blues
- Dec. 16, 2017: A workshop on printing, rock, and buiometria (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Milan for the European gathering of civic light pollution initiatives
- The Farma Valley Winter Fest is back: see you in Torniella (Southern Tuscany) on Dec. 17, 2017
- “Giù la testa” by Etruschi from Lakota running for a cover award
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa project at the first Italian Citizen Science conference
- CNR web TV: Meteorology Festival 2017 (with the “buiometro”)
- Nov. 25, 2017: The Torniella Philarmonic Band in Rome
- Nov. 18, 2017: La Spalletta – article on the new album by Etruschi from Lakota
- Milan (Italy), Nov. 30, 2017 – European gathering of Light Pollution Initiatives
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the 2017 Meteorology Festival in Rovereto (Italy)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa and the DESTIMED project
- Supermarket (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Oct. 31, 2017)
- Il vino nero (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- Sempre allegri (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- Mr. Hitler (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- Sognando il Vaticano + That’s alright Mama (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- Corn Flakes (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- All you fascists bound to lose (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- Abramo (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- I’m so glad (The Jug Band @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Southern Tuscany, Oct. 31, 2017)
- The dates for the Etruschi from Lakota “Giù la testa” tour (as of Oct. 31, 2017)
- The Jug Band live in Monterotondo Marittimo (Southern Tuscany), Oct. 31, 2017
- BMP Interview #7: Alessandro Manfrin
- IT/GIS support to trail design
- Preparation of the Etruschi from Lakota t-shirts with Tattistampa
- newsletter #24 (Oct. 2, 2017) – end of part 1 for 2017
- The 2017 BuioMetria Partecipativa Summer Campaign at the 2nd Earth Observation Opens Science Conference
- Sep. 28, 2017 – La Nazione (Grosseto edition): Belagaio, bellezze svelate “al buio”. La riserva naturale come laboratorio
- Andrea da Sessa, Street Musician
- Highlights from the Sep. 21 event at the Belagaio, Tuscany, State Reserve on protection and promotion of dark sky areas
- Sep. 17, 2017 – Tocatì Festival (Verona) presentation on palla a 21 (streaming)
- The “over- and under-” palla meetup in Tirli, Southern Tuscany
- Thursday, Sep. 21, at the Belagaio Natural State Reserve, a day focused on protection and promotion of dark-sky areas
- Seminar on BMP for Emilia-Romagna Environmental Education Centers
- Aug 24, 2017 – Etruschi from Lakota live in Castiglione della Pescaia
- Aug 17, 2017: Zona 90 (web TV) on the 38th palla a 21 tournament in Torniella
- Etruschi from Lakota – “Guerra fra poveri” – at the 38th palla a 21 tournament in Torniella
- Save the date: Friday, Sep. 1, 2017 – BuioMetria Partecipativa evening in San Vincenzo (Tuscany)
- Save the date: Aug. 17, 2017 – the BuioMetria Partecipativa Summer Campaign on the Capraia Island (Tuscany)
- Aug. 11, 2017 – the announcement on TV9 of the 38th palla a 21 tournament in Torniella
- Pietro Crivelli Invites you to the “Artisti di oggi in Val di Farma” Painting Exhibition
- Save the date: 11-13 Aug. 2017 – 38th palla a 21 tournament in Torniella (Southern Tuscany)
- Save the date: Aug 13, 2017, Etruschi from Lakota live in Torniella (Southern Tuscany)
- Aug. 4, 2017 in Tatti (Southern Tuscany): Maram Oriental Ensemble
- Save the date: Aug. 19, 2017 Nightscape photography workshop in Gerfalco (Southern Tuscany)
- Farma Valley Day and Night at the Belagaio State Reserve (Southern Tuscany) – how did it go
- Update of the Farma Valley Community Map in Scalvaia (Jul 28, 2017): how did it go
- July 27, 2017: Farma Valley day and night on Cult (Radio Popolare Milano)
- July 26, 2017: “Farma Valley Day and Night” at the Belagaio Nature State Reserve (Southern Tuscany)
- BMP Interview #6: Elena Maggi (University of Pisa)
- save the date: Arts Exhibition in Torniella – from Jul. 14 to Aug 20, 2017
- July 9, 2017 – Report by TV9 Grosseto on palla a 21
- The BuioMetria Summer Campaign covered by Rete Sportelli Informativi Toscana
- Tom Newton “on the road” in Pomarance, Southern Tuscany
- Save the date: nightscape photography workshop by Federico Giussani at Monte Labro (Southern Tuscany)
- Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition) 24-6-2017 – In the dark on the Gerfalco Trails, to measure the beauty of the skies
- Newsletter #11: CAILM…S
- June 28, 2017, Torniella (Tuscany), Palla a 21 ball construction course, ep. 2
- Save the date: June 30, 2017 – Photo exhibition by Alberico Mattei and Martina Busonero in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany)
- The First Steps of the 2017 BuioMetria Summer Campaign
- BMP Interview #5: Rod McDonnell
- Palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella: how did it go
- Newsletter #9: Anniversaries, Towers, and “maker” workshops
- Geomusic at GIT 2017 (Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany, June 12-13, 2017)
- Nine years of BuioMetria Partecipativa: not just Citizen Science
- Jun. 15, 2017, Meet the BuioMetria Partecipativa project in Pisa, for a more aware use of artificial light at night
- Save the date: Sat. June 24, Buiometria Partecipativa in Gerfalco, Southern Tuscany
- Save the date: Sunday, July 2, 2017, 7th Farm Valley MTB Trophy
- An update of the Farma Valley Billboard (as of June 3, 2017)
- June 17, 2017: The palla a 21 ball construction course flyer
- Save the date: Sunday, June 4, 2017: Band of Torniella in Monticiano (Siena) and Torniella
- Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli
- Save the date: Sunday, June 11 in Montarrenti (Siena) a BuioMetria talk in the 40th anniversary of the Siena Amateur Astronomer Association
- newsletter #7: MoU with CNR IBIMET and two events in Milano
- May 2017: MoU between and CNR IBIMET signed
- A moment of “civic” engineering at the Politecnico di Milano
- Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Interdisciplinary Land Protection and Planning (the flyer)
- …from the Etruscan print shop in the secret hills (crowdfunding video for Etruschi from Lakota)
- Newsletter #6: articles on magazines and ancient ball game construction courses
- Saturday, June 17: palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella (Southern Tuscany)
- Nuovo Orione #300 (May 2017): Let’s measure the darkness of the night with BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Tuesday, May 30, 2017: “For a more aware use of light” in Lucernate (Milano) – the flyer
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the University of Pisa (May 16, 2017): how did it go?
- High School Internships with mission accomplished
- Newsletter #5: Pisa tomorrow, and highlight for Milano at the end of the month
- May 30, 2017, 8.45PM – “For a more aware use of artificial light” Lucernate Community Hall
- No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?
- Newsletter #4 (May 8, 2017)
- No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)
- Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany.
- newsletter #3 (May 2, 2017)
- May 16, 2017: a lecture on research, outreach and citizen science applied to artificial light at night at the University of Pisa
- The first “hard copy” steps for the Farma Valley (Tuscany) community map
- April 25th celebrations with four musical phases
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa project in the International Dark Sky Week 2017
- Apr 25, 2017: Etruschi from Lakota live in Montieri, Tuscany
- newsletter #2: Live music and citizen science from Apr. 24 to May 1st
- A delegation by Etruschi from Lakota at the Slow Record Shop in Cecina, Tuscany
- On the “Eurocirco” set
- Forestano’s House in Tatti, Southern Tuscany
- Ersilia’s House in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
- Set theory
- The palla a 21 ball
- Pietro Crivelli in his Piloni, Southern Tuscany, workshop
- newsletter (April 17-23): a webinar recording and old card game tournaments
- The recording of the webinar of open-source geomatics, environment and music from Southern Tuscany
- New management with Spanish spirit at “Il Boscaiolo” in Torniella (Southern Tuscany)
- Simone, Roccia, and the Eko X-27 rehearsing “Have love, will travel”
- BMP Interviews #4: Davide Dominoni
- Pietro Crivelli, decorating
- An audio track (what will we hear)?
- Apr. 7, 2017: At the confluence of Farma and Cecina a webinar on geomatics, environment, and music
- April 8, 2017: opening of the “26 Nero” brewpub in Poggibonsi (North of Siena)
- More details on…
- Save the date: Apr 7, 2017 webinar on “How Free/Open Source Geomatics can integrate in Rural Communities to improve Resilience and Quality of Life”
- Pietro Crivelli: Nobody knows when you’re down and out @ Belagaio Castle (Southern Tuscany)
- Spring 2017 FAI days with info desk in the Farma Valley
- March 24, 2017: Etruschi from Lakota Duo @ Staro Café, Abbadia S. Salvadore (SI)
- The Jam Session at the end of the three-day International Open Data Day suite by
- St. Patrick’s Day in Pomarance (South of Pisa)
- Closing the + Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta
- Mar. 7, 2017: Mario Straccali on the Farma Valley Community Map
- Photos and videos from the three-day tour during the International Open Data Day in Southern Tuscany
- The Farma Valley (Southern Tuscany) Community Map
- Scansano pavements
- March 4, 2017: Open Data Day in Torniella (with opening in Scansano and closing in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina)
- The beauty of Montieri at night with the photographer and the researcher (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Feb 25, 2017)
- Claudio Spinosi aka Bob Plays the Tenor Horn
- The poster presented at the FOSS4G-IT conference (Feb. 9-10, 2017)
- Amish from Jack White
- Tom “Harp” Newton
- Geomatics and music at FOSS4G-IT in Genova, Italy
- International Journal of Sustainable Lighting (Vol. 35, no. 1) – February 2017
- Feb 9, 2017: Etruschi from Lakota (Duo line-up) in Cuneo
- The slate-coloured rocks of Roccatederighi (when it’s raining)
- Save the date: Milano, March 11: Community maps of Earth, Sea, and Sky in Fa’ la Cosa Giusta
- Jam session with Peter Seeds and Steppenwolfgang
- Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Feb. 4, 2017: Two afternoons in Roccatederighi with Pibinko and Attivarti
- From the red rocks of Arbatax to the slate-coloured rocks of Roccatederighi (4-5 Feb.)
- Map(pear)ing Sardinia: mission accomplished
- Save the date: March 4, 2017 – Farma Valley Open Data Day
- Le Stelle, no. 163: Where are we at with the sky?
- Asphalt-licking bovines (Jan. 26, 2017)
- Warranties are fundamental
- Jan. 23, 2017: Pula and Cagliari – lecture on “Participatory methods for protection and promotion of territories with an S in their name”
- Light from the wall
- BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)
- See and Sardinia: Season 1
- See and Sardinia – episode 1: R[a|u]mble on
- BuioMetria Partecipativa once more touring Sardinia (starting from Tuscany), after four years
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa Project (and its operating context since 2008)
- Impromptu jam session by Marco the plumber
- Main outreach initiatives by the BuioMetria Partecipativa project since 2008
- Wrapping up the Farma Valley Winter Fest – Jan. 4, 2017 in Roccastrada
- Santa Claus intrigued by the article on the Torniella Band in Scalvaia
- Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 28, 2016
- About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest
- The photo set by Federico Giussani on the Farma Valley Winter Fest
- A Christmas story about m(‘)appare, from 2008 to date (v1.0)
- 2017/2018 Season’s Greetings
- Farma Valley Winter Fest – Summary of Day 3
- Farma Valley Winter Fest – Summary of Day 2
- Farma Valley Winter Fest – notes from Day 1
- Farma Valley Winter Fest (Dec. 2016)
- Our Festival, at Last (Il Tirreno, Dec. 17, 2016)
- Come to measure the dark skies in the “Valley that’s not there” (Il Tirreno, Dec. 17, 2016)
- All set for the Farma Valley Winter Fest: three days of Pici, Love, and Music
- Options for protection and touristic promotion of night skies
- The “alpha” release of the Farma Valley Winter Guide (for the Winter Fest, but not only)
- Moonshine in Certopiano (Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany)
- A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer
- Farma Valley Winter Fest: after the flyer, free registration is open
- Simone Sandrucci
- Wolfgang Scheibe
- Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: Here is the map by hunters and mushroom seekers
- Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: A Winter Festival to discover the Farma Valley
- Dec. 17-18-19, 2016: Farma Valley Winter Fest…three days of pici, love, and music in Southern Tuscany
- From Linden Street to the Linden farm
- Piro and Tom from “Etruschi from Lakota” experimenting with excerpts from “Black Market”
- Bitter Maremma?
- Map of Germany (Esso, 1960)
- The BuioMetria CORDILIT station restarts its measurements under the Sassoforte
- Dec. 19, 2016: m(‘)appare Maurizio Bacci in Grosseto
- Reflections of Fame
- Pioneer SA-7300 stereo amplifier (1976)
- Debriefing in Rosignano Solvay, Tuscany
- Ten years of shorts with a recommendation for your next rainy day at home
- Yakuza contre Triades (1995)
- A summary of experiences from Italy in the Loss of the Night Network
- Great Universal, Autumn and Winter 1978/79
- The Accesa Castle and its district (2002)
- Homeri Opera: Tomvs I (1963 edition)
- The presentation for the delegation from Artannes-sur-Indre, France
- Vetulonia: Illustrated History and Art Tourist Guide (1979)
- Loss of the Night Management Committe member
- Farma Valley, Tuscany: The “canaloni” in the Autumn
- Uma história portuguesa
- Etruschi from Lakota live @ Scuderie Bicocchi, Pomarance, Tuscany
- Sylvie Vartan – Zum Zum Zum/Baby Capone (45 rpm)
- The revision of the trekking network in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Tuscany
- Not all lamps are the same
- The first night sky quality monitoring campaign by the Museum of vine and wine in Roccastrada, Tuscany
- Artificial Night Lighting Reduces Firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) Occurrence in Sorocaba, Brazil
- The Fourth International Conference on Artificial Light at Night
- Participatory Dark Sky Monitoring in Italy: Interactions between Awareness Raising and Research
- …in Tirli they were missing their palla tournaments
- Video report from the 37th Palla a 21 tournament in Torniella (Tuscany)
- Highlights from the 2016 palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments (video)
- Committed in Fonteblanda
- Highlights from the 40th palla eh! tournament in Ciciano (Siena)
- Highlights from the 38th palla a 21 tournament in Scalvaia
- Tatti, July 25, 2016
- July 16, 2016: Torniella in Musica, on the Filarmonica side
- Tatti, una parola in 20 atti: some drops
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Museum of Grape and Wine in Roccastrada
- The new world atlas of artificial night sky brightness has been published
- Conference on Light Pollution in Natural Protected Areas in Lazio, with a talk by BuioMetria Partecipativa
- March 30, 2016 in Montelupo (Florence): “Darkness and Light”
- Article on “Tutti fotografi”
- An article on dark skies and artificial light in the CNR Book on the Year of Light
- BMP at the Leonardo da Vinci high school in Civitanova Marche
- Carlo Nardi
- Pisa, Dec. 14, 2015: Language mediation and environment – BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Lecture in Barcelona, Spain, on BuioMetria
- How do you light up your Christmas (in Andalucia)
- Pietro Crivelli, painter and musician: from Florence to Southern Tuscany, via Bali and Seattle
- Tuscany and Lombardy: comparing the names of lodging facilities
- Beans with Rind (De’ Soda Sisters live)
- At the Connected Automobiles 2015 Hackathon
- De’ Soda Sisters live @ Baravaj Bookshop, Milano
- Presenting BuioMetria Partecipativa at “Join Maremma Online”, Gavorrano
- Toscana Foto Festival
- Mapping the affiliation of INSPIRE Annex 2 and 3 Data Specification experts
- Leghorn, Italy, Oct. 29, 2015: An event talking about light and dark sky at the Natural History Museum
- Almost ready for the Connected Automobiles Hackathon at the Monza F1 circuit (Oct. 29-30)
- Tagliatelle 101 at Casa del Chiodo, Farma Valley, Tuscany
- At the Eye on Earth Summit in Abu Dhabi, with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project
- The Buiometria Partecipativa Project: Participatory Night Sky Quality Monitoring In Italy. Helping To Liaise Cities And Rural Areas And To Re-Define Citizen Perception Of Artificial Light At Night (2015)
- At the second “Grosseto Partecipa” meeting
- End of the September 2015 tour
- The ASITA 2015 final program in a nutshell, according to pibinko
- Athens, September 2015
- Balkan Light 2015, Athens, Greece
- Are you a developer? Come to the Connected Automobiles 2015 Hackathon in Monza, October 29-30
- Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)
- From our night sky quality citizen scientists in Calabria
- At the opening of the Ninth Parco Nord Milano Biodiversity Festival
- Before the Biodiversity Festival
- A report on the Sep 8, 2015 meeting in Ribolla
- Improvised Ottava Rima poetry workshop
- Sep. 2, 2015: Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, La BuioMetria Partecipativa: un progetto che conquista il mondo
- Palla 21 (or palla eh) tournament in Vetulonia, where you can catch the sea breeze
- Recording of the radio interview to Andrea Bartolini on Palla a 21/Palla eh! and the Farma Valley
- Waiting for the Palla 21 tournament in Piloni, August 22-23: let’s have a swim in the creek
- Radio interview for Macondo on BuioMetria Partecipativa and night sky quality (July 30, 2015)
- Come to the “Sa Lorenzo” night, to measure night sky quality (and count shooting stars) with BuioMetria Partecipativa
- mini tour in Milano and surroundings (July 28-31)
- After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth
- Map(pear)ing the other half of the landscape in Milano
- To cross- or to multiple-post in 2015? This is not the dilemma (part 1)
- Dire e Fare in Pisa
- Video by Federico Giussani on mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape
- July 30, 2015 – Milano: mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape, between stars and stables
- Science, politics, or both?
- Palla a 21 training sessions in Torniella (with Torniella and Scalvaia folks)
- Sandokan for Caffè Ricasoli
- Rhyming report of the trip to the AC/DC concert in Imola, Italy
- Etruschi from Lakota
- Gino the drone
- BuioMetria Partecipativa proposed in the participatory budget for the Municipality of Grosseto
- No longer alone
- Co-working in Piloni (Southern Tuscany)
- An Etruschi from Lakota video: Any other Wheat Thursday
- Etruscan “test…test”…
- Casa del Chiodo in Piloni, Southern Tuscany, Italy: the first participatory mapping farmhouse
- v 1.1- Text mining of the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home
- Text mining of the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home – v1.0
- A report of the June 14, 2015 event in Scalvaia
- Determining the relative orientation of two segments on the same plane – version 1
- Florence, June 6, 2015: Public consultation on Climate and Energy
- Palla 21/eh! at the Lari (Pisa) cherry fair
- Lecture at Politecnico di Milano on “map(p)earing the upper half of the landscape”
- A report about the radio show talking about “m(‘)appare” /mapp(‘ere)ing
- The valley that’s not there
- Dalmatian draping 2015 (Da Miele et al. based on the NTCCG model)
- Interview #3: Holes and Rocks
- Interview #2: kaolin/Caolino
- interview #1: We’ve got parking issues…
- Interview #4: 21 (or palla eh!)
- Interview 5: With a Waning Moon, beware of Nilo, Valdemaro and Dante
- Official report on the LoNNe Intercomparison campaign in Tuscany
- The MoU with the Pisa Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Pisa
- Condensing the light pollution issue in one SMS
- Three technical recommendations from LoNNe on artificial light at night
- Podcast on “L’Altra Europa”
- The “LoNNe” intercomparison campaign in Tuscany: how did it go?
- Organization of the Loss of the Night experimental campaign in Tuscany
- Mar. 25, 2015, Il Tirreno (ed. Grosseto), Borgo medievale al buio per un esperimento internazionale
- A Video on Night Sky Quality in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
- Pio Spinosi Recalls the Hermit from S. Antonio in Val di Larca?
- Dario Canal
- Elena Maggi
- Translation of the OpenStreetMap plugin for WordPress
- Jam Session with Jary Joe and Peter Crivelli
- participating to the INVOLEN competition
- Monticiano (Siena), BuioMetria at the Knowledge and flavours festival
- Web site for the LO-FI club (Milano)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at ASITA – Florence
- Grosseto, BMP at Caffé Ricasoli for “La Notte Visibile 2014”
- BMP presentation in Leicester, UK, for the 2n ALAN Conference
- Partoprenigema MallumMezurado (Esperanto Buiometria)
- “La Combriccola” web site launched
- Blog post “Around Tuscany” on Palla a 21/palla eh!
- Blog post on “Around Tuscany” on night sky quality
- Porto (Portugal): presentation on light pollution
- A new CORDILIT station has been activated in Torniella
- BMP interviews #2: Leopoldo Dalla Gassa
- With Bob and Mariano at S. Maria alla Scala for the Siena Capital of Culture Workshop
- Happy sixth birthday, BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Lottava Rima @ Caffè Ricasoli, Grosseto, Tuscany
- Grosseto: Organization of a meeting on “ottava rima” (Tuscan “slam poetry”)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Pistoia (Tuscany)
- Palla a 21: from Tuscany to Milano and back
- You won’t see this everyday: Ottava rima improvisation in Grosseto – June 2014
- A whole Big Fish episode about palla a 21 and ancient games
- Organisation of a palla 21 presentation at the Grosseto State Archive
- BMP interviews #1: Estefanía Cañavate García
- Improvised Poetry in Rocchette di Fazio, Southern Tuscany
- BuioMetria Partecipativa vs. the Tuscan Spiderman
- Milano – palla 21/eh! dalla Toscana a Milano e ritorno – sesta puntata “Tutta mia la citta(‘)”
- Tatti (GR): palla 21/eh! dalla Toscana a Milano e ritorno – quinta puntata “Il baricentro”
- 5, Scalvaia (SI): palla 21/eh! dalla Toscana a Milano e ritorno – quarta puntata “Da via Brigate Partigiane 32 a un borgo di 32 residenti”
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Florence – cafe at the Oblate library
- 26, Grosseto, palla 21/eh! dalla Toscana a Milano e ritorno – terza puntata “Dalla piana milanese al lago Prile”
- “Big Fish” radio show on Palla a 21: March 20, 2014
- Seconda presentation for “Palla a 21, dalla Toscana a Milano e ritorno”
- Mar. 13, 2014 Elevator producing quasi-diatonic singing (Milano, Italy)
- Toulouse (France): meetings for the LONNE network
- Mar. 12, 2014: Street Music in Toulouse, France (21″)
- Torniella (GR): palla 21/eh! dalla Toscana a Milano e ritorno – first presentation
- Grosseto, BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Bernie Bar
- February’s impressions: the Italian Open Geodata Day (Rome)
- A new series of blog posts: boscoriserva
- Ribolla (GR) – BuioMetria Partecipativa at Elettromarket Giulianelli.
- Tatti, Italy
- The darkness surveyors are back, and promising an on-the-road 2014 (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition, Feb. 19, 2014)
- Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella
- Get ready for the 2014 BuioMetria Partecipativa campaign: citizen science, environment, and land
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in one of the M’illumino di meno events – 2014
- Federico Giussani
- Fernando Tizzi Rhyming over the Phone
- Places
- revamping of the web site
- BMP 2013 Annual Activity Report
- Jan. 13, 2014, Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, I cacciatori del buio in cerca di nuovi cieli
- In Monticiano (Siena) an evening about lesser known biographies
- Photo coverage of the New Year’s Eve party in Tornialla (Hardisco Live)
- Translation of the “Loss of the Night” app
- Aggregation Point
- Berlin: meetings of the LONNE network
- When the Choir had a Duet with one of the Rolling Stones
- A Palla 21 Demonstration during a Visit by the Schumacher College in Torniella
- Study mission by the Schumacher College
- Talk at the workshop “Bringing standards-making bodies together”
- At the 2013 Biodiversity Festival (Parco Nord Milano)
- Maria plays an astronomic guitar in Lastovo (Sep. 6, 2013)
- This is not “Photometrical” Water
- ENVIROFI Citizen Science Coordinator
- INSPIRE Data specifications facilitator
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Nuove Figure Festival
- Presentation about BuioMetria Partecipativa at an evening on “Smart Citizens”
- Presentation of the “Citizens in Tuscany” experience in the INSPIRE Conference
- Firenze – Terra Futura – presentazione “Citizens in Tuscany”
- Presentation on BuioMetria Partecipativa at the “La Maremma delle idee” event
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in the Orcia Valley
- Organization of the 2013 Open Data Day in the Farma Valley
- LONNE Workshop
- Interview for “The Florentine” on the 2012 flooding in Albinia (Southern Tuscany)
- IRIS Ambiente
- Presentation + demonstration of the ENVIROFI project
- They day the ball got me – Connecting tiny Tuscan villages and large USA towns
- Management Committee member for the Loss of the Night Network
- ENVIROFI Workshop in Florence
- 2012 Activity Summary
- Interview with Lucio Monocrom on Mostri di Media Dimensione (Radio Popolare Milano, Jan. 4, 2013)
- Organization of the New Year’s Eve concert in Torniella
- Article on Palla a 21 on
- presentation on BuioMetria Partecipativa in Alghero (Sardinia)
- Presentation on BuioMetria Partecipativa in Manciano (Tuscany)
- organisation of a live rock night with Simposio
- Workshop on the regional master plan on energy and environment in Florence
- In Follonica: have the installation on the BMP Summer Campaign with a cappuccino
- The Flyer of the Nov. 19, 2012 conference on Culture and Environment in Monticiano (Siena)
- here we go with a brief history of participatory night sky monitoring from Italy
- While some get gloomy about dark skies…
- Press release by on the “Dark Skies” operation and on comments it is receiving
- Unicoop Tirreno Trekking with ENVIROFI
- Meeting with the ENVIROFI Consortium
- ENVIROFI presentation at the biodiversity festival (Milano)
- Presentation at the 12th International Dark Sky Association
- ENVIROFI Workshop in Torniella (Grosseto)
- Talk at the Emilio Sereni Summer School on rural development
- So I thought I had something to do with INSPIRE…
- BMP Poster at the International Astronomy Union General Assembly in Beijing, China
- Workshop for the construction of the pall a 21/palla eh! ball
- Poster at the International Astronomy Union General Assembly in Beijing, China
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Dolomites Star Party
- BMP at the first Dolomites Star Party (Aug. 10/12, 2012)
- Aug. 7, 2012, Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, A Pian d’Alma ecco il buiometro
- Moonfest in Salaiola (Mount Amiata)
- Summer BMP lending point at Loriano Bartoli’s farm
- Ray Daytona and the Googoobombos – Red Razor on bass
- Jul. 17, 2012, Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto “A Follonica il buio non fa paura”
- Gregorio and Paolo Neri
- Then you also have the Memphis Horns: Pio and Claudio Spinosi in Torniella (Southern Tuscany), Jul. 1, 2012
- Zapping session in Istanbul (June 26, 2012)
- Talk at the Istanbul INSPIRE Conference (2012)
- Paper Planes, Street Music Version. Istanbul, June 23, 2012
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Greening Camp (Rome)
- ENVIROFI presentation at Terra Futura (Florence)
- Meeting of the ENVIROFI Consortium
- First newsletter from the CLIC intercomparison campaign
- Proceedings of the November 2011 conference in Leghorn available
- Two photos published in a guide by the Grosseto Province
- Conference on Palla 21/palla eh! in Monticiano
- Hotel Lombardi
- Exhibition on “Le palline sulle colline”
- Opening in Alghero, Sardinia, of the first lending point for buiometria partecipativ
- EAN webinar on BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Participation to the “Toscaanse Smaken” exhibition
- Light pollution conference in Leghorn, Tuscany
- “Pianeta Galileo” conference in Leghorn
- The “ricette bòne” blog
- The Maira Sky Quality Meter is missing in action
- Light pollution workshop at the S. Giovanni in Persiceto planetarium
- Understanding Community Conservation in Europe, in Gerace
- 11th European Symposium for the Protection of the night sky – Osnabrueck
- Participatory Approaches to Light Pollution Mitigation: a Case History from Italy
- Poster on poster: Indigenous Community Conservation in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany
- BMP presentation in Vetulonia (Grosseto)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Vetulonia, Southern Tuscany
- Astronomy Campus at Capraia Island
- Technologies and participatory methods for land protection: the case of light pollution
- Follonica, Tuscany, BMP event on the beach
- August, 2011, Astronomia Nova (webzine)
- The Panther in Maremma really exists (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, Aug. 3, 2011)
- Cariddi at Podere Mulinaccio
- The presentation of the 2011 Summer buiometric relay
- Maira on a mission: BuioMetria Partecipativa from China to Pakistan
- BuioMetria Partecipativa on
- Accounting for people in Earth Observation
- Between Dusk and Dawn: an exhibition after the 2010 photo contest
- Interview about the INSPIRE Conference for L’Altra Europa, Radio 24 (July 2, 2011)
- June 21, 2011: A European Perspective on Digital Earth
- Buiometria partecipativa in Matera, June 10, 2011
- BMP at the Spina Verde natural park, in Como
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Natural History Museum in Leghorn
- May 23, 2011: Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Electronics / Lecture on BMP
- Peter Crivelli and Dioniso Nota at Terra Futura
- May 21, 2011: Florence, Terra Futura/ Launch of and talks on BMP
- Testing the hotelbar-o-phone in Nice, France (May 15, 2011)
- Photo coverage of the Barbatuques concert in Nice, France
- Barbatuques and audience engagement @ Théatre Lino Ventura, Nice, France, May 14, 2011
- Barbatuques – progression @ Théatre Lino Ventura, Nice, France, May 14, 2011
- Baiana – Barbatuques @ Théatre Lino Ventura, Nice, France, May 14, 2011
- Farma Valley Stomp v1.5, May 1, 2011
- Impromptu poets from Sardinia and Tuscany at my grandma’s place in Scansano
- PIetro Crivelli – Farma Valley Stomp #1
- “Maremma 2015: Energies for Growth” project
- Song: April, code he will
- 9-4-2011: Silvi, conference on light pollution mitigation and energy saving in Abruzzo
- Apr. 8, 2011, Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, Roselle, BuioMetria all’Osservatorio
- BMP at the Roselle astronomical observatory
- with BuioMetria Partecipativa at ToscanaLab on web 2.0
- BuioMetria Partecipativa talk @ Toscanalab, Massa Marittima
- BMP at the Castel di Guido Bird Protection Reserve
- BMP data used in scientific paper
- Unihedron data accessible in web-GIS form from the BMP project
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Rome – Feb 2011 for M’illumino di Meno
- Manuel Schianchi
- Feb. 2011, Manutenzione
- BuioMetria Partecipativa 2011 Activity Report
- The first BuioMetria Partecipativa fixed SQM station is active
- BuioMetria Partecipativa on the Open Knowledge Foundation International Blog (Jan. 10, 2011)
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa data are available in KML format
- 2010 BuioMetria Partecipativa annual activity report
- Opening of the LO-FI Club in Milano
- BMP at the annual CAAT meeting in Grosseto
- Conference about the Star Park in Rome
- The BMP dataset is registered in CKAN
- Reserve Estimate software tool
- Document Management System for contaminated site assessment
- Award ceremony for the “Between Dusk and Dawn” photo contest, Massa Marittima
- Bovisa Video Connaction
- Regional Waste Bin Survey
- Conference in Polignano a Mare (Bari)
- San Giovanni in Persiceto planetarium – educational workshop for kids
- Launch of the “buiometria light pollution simulator model”
- An evening to appreciate the night sky quality of Southern Tuscany
- Aug. 11, 2010, L’Eco di Bergamo. A spasso col buiometro per vedere le stelle
- The hunt for the perfect night (La Sicilia, Aug. 8. 2010)
- BMP @ Parco di Pietra, Roselle, Southern Tuscany
- Article for “Gazzetta Ambiente”: Global visions and local actions on light pollution
- First INSPIRE Mashup
- The First INSPIRE Mashup (2010)
- Launch of the “Between Dusk and Dawn” photo contest
- BMP Article on “Appunti di Vista”
- BMP @ Forca Canapine Star Party
- The first buiometria local lending point is born
- BMP @ Terra Futura 2010, Florence
- BMP @ “Città dell’Altra Economia”, Rome
- TG2 Costume e Società (national TV)
- Voodo Chile Rhythm Practice
- BuioMetria Partecipativa @ San Giovanni in Persiceto planetarium (Bologna)
- Feb. 25, 2010, Il Cittadino di Monza e Brianza on Buiometria
- In between the Cathedral and the Bazaar: Points of View on free/open geographic information from 2007 to 2013
- Feb. 24, 2010, Radio Montecarlo on BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Radio Popolare, La Banda on BMP
- Studio Ecogeo website
- Feb. 17, 2010 – Radio Capital on BuioMetria Partecipativa
- La Stampa, page 27, on BMP
- Feb. 13, 2010, Teletirreno on BuioMetria Partecipativa
- M’illumino di meno in Massa Marittima (2/2)
- M’illumino di meno in Massa Marittima (1/2)
- Pietro Crivelli
- Luciano Massetti
- Feb. 1, 2010, Comune di Roccastrada on BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Article by the Municipality of Roccastrada on BMP
- BMP presented in the “Sustainable world” on CiaoComo Radio
- Jan. 29, 2010 on BuioMetria Partecipativa (Corriere di Maremma)
- Facilitation of meeting between, Assoli and others
- Jan. 13, 2010, Grazia: “Di mestiere faccio il cercatore di buio”
- Jan. 10, 2010: L’altro lato de L’Altro Lato at Bloom di Mezzago
- Coordination of large GPS survey
- New Year’s Eve Party in Piazza del Popolo
- Updated version of the Q&A test on light pollution for schools
- Dec. 11, 2009 – Radio 24 – Mister Kilowatt on BuioMetria Partecipativa
- Presentation in Civitanova Marche for the DESS UNESCO week
- Interviews by the former Paolo Pini Asylum in Milan, Italy
- Music: Renato lo scienziato (Renato the Scientist)
- Music: Pressioni di Settembre
- GIS for contaminated site assessment
- Stormwater management planning support tool
- Discussing about Alcohol Tests in Friuli (Nov. 14, 2009)
- Paths crossing, not knowing
- BMP at San Giovanni in Persiceto for the national light pollution day
- L’Altro Lato (RAI Radio Due), Oct. 17, 2009
- So…is it dark? A meeting and an outing in Roccastrada, Southern Tuscany
- Oct. 16, 2009 – Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, Alla scoperta della bellezza del buio I cieli notturni di Maremma, tesoro da tutelare.
- Free (as in Freedom) Geographic Information: where are we at?
- Trailer for “Rose Island”
- The Pretty Face in “Your Heart is made of Stone”
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Southern Tuscany – episode 3
- Educational video on night sky quality and light pollution
- The Reserve of our Forgotten Seeds is on our Balconies
- Video on “Buiometria at La seconda luna exhibition”
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at “La Seconda Luna”
- BMP installation at the “Seconda Luna” exhibition
- Announcement of the 2009 BuioMetria Summer Campaign
- The first SQM observation provided by a “non-BMP” sensor
- Urban gardening
- Safari live @ Concentrato d’arte, Buca di San Vincenzo, Milano
- Showing of Ermanno X in Meldola, Italy: the highlights
- Tomatoes on a Migrating Tray
- Analysis of GRASS mailing list archives
- Lucio Monocrom at Lina’s, before the Ermanno X screening
- BMP Presentation at the “Home 21” conference
- How dark is the sky in Maremma?
- Apr. 29, 2009, L’Alto Adige: Premiazione del concorso “La Seconda Luna”
- The award by “La seconda luna” for BuioMetria Partecipativa
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in a book for children
- The first presentation in the “Blinded by light” format
- Giving Voice to the Unspoken
- Ermanno X: the trailer
- Lucio Monocrom and his Crew in a Production Meeting
- A Q&A test by Buiometria Partecipativa on light pollution
- Palla 21 class in the Civitella Paganico primary school
- First steps with Ortinconca
- Lucio Monocrom running on the Ermanno X set
- Jan. 17, 2009 – Corriere Fiorentino, I cacciatori di stelle
- The “darkness hunter” inset in the Italian Mickey Mouse magazine
- Let’s light up the stars!
- On the “Ermanno X” set
- Discharge permit for large industrial installation
- Award ceremony for the “Between Dusk and Dawn” photo contest, Massa Marittima
- Linux Day in Grosseto with m(‘)appare and Buiometria
- An episode of L’Altro Lato with BuioMetria Partecipativa as the guest star
- The Square around the Ball, in San Francisco, California
- So, let me show you what I did
- Palla a 21 at “The village of kids” in Suvereto, Tuscany
- Cheese: the trailer
- Lecture at IUAV Venezia on Open Mapping
- Pisa-style Contemplation
- (Italian OSGEO Chapter) Summer 2008 Campaign
- Epifanio’s Departure
- Buiometria Partecipativa in Sardinia
- More snaphots from the first BuioMetria Partecipativa Sardinian mission (2008)
- Culture, Environment, Open Innovation: opportunities for the Gulf of Angels, Sardinia
- Creative Commons and Geographic Information: a Relationship under Development
- End of the m(‘)appare Milano project
- “Why are we here”: final presentation of the m(‘)appare Milano project
- “white night” in Massa Marittima
- “White night” in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany)
- Interview with Lucio Monocrom
- At the Industri “short is cool”. There goes the Free Image Festival (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, Jun. 21, 2008)
- Culture, environment, open informatics:
- Little Balls on the Hills, 2008 Edition
- World Day of Games
- Charles T live: Sitting on the dock of the BART
- BuioMetria Partecipativa in Southern Tuscany – Lesson 1
- April 2008 – BuioMetria Partecipativa mentioned for the Seconda Luna Prize
- Milan? We can map it for you (Corriere della sera, Apr. 26, 2008)
- M(‘)appare Milano: the April, 6, 2008, outing
- Launch of the m(‘)appare Milano project (March 13, 2008)
- Kick-off of the M(‘)appare Milano Project
- Casa del Chiodo farmhouse
- Interview for L’Altro Lato (RAI Radio 2) on the Arezzo mapping party
- Mapping Party in Arezzo, Tuscany
- Riflessioni sul tema(tismo) – on free/open-source GIS
- Riflessioni sul tema(tismo) – on free/open source geographic information
- Mapping Party in Pavia, Italy
- Presentation “You are involved in pure GIS”
- Palla 21 a Chicago (e ritorno) – TRAILER
- The lonesome Chioccolo Player
- Oct. 4, 2007, Quasirete blog (La Gazzetta dello Sport)
- Palla a 21 at Tocatì Stree Game Festival 2007 (Verona)
- Different heights
- Sep. 5, 2007, Corriere di Maremma
- Palla 21 at the Art of Play – rationale
- Cronaca Vera magazine
- Palla 21 from Tuscany to Chicago and back / The documentary
- Aug. 15, 2007, Il Tirreno
- Aug. 7, 2007, La Nazione Grosseto edition
- Jul. 26, 2007, Superdeporte
- Jul. 31, 2007, Levante
- The game from the hamlets conquers the States (La Nazione Grosseto edition, Jul 26, 2007)
- Palla a 21 conquers the United States (Jul. 25, 2007, Corriere di Maremma)
- The site mentioned by the Roccastrada Municipality
- Jul. 19, 2007. From Chicago, IL, for Tre Uomini in Barca (Radio Popolare Milano)
- July, 2007: Comcast Sports News covers Palla a 21 in Chicago
- From July 16 to July 21: Palla a 21 goes to Chicago / The official schedule
- Jul. 14, 2007 Corriere di Maremma, La palla a 21 ha il suo blog ufficiale
- Flyer used during the “Palla 21 in Chicago” mission
- …So you thought you had nothing to do with INSPIRE…
- Palla a 21: Clearing the Field
- Palla 21 Master Tournament
- Palla a 21: a primal primer
- Torniella with the Farma Valley in the background, from above the soccer field (2007)
- June 3, 2007: RAI Radio Due, L’Altro Lato
- Palla 21: the rules according to Mario and Claudio, aka Bob
- Palla a 21 demonstration and prize draw for the “pro Chicago” lottery (in Torniella)
- May 29, 2007, La Nazione ed. Grosseto – La palla a 21 approda negli States
- May 27, 2007, Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto – Palla eh! La sfida di Torniella
- Four-team palla 21 tournament in Torniella
- May 26, 2007, Corriere di Maremma
- Briscola Tournament for Chicago in Piloni
- The Art of Play (2007 Summer event calendar for the City of Chicago, Illinois)
- Briscola tournament in Ciciano for Chicago
- If you start well, you end up well (the construction of the ball according to Ilo)
- Pro Chicago lunch in Scalvaia
- Briscola Tournament “for Chicago” in Scalvaia
- Apr. 18, 2007: La Banda, Radio Popolare Milano on palla a 21
- briscola tournament for palla 21 in Chicago in Torniella
- Easter Egg Lottery for palla 21 in Chicago
- Bingo evening to support the palla 21 to Chicago mission
- The Big Cigar
- World premiere for “The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies”
- The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies (Italy, 2007)
- Mar. 7, 2007, Il Tirreno ed Grosseto, La palla eh! vola a Chicago
- The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies (short movie)
- Free Geomatic Rainbow over a Palermo, Sicily, sky
- GRASS: A Historical Perspective and Some Working Assumptions for its Development
- Andrea Bartalucci
- Giorgio Panerati
- Busto Arsizio (Varese, Italy), Garibaldi Square
- Beginning of the project “Palla 21: from Tuscany to Chicago, and back”
- Communities of Torniella, Piloni, and Scalvaia
- New Year’s celebration in Naples
- Cracklebox
- Dada, Cubed
- GIS for a 150-hectare remediation wetland
- Jim didn’t know
- Through the looking glass/Looking through the glass
- Starlings in Orrento
- The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies: trailer #1
- Too much pepper stew
- 1997-2006 Kaleidoscope (test)
- The spot for my first photography site
- Robus #1, Oct. 3, 2006
- Growing up
- Antonello Salis and Stefano Bollani (18.8.2006)
- Mystic Dancing
- Highly Effective People
- Fabio Bettio
- Lucio Monocrom
- Orchestre Internationale du Vetex (Jan. 22, 2006)
- Industrial wastewater utilities GIS
- Lecture: Geographic Information Systems as a support to the environment: data, tools and skills
- Geographic Information Systems for the Environment: Data, Tools, and Skills
- Fernando Tizzi
- The Hungry March Band in Cagliari, Sardinia (2005)
- Lecture at University of Parma – specialization course in contaminated site remediation
- GIS-based utility surveys
- The Greatest Show on Earth, Rho, Italy
- Brera, Milan, Italy, Jan. 8, 2005
- Lecture: Geographic Information Systems as a support to public administration history studies
- Seminar on Open-source Software
- CORDIS (European reasearch) database mining
- Socio-economic atlas of Sardinia
- GIS-based dismissed mining site characterization
- Luca Guerrieri in Follonica
- Bugo & EMO vs. PUNK
- The Cat Tamer
- 2001 – MondoGIS – The Sardinian Industrial Parks Geographic Information System
- SITAI – Information System for Industrial Parks in Sardinia
- Contributing to the network newsletter
- Sorry, we don’t have it!
- A little “participatory lithology” exercise from Southern Tuscany
- Giuseppe “Joe” Marotta
- Industrial park information system (SITAI)
- Contributions to the shapelib library
- (hair)cut it out
- Coastal aquifers
- HYREC project
- Land use in the Virginiolo Basin (Montespertoli, Italy)
- EARSeL Specialist Meeting on Hydrology and Water Resources, Dundee, Scotland, 1993
- Revenge
- Georg Ruzzene
- Evolution + Thru & Thru
- ZX Spectrum 48 Kb
- Friendship is the Warmth of Life
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