International Lark Ski Association

Welcome to the home page of the International Lark Ski Association (ILSA). The association was created to promote and protect the discipline of skiing with larks around the world.

We are in the process of transferring contents from our old web site (now off-line) to the network web site.

In the meantime, for more information about ILSA, its activities, how to join, etc., please write to specifying ILSA in subject of your message (together with any other information you would like to convey).

Header photo from Wikipedia.

Here come the first participatory lithology samples with a name

[Recommended music for this article: Movin’ on Up, from the Mar. 26, 2019 branobag]

Our “little participatory lithology exercise, started on March 21 from Tatti, Southern Tuscany by the pibinko. org network, the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, with geologists from various regions to classify domestic mineral collections is developing.

The workflow requires for each sample: at least one photo by a collector, at least two agreeing reviews by the classifiers, at least on song each day from the entertainers, and support by sponsors here and there.

Mauro Tirannosauro, the outsider we needed

With an approach strongly based on co-design, attention by various media, and the incredibly strange presence of a T-Rex following various aspects of our work, and occasionally singing, the project is gradually unfolding. Starting from a base team of ten people in Tatti, after four weeks it has engaged in participation about 35 folks, spread across five Italian regions. We have some 250 samples on the radar, and about 60 songs related in various ways to rocks, stones, and minerals, with both lists growing. The songs are broadcast via daily articles on the “Lithobag” series of articles by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (surely in Italian, when possible also with an English translation).

A map of participants as of April 8, 2020.

After one month, it is finally possible to review some of the samples at the end of their review chain, with a lot of music in the background. You may see them either from the main gallery, with a beige background, while the samples still being reviewed have a white background. As an alternative, you may use this link. Please note that in the pilot phase of the project the sample pages are presented only in Italian (depending on audience response and sponsorship we will be glad to propose them also in English). At this point, entries are being validated day by day, so the list of “beige” samples will gradually grow.

Participatory Lithology continues, between resilience, a pinch of structured post-dadaism, and looking sometime around mid-May to present the final results of its pilot phase.

For information and booking: or +393317539228 (SMS or Whatsapp)


Chiove o jesce ‘o sole, chi è bracciante a San Nicola

ca butteglia chine ‘e vine tutte ‘e juorne va a zappà 

Campagna, campagna comme è bella ‘a campagna 

Campagna, campagna comme è bella ‘a campagna

ma è cchiù bella pe’ ‘o padrone ca se enghie ‘e sacche d’oro

e ‘a padrona sua signora ca si ‘ngrassa sempre cchiù

ma chi zappa chesta terra pe’ nu muorz’ ‘e pane niro

ca ‘a campagna si ritrova d’acqua strutt’ e culo rutto 

Campagna, campagna comme è bella ‘a campagna 

Chiove e jesce ‘o sole pe’ aiutà pure isse

‘a varca pure ‘o figlio do bracciante ‘nzieme ‘o pate va a zappà 

Campagna, campagna comme è bella ‘a campagna 

è cchiù bella pe’ ‘e figlie do padrone della terra

ca ce vene sulamente cu ll’amice a pazzià

ma po’ figlio do bracciante ‘a campagna è n’ata cosa

‘a campagna è sulamente rine rutt’ e niente cchiù. 

Campagna, campagna comme è bella ‘a campagna

Peter “Raman” Crivelli: Lullaby from Piloni (Tuscany)

Per conoscere meglio Peter, To learn more about Peter (in English):

Poi, Peter…non si possono mandare le ninne-nanne all’ora di pranzo di venerdì!

Per svegliarsi ci tocca abbinare al brano di Peter, per esempio, “No Lullaby” dei Jethro Tull del periodo Bursting Out (doppio LP dal vivo).

Grazie Peter! alla prossima!

Lectures on the Application of Participatory Methods for the Design of Interdisciplinary Activities for the Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Spring 2020)


Il 23 marzo e 16 aprile 2020 ho tenuto un corso integrativo sull’Applicazione di metodi partecipati alla progettazione di interventi di tutela e valorizzazione interdisciplinare del cielo notturno per gli studenti del corso di Composizione Architettonica per la Laurea in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura dell’Università di Brescia (docente prof. Olivia Longo).

Il corso ha costituito lo sviluppo del convegno tenuto sullo stesso tema nel maggio 2019, con riconoscimento di crediti formativi professionali per ingegneri e architetti, sempre all’Università di Brescia. Durante il corso c’è stato anche un saluto

Per approfondimenti

Per informazioni e booking:

Apr. 15, 2020: Stay Home Blues by Peter Raman Crivelli, from Piloni (Tuscany)

La storia di Peter e tutto il materiale di archivio che abbiamo su di lui dal 1974 e dintorni…li ritrovate nella presentazione della sua Freedom Ballad del 3 aprile scorso. Peter ieri sera ci ha mandato un altro momento di riflessione musicale, che vi riproponiamo su questi schermi…purtroppo nel marasma di messaggi che circolano in questo periodo, e a cavallo di 48 ore molto impegnative, ce ne siamo accorti solo oggi…ma si rimedia: vai Raman!

You shall not pass: a mash-up between two hills

When two among the most powerful wizards merge their powers, they will obtain results that not even the Lord of the Rings will counter: here is Wolfindur from Tatti with Piroman from Montecastelli Pisano (both are hamlets in Southern Tuscany).

For information and booking:

The audio track come from a video which recently surface on the FB profile of our friend Pietro Marini. The two videos were completely unrelated, but we thought that the audio might fit well as a score for Wolf’s procedures. If you are curious of seeing behind the scenes: