The Zoom link for the presentation is:

The Zoom link for the presentation is:
Following the interviews in February (see link, in Italian), and waiting for the first Spring tour with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (April 8-9 in Trentino and Emilia Romagna), we have decided to respond to various expressions of interest in the area of Scansano, Southern Tuscany, to propose a sort of “mini open day”. We will be explaining what we have been preparing during the Winter, in terms of activities in the our historical lines of work: culture, environment, open innovation, and musica. We will be up and about in Scansano between 7PM and 10PM. Part of the event will be streamed. The event is intended to be in Italian, but if you will need hints in English, we will be glad to provide them during the course of the evening.
For an introduction we invite you to review this page:, in addition to the concert/interview that we had in Milano last December with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (see link)
For more information and booking:
Cultural mediation is one of the pillars of the network. Pibinko had to deal with three languages since the age of 0 years, since he was born in “Chehmanee”. Then, especially since 2002, he had to deal with minds from five continents, in the combination of international projects and other local initiatives involving foreign people (such as teaching Italian as a foreign language).
In this context, we are glad to relay the initiative of creating and Italian-English conversations group in Alta Valdera (half way between Pisa and Volterra) and its immediate surroundings. The idea is to arrange bi-weekly meetups with a duration of one hour, where people can chat half of the time in English and half of the time in Italian, with a balanced presence of people who are mother tongue in these two languages (or in any case like the format).
If you are inteterested, you should like a brief presentation email at Please indicate where you are based, in which days of the week and time slots you would be available, and why you would like to join.
The schedule and the venues will be defined depending on the indications provided by the participants. On the English side, there are already four people. The meetings will begin as soon as a group of at least two Italian natives and to non-Italian ones is confirmed.
Participation does not have a registration cost. Any expenses for tea, coffee, aperitivo, pizza or similar recreational supplies will be payed individually by each participant… in the meantime you may visit the website of the Società Agricola I Cipressi, from which this initiative was launched:
…we are curious of knowing why, but we’re happy about it!
I was invited as an expert to be part of the panel for a workshop on wildfires in Italy, organized by the Italian chapter of the Robert Bosch Foundation
Please note: the Pizzeria has closed in early 2023. We are in any case in contact with Andrea and Elio
In Garibaldi square, at the centre of Scansano, the village who gave its name to the Morellino wine. This is a location which works as an excellent pizza place, with all the required drinking options, but will also cater you with various forms of food for thought, brought to you by Andrea and Elio.
Andrea Giacomelli is working on this project for on cartography and facilitation.
Andrea Giacomelli is working on this project for on cartography and facilitation.
Hello to all. This will be a short issue because our week started in fast-track mode, but we did plan to send out something at the beginning of the month.
Starting from the end of October, with the network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere we have been quite busy to animate our audience and stimulate new collaborations. To give you a measure of this fact, we can show you in the header image of this post the trend of visits to our combined web sites (in this chart starting from January 2019, through February 2022)*. This line of work, which was important in the direction of doing something constructive together after the past Winter, with the news which started arriving from the East last week becomes essential.
For readers who do not “do” Italian, or are not interested in improving their Italian language skills: we need to apologize, but in this period we have a bit of a hard time in keeping the English version of our blogs up to date…if you switch to the Italian version of the sites you will see a lot more news. If you would like to help with the translation into English of our contents, the call we issued at the end of November is open (see link).
While we are finalizing our Spring planning, we would like to remind you of:
For more information and booking: .
* Note: if you are curious of checking what the highs and lows of our chart are related to, feel free to check the Archives section of our sites (see the right column in each page, where you can view all the blog posts grouped by month).