Pibinko.org Network Newsletter (Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, Music). March 1, 2022

Hello to all. This will be a short issue because our week started in fast-track mode, but we did plan to send out something at the beginning of the month.

Starting from the end of October, with the pibinko.org network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere we have been quite busy to animate our audience and stimulate new collaborations. To give you a measure of this fact, we can show you in the header image of this post the trend of visits to our combined web sites (in this chart starting from January 2019, through February 2022)*. This line of work, which was important in the direction of doing something constructive together after the past Winter, with the news which started arriving from the East last week becomes essential.

For readers who do not “do” Italian, or are not interested in improving their Italian language skills: we need to apologize, but in this period we have a bit of a hard time in keeping the English version of our blogs up to date…if you switch to the Italian version of the sites you will see a lot more news. If you would like to help with the translation into English of our contents, the call we issued at the end of November is open (see link).

While we are finalizing our Spring planning, we would like to remind you of:

  • The live events at the Cirisò, close to Pomarance (Pisa), curated by Simone Sandrucci (link, in Italian)
  • The live events at the Bike Garage & More in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany) curated by Dario Canal & friends (link)
  • The final episode of the first series of the Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere, with Luigi de’Scalzi and Mauro Tirannosauro, Sat. March 5, at 12.15PM CET (see link, in Italian)
  • The overall list of services proposed through the pibinko.org network (see link in English) and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (see link). To these two “ventures” from the beginning of the year we have added the MoltoBello.info project (see link).

For more information and booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org .

* Note: if you are curious of checking what the highs and lows of our chart are related to, feel free to check the Archives section of our sites (see the right column in each page, where you can view all the blog posts grouped by month).