P.E.L.P. ep. 6: Participatory Lithurgy?

If you have no more than four minutes for the pibinko.org network today, please be sure to reach the end of this paragraph. You are invited to check out the the latest single (in the sense that the performer recently became single) by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (i.e. Metalliferous Hills Jug Band). The video was produced in social distancing mode with lyrics written as an input to the online conference on work and environment hosted on May Day by an association based in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany. The song represents a debate between a city (e.g. Milano, Italy) dweller with prejudice towards rural areas, and a member of an “indigenous community” (e.g. Roccatederighi) with prejudice towards urban areas. The track is also available on Bandcamp. The lyrics are in Italian, but the video is subtitled in English. …one minute gone…click here for the video (2’59”).

If you are in for a coffe break, please read on, with a summary of events and output from the pibinko.org network + Jug Band Colline Metallifere from Apr. 25 through May 1. If you are curious about the recall to “lithurgy” …it was an miscommunication issue with a potential client, given the bad quality of mobile coverage in the Metalliferous Hills (when I told him “Participatory Lithology” he understood “Participatory Lithurgy”)….

PLEASE NOTE: not all the articles mentioned below are yet translated into English. We strive to keep all our content available in Italian and English, as a minimum, but the pace of events in the past weeks is making this difficult. If you would like to help as a translator for the pibinko.org network + Jug Band Colline Metallifere, please write to info@pibinko.org.

Concerning Participatory Lithology, the event for the presentation of the PL prototype is confirmed, with date t.b.d. between Fri. 15 and Sat. 16, May. The event will be online. By May 9 we will provide detailed information about speakers, performers, bonus content, and whatnot.

For more information and booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org or +393317539228 (SMS or whatsapp)

This is the first sample for Participatory Lithology coming from the Farma Valley (the place where many pibinko.org projects started, since 2007).
Singers from Split, Croatia, are one of the cornerstones for the Jug Band Colline Metallifere
One of the disciplines launched Mauro Tirannosauro, and now trending in the Metalliferous Hills (where normally red wine is the fluid of choice, when not water)
This is an article which was beer-reviewed by Mauro T., and sent for peer review during the past week to about 50 senior researchers around the globe (feedback from the researchers is gradually arriving and we will summarise it by mid-May).
elaborations on the Italian hashtag launched at the beginning of phase 1 (“io resto a casa”….”I am staying at home”)

30.4 nuova edizione dell’articolo Poeti estemporanei sardi e toscani dalla nonna Andreina a Scansano (GR), del 30.4.2011, arricchito con un vero e proprio racconto musicato.

On Apr 30, a significantly edited version of the story about improvised Sardinian and Tuscan poets in Grandma Andreina’s living room in Scansano was provided. The story now also includes links to various songs from Sardinia.

Mauro Tirannosauro is on the loose.
yet another variation of #iorestoacasa
An announcement by Mauro T. in the pibinko.org “Lost and found” section

The pibinko.org network, by year and month: http://www.pibinko.org/the-pibinko-org-network-by-year-and-month/