The article is in Italian, but you can get more or less the same information in English visiting the official page of the Participatory Lithology project:
The “Giacomelli” Exo X27
This guitar was given as a present by Vittorio Giacomelli to Edo Giacomelli, his younger brother, in the early Sixties. It was then given by Edo Giacomelli to Andrea Giacomelli around 2005. Since then it has been used in various gigs and musical situations (including the riff for the super-scary Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the can hear it in this trailer).
This instrument is often seen in performances of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (Metalliderous Hills Jug Band).
The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies, trailer #2
The network, buiometria, and participatory lithology @ Radio Popolare Milano (March 26, 2020)
This was a long talk with Disma Pestalozza and Alessandro Diegoli, providing breaking news on Participatory Lithology, but also going into various flashbacks related to the network. These included “The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies” (2006), the ancient game of palla 21, buiometria partecipativa (participatory night sky quality monitoring), Aunt Eda’s yummy recipees, insight on Tatti, Southern Tuscsany, and how the COVID-19 lockdown is lived in lesser-known rural areas..all these stories are documented on the sito You may consider using this page as an entry point.
For more information:
Taking pictures for the Participatory Lithology Project
As of March 25, 2020, these instructions are available only in Italian. If we start getting a lot of requests for classification from outside Italy we will consider translating them into English.
Meanwhile, please see if you can make sense of them anyway from the original article (there are some photos to help), or write to for clarifications.
Mar. 24, 2020: Participatory Lithology Interview for Caterpillar (RAI Radio 2)
Caterpillar on RAI Radio 2 is one of the longest-running and most followed radio shows in Italy. We were honored to have our first public presentation of the project we started on March 21 with an interview by their crew. The audio is, of course, in Italian:
For more information in English on Participatory Lithology: see, write to or send a message to +39 3317539228 (SMS o whatsapp).
Kudos to Gabriele Sanna for the live recording. The whole show is available as a podcast from the Caterpillar web site.
Participatory Lithology
Welcome! This is the entry point for the “little participatory lithology exercise” launched on March 21, 2020 from Tatti (Southern Tuscany) by with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (Metalliferous Hills Jug Band), networked with other folks around Italy and abroad. To make your way into the project, there are various avenues. You may choose from:
- The March 21st presentation, with two introductory tunes
- A virtual visit to our “gallery“
- The instructions for various roles considered for the project: collectors, classifiers, entertainers, and sponsors
- A map of the project participants.
- At the end of this page, a list of all the articles we published in the News section of this site. Reload the page to see them in a different order.
- From the Jug Band Colline Metallifere site, the Lithobag blog series, with songs about rocks, stones, and minerals, plus some tunes we write about this project, performed also by friends (to date we have Francesco Ceri dei Matti delle Giuncaie, and Liliana Cafiero).
- Mauro the T-Rex, with his diary and an awesome performance on his song about the project.
- Contacts: or +393317539228
- Participatory Lithology: Options for Sponsors
- The network, buiometria, and participatory lithology @ Radio Popolare Milano (March 26, 2020)
- Lithobag #1: Rock and a Hard Place
- Lithology: Public and Geologists Collaborate (Science Connected, Apr. 13, 2020)
- Participatory Lithology: Instructions for Classifiers
- “Between a Rock and a hard Phase”: our first week with Participatory Lithology (Mar. 21-27)
- P.E.L.P. ep. 5: Naming the first stones, lots of music, and teenage Mauro
- Participatory Lithology selected as one of the finalists for the 2020 Falling Walls Engage contest
- Participatory Lithology: the Map
- Participatory Lithology presented on
- Apr. 13, 2020:Participatory Geology project in time of Covid-19 | Italy
- Claudia Göbel on Participatory Lithology
- Taking pictures for the Participatory Lithology Project
- The Stone Collectors are meeting on the Web. The project starts from Tatti (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, March 27, 2020)
- Here come the first participatory lithology samples with a name
- A little “participatory lithology” exercise from Southern Tuscany
- Mar. 24, 2020: Participatory Lithology Interview for Caterpillar (RAI Radio 2)
- The Participatory Lithology Gallery
- Cristian Carlone on Participatory Lithology
- Mauro the T-Rex
- Participatory Lithology: the map as of Apr. 8, 2020
- Participatory Lithology, end of week 2: here comes geojazz
The Participatory Lithology Gallery
Campione PELP Z001
Questo è un campione del piccolo esercizio di litologia partecipativa da Tatti (GR). Per informazioni sul progetto vedi questa pagina o scrivi a
Cristian Carlone
Born in Torino (Turin), Italy in the year 1964. Geologist, fiction books translator, cooperating with Turin’s MUFANT Museum, rock music lover (but unable to play any instrument) and in particular of Blue Oyster Cult, cinema fan, avid reader and total Star Wars and Gundam nerd.