pibinko.org newsletter #7: MoU with CNR IBIMET and two events in Milano

This week’s English version of the newsletter works in “retrofit” mode for the events, as they took place on Tuesday in Milano, but due to lots of things moving I was not able to send it out earlier.

Yesterday, May 30, I gave a lecture at the Politecnico di Milano in the morning, followed by an evening presentation about the BuioMetria Partecipativa project at the Lucernate public library.

A substantial news for the week was the signature of a memorandum of understanding between Attivarti.org (the small NGO through which we manage our more experimental activities) and the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Biometeorology. To learn more about this, please check the related post.

Ten years ago, today

On May 28, 20017, in the Grosseto Province Council hall we had a press conference concerning our palla a 21 to Chicago mission. On this occasion we announced a four-team demonstration tournament (to be held on June 30, 2007), which would have represented the final event prior to the departure of our expedition to the US of A. For readers of Italian, you may check the articles published on Il Tirreno and La Nazione back then.

Heads up for next week: next even on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 from 4PM to 8PM in Grosseto. More information will follow, or write to info@pibinko.org if you can’t wait.