After the audio streaming on Dec. 17, 2021, from today the full video version of the show is available. Thanks to Mauro Giachino and all of the Deejay Fox Radio staff in Cologno Monzese (Milan) for this opportunity. Wolfgang Scheibe was missing on this round (but he will be back). For more information and booking: click here.
For non-Italian-speaking folks: please we encourage you to follow the show via the “Rosetta-stone”-style transcript which we published last week, with the full translation into English of all the interview and the song lyrics: please see this link.
Ringraziando La Nazione per l’interesse per il progetto Jug Band Colline Metallifere, riteniamo opportuno segnalare una piccola precisazione, tenendo conto della complessità nel riorganizzare eventi programmati da mesi a fronte della congiuntura pandemica. Contrariamente a quanto indicato in una parte nell’articolo, la band NON farà un’esibizione musicale nell’ambito dell’evento, mentre, effettivamente, racconterà, come scritto sempre nella seconda parte dell’articolo e come ampiamente documentato nei vari comunicati di presentazione da qualche settimana.
Ricordiamo inoltre che per la parte in presenza dell’evento i posti disponibili sono esauriti, mentre sarà possibile per un massimo di 100 persone seguire parte dell’iniziativa in streaming (vedi:
Andrea Giacomelli (aka pibinko) was invited to be part of the stakeholder group of the ROSiE project. This project is aimed at fostering responsibile open science in Europe. If you are not in the research arena, this might sound a bit cryptic…but you may check out this introduction to to have an idea on what the project wants to help.
So why does Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko aka Jack O’Malley end up in a pool of experts on this topic? Here is a copy of the presentation you find on
Freelance researcher with 27 years of experience, based in Southern Tuscany and operating internationally. With an MS in Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Hydrology, both from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, he has an extensive experience in institutional research programmes, especially within European Union Funded activities. In these projects, as well as in corporate consulting, he has worked as a Geographic Information Systems expert. He also has experience in policy support activities from local to global scales, including being the facilitator of one of the working groups for the data specifications of the INSPIRE Directive, and being part of a pool of experts involved in the definition of priorities for research in initiatives such as the Digital Earth, and other high-level stakeholder groups. Since 2006 he started developing an independent line of activity, creating a bottom-up network of citizens (the network) involved in projects for the promotion and protection of lesser known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation. This has led to results in the relations between research and society which, albeit on a small scale, have been disruptive for the actors involved. For example, through the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, an initiative for awareness raising and citizen science for night sky quality protection, there have been two national research institutions starting activities on the same topic, with the citizen group acting as a scientific advisor to the research bodies, or to an Erasmus student visiting a rural area in Southern Tuscany, with a direct connection of a foreign university to a local community in Italy (without an Italian research institution involved). Since 2019 he is a member of the “Empowerment, Inclusiveness, and Equality” working group of the European Citizen Science Association. With his combination of activities on one side with a “researcher hat”, and on the other side as a “citizen interacting with researchers”, he has gained a significant track record of cases where research ethics issues are in play. His current flagship project in the area of stakeholder engagement and facilitation is a rock-blues collective, the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, with which he provides events in a format combining scientific outreach and genuine musical entertainment.
Stakeholder activities within the ROSiE project will start at the beginning of next year, but in the meantime we are getting ready. For more information and booking: oppure whatsapp 3317539228
Per tutta la storia completa, scorrete la sezione Notizie di a partire dall’8 novembre.
Per informazioni e booking (in particolare nei giorni 4-9 dicembre, per venerdì 10 e sabato 11 sera): oppure whatsapp 3317539228
The network has been active for 15 years in the protection and promotion of lesser-known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation. We are interested to receive expression of interests to collaborate as translators for our network.
Since 2010, the website is maintained in Italian and English. Since Spring 2019 we also have the Jug Band Colline Metallifere website (, which was designed to be in Italian, English, and German. Overall, as of November 2021 we have around 2500 blog posts and over fifty pages, which are related to some 2000 files of multimedia content (not counting external links).
We do our best to keep all the language versions in sync, but -depending on the effort required by our various projects- we cannot always ensure that the non-Italian versions of the sites are up to date.
Furthermore, in the context of our mission, we are interested to have material in as many languages as possibile. In this respect, our flagship initiative to date has been the “Revenge of the Killer Chiuhuahua and of the Zombies” movie. In this case we managed to have the translation of the title in over twenty languages, dialects, and scripts (including Egyptian hyeroglyph), without using internet (see this blog post).
This said: if you like this context and are interest to collaborate with the network, please send an email to, indicating:
which languages you can use. Our current priorities are Italian to English, and Italian or English to German, but feel free to indicate other language combinations.
your motivations to collaborate
what type of compensation you would like to have (to date we have been dealing with: mondey, goods or services, educational credits, etc.