Give us our daily PNRR – 10

Over the past couple of months we have been lagging in the translation of our posts into English, for two reasons: (1) we were very busy with the “geotour” and (2) our call for translators, issued on Nov. 27, has not yet yielded valid candidates. So, pending a couple of quiet days for Jack O’Malley to catch up with the “transcreation” of pibinko’s articles (or vice versa), we simply decide to give priority to specific content, like today.

After the publication, yesterday, of the “Rosetta stone” version of the Live Motel show with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (vedi link), it is not possible to be indifferent, for the folks who, in the years, have been following the stories leading to that performances.

But, since most of you did not follow them, or if you followed you might have been mildly distracted, what can we do? We can play Caparezzah! …and do it all over again. For more information: oppure whatsapp 3317539228

PS the call for translators is here:

Vorrei che i pidocchi abitassero la testa di Branduardi, | I would like lice to live in Branduardi’s head
giocare a Tomb Raider insieme a Finardi, | to play Tomb Raider with Finardi
uscire solo con la Cinquetti e tornare tardi, | go out with Gigliola Cinquetti and be back late
vorrei sapere la mia lingua meno di Biscardi, | I would like to know my language less than Biscardi
criticare sgorbi disegnati da Sgarbi, | To criticize scrawls made by Sgarbi
mettere peli sotto le ascelle di Barbie, | To put hair under Barbie’s armpits
sapere che Wilma se la fa con Barnie, | to know that Wilma has an affair with Barnie
che di nascosto Red Ronnie s’abbuffa di carni, | that Red Ronnie is secretly binging on meat
fermi, vorrei accendere la radio e sintonizzarmi su Jannacci che ammette che é astemio, | hold it, I would like to turn on my radio and tune on Jannacci admitting that he doesn’t drink
vorrei stare al Music Awards, vincere un premio, | I would like to be at the Music Awards, win a prize
Micheal Jackson dice “Capa sei un genio”, | Michael Jackson saying “Capa you’re a genius”
vorrei che il mitico Leonardo Di Caprio facesse film solo quando Vasco é sobrio, | I would like that the great Leonardo Di Caprio made films only when Vasco is sober
io vorrei che i Backstreet Boys fossero gay, | I would like the Backstreet Boys to be gay
che le teenager amassero Casadei. | That teenagers loved Casadei

Tutto ciò che c’é c’é già. | All that exists exists
Allora nei miei pezzi che si fa? | So what can we do in my songs?
Renderò possibile l’impossibile | I will make the impossible possible
fino a rendere possibile la realtà. | Until reality is made possible

Vorrei che Naomi Campbell senza bikini | I would like that a topless Naomi Campbell
facesse il filo a Ceccherini, | had a crush for Ceccherini
che invece vuole fuggire con la Nannini | who, on the contrary, wants to run away with [Gianna] Nannini
nella discoteca dove spingono Masini, | in the disco club where they are pushing [Marco] Masini
Cristina D’Avena faccia dodici bambini | that Cristina d’Avena had twelve babies
che fanno cacca che si attacca ai pannolini, | doing their poo sticking on their diapers
poi la vedi al bar che ci dà col Martini, | and then you see her at the bar drinking lots of Martini
s’ingozza con gli alcolici, duetta con i Prodigy, | getting stoned with alcohol, and making duets with the Prodigy

vorrei alzare calici come un prete perfetto, | I would like to raise cups like a perfect priest
Marilyn Manson mi farà da chierichetto, | with Marilyn Manson as my altar boy
vorrei che la Marini fosse senza culetto, | that [Valeria] Marini had no ass
che mi mostrasse il suo Do di petto, | that she showed me her chest voice
aspetto che nasca Capa Rezza junior, | waiting for Capa Rezza junior to be born
Martufello? Il massimo dello humor, | Martuffello? he’s maximum humour
Shaquille O’Neale che fa l’amore in Mini Minor, | Shaquille O’Neale make love in a Mini
Casadei, dove sei? | Casadei, where are you?

I want you freedom!

Tutto ciò che c’é c’é già.
Allora nei miei pezzi che si fa?
Renderò possibile l’impossibile fino a rendere possibile la realtà.

Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Live Motel, Dec. 17, 2021

After the audio streaming on Dec. 17, 2021, from today the full video version of the show is available. Thanks to Mauro Giachino and all of the Deejay Fox Radio staff in Cologno Monzese (Milan) for this opportunity. Wolfgang Scheibe was missing on this round (but he will be back). For more information and booking: click here.

For non-Italian-speaking folks: please we encourage you to follow the show via the “Rosetta-stone”-style transcript which we published last week, with the full translation into English of all the interview and the song lyrics: please see this link.

The Jug Band continues its geotour, today in Torniella (La Nazione, Grande Costa edition, Dec. 30, 2021)

Ringraziando La Nazione per l’interesse per il progetto Jug Band Colline Metallifere, riteniamo opportuno segnalare una piccola precisazione, tenendo conto della complessità nel riorganizzare eventi programmati da mesi a fronte della congiuntura pandemica. Contrariamente a quanto indicato in una parte nell’articolo, la band NON farà un’esibizione musicale nell’ambito dell’evento, mentre, effettivamente, racconterà, come scritto sempre nella seconda parte dell’articolo e come ampiamente documentato nei vari comunicati di presentazione da qualche settimana.

Ricordiamo inoltre che per la parte in presenza dell’evento i posti disponibili sono esauriti, mentre sarà possibile per un massimo di 100 persone seguire parte dell’iniziativa in streaming (vedi:

Per altre informazioni vedi:, oppure contatta o whatsapp 3317539228

Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) is one of the first stakeholders of the ROSiE project

Andrea Giacomelli (aka pibinko) was invited to be part of the stakeholder group of the ROSiE project. This project is aimed at fostering responsibile open science in Europe. If you are not in the research arena, this might sound a bit cryptic…but you may check out this introduction to to have an idea on what the project wants to help.

So why does Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko aka Jack O’Malley end up in a pool of experts on this topic? Here is a copy of the presentation you find on

Freelance researcher with 27 years of experience, based in Southern Tuscany and operating internationally. With an MS in Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Hydrology, both from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, he has an extensive experience in institutional research programmes, especially within European Union Funded activities. In these projects, as well as in corporate consulting, he has worked as a Geographic Information Systems expert. He also has experience in policy support activities from local to global scales, including being the facilitator of one of the working groups for the data specifications of the INSPIRE Directive, and being part of a pool of experts involved in the definition of priorities for research in initiatives such as the Digital Earth, and other high-level stakeholder groups. Since 2006 he started developing an independent line of activity, creating a bottom-up network of citizens (the network) involved in projects for the promotion and protection of lesser known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation. This has led to results in the relations between research and society which, albeit on a small scale, have been disruptive for the actors involved. For example, through the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, an initiative for awareness raising and citizen science for night sky quality protection, there have been two national research institutions starting activities on the same topic, with the citizen group acting as a scientific advisor to the research bodies, or to an Erasmus student visiting a rural area in Southern Tuscany, with a direct connection of a foreign university to a local community in Italy (without an Italian research institution involved). Since 2019 he is a member of the “Empowerment, Inclusiveness, and Equality” working group of the European Citizen Science Association. With his combination of activities on one side with a “researcher hat”, and on the other side as a “citizen interacting with researchers”, he has gained a significant track record of cases where research ethics issues are in play. His current flagship project in the area of stakeholder engagement and facilitation is a rock-blues collective, the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, with which he provides events in a format combining scientific outreach and genuine musical entertainment.

Stakeholder activities within the ROSiE project will start at the beginning of next year, but in the meantime we are getting ready. For more information and booking: oppure whatsapp 3317539228