Claudio Spinosi


…noto Bob. Vive in ed è parte de la Val di Farma. Muratore e suonatore di bombardino, conosce molto bene storia e geografia nel raggio di 50 km da piazza del Popolo di Torniella (e ne sa parecchie anche oltre). Ha iniziato a collaborare con la rete il 4.1.2007, nell’aperitivo alla Combriccola di Torniella in cui fu condivisa l’idea di portare la palla a 21 a Chicago. Da allora è una delle colonne portanti della rete, è co-autore di alcune presentazioni scientifiche (una presentata nel 2011 a un workshop UNESCO a Gerace, e una del 2015 allo Ecocity World Summit di Abu Dhabi).

Se la bassa Toscana fosse la somma di paradiso, purgatorio e inferno, Bob sarebbe il vostro Virgilio.

Vari contributi di Bob e della famiglia Spinosi di Torniella (anche Fabiano e Pio) sono documentati sul sito

Documenting “The end of Summer”

Between Oct. 23 and 28 we ended up meeting quite a few times Jean-Baptiste de Brabander, a young French film maker. Jean-Baptiste is working on an ambitious documentary, with the intent of portraying the four seasons in Italy. The documentary is being shot entirely on film and is called “La fin de l’été” (The end of Summer).

Following a pattern which is not new in the network, we happened to interact wearing different hats, and shared multiple moments with Jean-Baptiste. We are now very curious of seeing the final product, even though a bit more time will be needed. In fact, Winter still has to be filmed, and editing will follow. In the meantime, we liked the idea of “documenting the documentary maker”, with our best wishes for the continuation of his project.

In the sequence below you can see him in Follonica, during the shooting of “Abramo” versione Jug Band Colline Metallifere, together with Klaus der Geiger; in the Farma Valley with Mario Straccali from Torniella and Andrea Giacomelli to cover (on Anna Giacomelli’s property) some chestnut harvesting, at the Boscaiolo restaurant in Torniella to elaborate on Autumn and these territories, and at the Ixtlan agricamping in Tatti, after a take on the genesis of the Farma Valley Winter Fest. In the header image, the director at work to plot his north-bound route using some of the nodes as beacons.

For more information: