Palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella: how did it go

In a nutshell, between 3.15 and 6.30PM on Saturday, June 17, we recorded:

  • Two new ball makers: Valentina and Amos (who drove one hour from the plain to learn)
  • Old-time makers back on the scene: Claudio and Fabiano
  • Thinking about it: Andrea L.
  • Enticed folk: several people (kids, teens, and adults), including many from Torniella or Piloni who had never seen a ball made (while they very often see it played).
  • As a sidebar item, the reading of excerpts from an environmental impact assessment on the Farma River Barrage (1988)
  • Memories about the game of palla a 21, and other more or less related stories: a lot.
  • If you are interested to learn the fine art of making a ball, write to

The next event in the Farma Valley will be on Sunday, July 2, 2017 . If you are a tough MTB rider, you can compete for the 7° Farma Valley MTB trophy, or if you are in for a casual stroll, you can opt for the non-competitive ride which is attached to the race. (see articolo dedicato). Last, but not least, we will may see some updates for the Farma Valley Community Map.

Thanks again to Ilo Ferrandi, our tutor.

…meanwhile, the training for the July-August tournaments is progressing…


(click on the image to see more detail)