The new Participatory Night Sky Quality Monitoring Map

Between 2008 and 2020, in collaboration with Luca Delucchi, a geographer and a big supporter of the Sampdoria footbal club, the data collected by citizens with the Buiometria Partecipativa project were collected on a web site which allowed to display maps, reports, and more. For a few years we had to put the service on hold, but -taking the opportunity of the 2024 M’illumino di Meno 2024, we decided to re-propose the service in a lighter form.

The map is available from this link:

Expat Services

With a life of wanderings (starting from a birth out of Italy), international relations since the early Nineties, having experienced directly three “expatriations” (namely from Milan to the UK, from Milan to Sardinia, and then from Milan to Southern Tuscany), and having followed very closely many relocation stories towards Italy, we are able to support non-Italian citizens in all phases of their relocation experience.

Some examples of support areas include, but are not limited to:

  • before you finalize your decision to relocate: does your plan tick all the boxes?
  • selecting the best Italian destination for you
  • language support
  • dealing with Italian suppliers and consultants
  • cultural mediation
  • DO’s and DON’T’s in the first 100 days of your stay
  • …and many more

For more information: or +393317539228

The Network will collaborate with the AquaPLAN Project

With the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, which since 2008 proposes interdisciplinary activities for protection and promotion of the night sky, we have been invited to be part of the “Stakeholder innovation Board” of the AquaPLAN research project, funded by the HORIZON programme of the European Commission, and coordinated by the University of Pisa. The project kicked off at the beginning of the year, and will run until the end of 2027. At the time of writing it does not have an official web site (and this is normal, since the web site development is planned in the first months of activity), so the official presentation for the moment is available from this link:

In a nutshell, the project will be studying the management of impacts on biodiversity deriving from noise and light pollution in aquatic environments.

If we put together…

  • 30 years of relations to EU-funded research
  • 20 years of creation and management of innovative project
  • 16 years of activity related to light pollution
  • 9 years of project dealing with acoustics

…we do have some ideas. However, we never heard about “stakeholder innovation”.

Before any other step, we wanted to clarify this concept. We read from authoritative sources that stakeholder innovation is “is a way to bring attention to the need for collaboration in innovative endeavours”. We also checked with institutional subjects in the European Commission space, and they told us to do “what is best”…so we are in an innovation space!

We will start to propose our activities starting from Friday, Feb. 16, with a whole day dedicated to M’illumino di Meno by RAI Radio Due (see this presentation link), and other initiatives which will follow. For more information: or +393317539228

A “palla 21” ball is on its way to Colorado (USA)

Last year we were contacted by Noel C. , a physical education high school teacher based in the Denver, Colorado, area. Noel found out through the internet about the existence of palla 21 (aka palla eh!), and he contacted us to explain about his project: teach the game to his students, and possibly write some articles, or a book, about this story.

We told Noel that we were flattered about his interest and that we have several videos and text explanations to provide guidance. But, there was a big but…the ball, the ball…how can you teach a ball game without the proper ball?

Noel wrote that he had been looking for the palla a 21 balls on Amazon and did not find them. This was possibly a joke, since he had seen the videos where the ball is made by hand, but we appreciated the spirit. So, after various consultations with selected representatives of the network we decide to go for it and put a rare palla a 21 (or palla eh!) ball in the hands of an international courier.

At this point with the Tuscan ball players we are following with trepidation the tracking for the ball (and you can do it as well:, and when the ball will arrive we will give you more news.

To give a little emphasis to this moment, together with Sean Connerie and Silvia from Centro Color in Follonica, Tuscany, we prepared a little “boxing video” (normally people do “unboxing” videos)…

In 2007 we went with a crew of 21 people from Tuscany to Chicago to demonstrate palla a 21 (or palla eh!). In 2024 we are looking forward to see a ball from the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills making people play in Denver, Colorado, and we will see where this will bring!

Musica: i Lubrophonics

TATTISTAMPA will be Part of the 2024 Hand-Made Printing Day (Mar. 17, 2024)

TATTISTAMPA, the print shop installed by Wolfgang Scheibe in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, in 2007, will be part also this year of the Hand-Made Printing Day.
This event was launched in 2018, when UNESCO in Germany recorded this discipline in the list of intangible cultural heritage.

The celebration is followed mostly in German-speaking countries, but it is not forbidden to participate from other countries. So Wolfgang has considered wearing the hat of “honorary consul” for the Day in Southern Tuscany. You may also check the page to see a map of the various locations participating in Europe.

The official commemoration is on March 15, but in order to encourage participation, the appointment in the Metalliferous hills is set for Sunday, March 17, from 11AM at the Zucchini farm. This is 1.5 km outside of Tatti, on the road going from the village to Roccatederighi.

Here you may see from a closer distance how the Ape car prints are born, as well as T-shirts and other works, all rigorously created with characters in wood or iron, and graphic insets engraved by hand.

The visit to the workshop is free, but given the limited space available you should please reserve via e-mail at or via whatsapp on +393394465812.

Rumour has it that some members of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere may be on the premises (all of the JBCM graphics are provided by Wolfgang, who also happens to be the one-string bass player in the band).

For more information:

Official soundtrack…”Lo stampatore” (the printer):

“No Borders” M’illumino di Meno, together with BuioMetria Partecipativa. Not just night sky quality monitoring.

Bottling some Follonica air (link)

Following our Jan. 17 article presenting our track record on light and darkness engineering (link 1), and the Jan. 23 article proposing some activity hints (link 2, in Italian), here are some detailed instructions on how to participate to M’illumino di Meno (the Italian National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles) together with us.

We did our homework by reviewing the list of ten actions proposed by the Caterpillar radio show crew (link). We then validated this with respect to the modus operandi we have been using for years as environmental engineers. The combination of these lists has led to four ideas which we encourage you to follow:

  • Register to M’illumino di Meno (, you need to be 18+)
  • If you are participating from out of Italy: the name of the country has to be typed in English (and if you are not in a country using the Latin alphabet, the original name will automagically appear).
  • As action type indicate “altro” (else) from the drop-down list. In the description write whatever you plan to do, and add two hashtags. One for #buiometria and a second one corresponding to the activity you would like to engage in (listed below)
  • Please send a copy of the action proposal also to us ( or +393317539228).

From today until Feb. 16 we can “play”. If you reside in Tuscany (and especially between Grosseto and Pisa) we might actually be able to meet and elaborate further on these actions. In any case, we will provide a summary of our activities following Feb. 16. For more information: or +393317539228

General rule

We will not make any videos related to these four activities. A video requires a lot more energy than a photo, and even more energy (in terms of preparation and post-production) if it has to be a cool video. So a photo might be more related to the spirit of M’illumino di Meno, rather than a 4K video. Please take pictures with the lowest possibile resolution for your device.

1. “Two birds with a stone” logistics (#bmp-tbws)

esempio di UVDS del 2017 (link)

This is an application in the energy saving context of the “extreme logistics” methods in use for years in the whereabouts of the network. Not recommended for IT specialists due to a potential side effect, reported below.

  1. If you have to move with your own means of transportation, find a place more or less half way, and stop in a publicly accessible space. This can be a cafe, a grocery shop, a library, etc.
  2. Take or give something following your inspiration, or establish a non-digital contact with somebody. Spend no more than 30 minutes in the process.
  3. Tell us ( or +393317539228) what happened

With this action, for any given amount of energy required for your trip, and at most an extra of 30 minutes of your time, you will have caught “two birds with a stone”. Sometimes interesting and productive things will happen if you stop where you considered rushing.

There is a sole counter-indication: if you apply this logic in a recursive manner, you will end up in a situation similar to the Zeno’s paradox, and Christopher Nolan might shoot a movie about you. E.g, between Milano and Bologna you will stop in Parma. Then, between Milano and Parma, in Casalpusterlengo. Then, between Milano and Casalpusterlengo, in Zorlesco, and so forth (but you will find more interesting situations!).

2. The metal “band” (#bmp-metal)

Renzo Metal, our mascot for this activity. Best friend forever with Mauro Tirannosauro and Jennifer the psychedelic reindeer.

This might sound like a noisy drift with our Jug Band Colline Metallifere, but it isn’t:

  • This is reserved for residents in urbanized places with less than 100.000 inhabitants.
  • Collect small pieces of metal from the street. Save them for later (the 500-gram yogurt cups are excellent micro-containers for your micro-metal waste). Operate safely.
  • Let us know what you have retrieved ( or +393317539228)

In this case, you are not necessarily saving energy, but you are not using a lot more either, while the world will be cleaner.

3. Non-online series (#bmp-nols)

In a dreary January afternoon, two cows were licking the road to nowhere…
  • Starting from Feb. 3 via our web site we will propose openings of stories. We might either re-use old articles (we have several thousands) or create new ones.
  • Instead of watching an online series (or, if you are from the old school, maybe watching basic TV shows), you can spend thirty minutes writing a longer story, starting from our opening. Please do this on a piece of paper, with a pen.
  • If you can write at least half a page, with readable handwriting, take a picture, or transcribe it, and send it to us. We can interact directly in Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • The following day we will re-publish your story on our site, and we will invite our audience to continue the story
  • All the stories will be credited to the respective authors – we reserve the right not to publish content which we do not consider acceptable for the network.

This way we are saving energy by spending less time in video streaming mode (the energy to send a photo or your text via mail o messaging is a lot less than the energy required to watch an online show).

4. Buiometria partecipativa “official” (#bmp-bmp)

  1. With the BuioMetria Partecipativa project we have four “sky quality meters”, allowing the measurement of night sky quality (hence, light pollution), plus a lux meter.
  2. Please review the basics of the BuioMetria Partecipativa project (if you fancy practicing some Italian see this news report: If not:
  3. Starting from Feb. 2, through Feb. 17, these sensors will be available in some of our hubs in Southern Tuscany. One of them will be around Scansano, another one in the Metalliferous Hills. The other two might operate as “free riders”.
  4. If you are interested in taking some measurements, please check in at or +393317539228

All the measurements collected will be added to the BuioMetria Partecipativa database.

Thanks to your participation in BuioMetria Partecipativa you will be saving energy, first of all by not watching the next random episode of a random web series. During your night walk you will be able to think about what to write as a continuation of our story openings. While you go to collect your sky quality meter, you might stop in a mid-point, possibly collecting odd beer caps and other metal parts on the road. Last but not least, you will have an increased awareness on the use of artificial light and light pollution. So: the “full monty”!

Any other business (#bmp-aob)

With some folks in the network we have brainstormed about playing cards with no light, participatory “hypo-cryotherapy”, cats in the dark, and so forth. Since the “any other business” field can become very wide in our spaces, we will avoid a full listing. If you have other ideas that you would like to link to our proposal, please contact us ( or +393317539228) and we will assess them together.

Header image: a composition with parts of the M’illumino di Meno 2024 press kit with some of our logos and non-random shots from last Sunday.