pibinko.org Newsletter on Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, and Music (June 24, 2019)

In the header, a map showing the breakdown of different types of energy sources back in 1972. The original article (from the Panorama magazine, Nov. 1973) is part of the pibinko.org stuff-o-theque.

Apart from this, things are spinning quite fast, so I leave you with a reminder of events for the first part of the Summer, on the notes of a crazy live version of Crazy in Love.


25 – Follonica (GR) – talk by pibinko at the Meet Music national workshop (the workshop is also on June 26 and 27)

27-30 – Zselic, Hungary. BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Light Pollution Theory, Modelling, and Measurements conference.


13 Punta Ala (Tuscany), Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere live @ Bar Polo

16 – Milano – Outreach on Light Pollution with Wim Schmidt (NL) and BuioMetria Partecipativa

20-21 Tirli, Palla eh! Tournament

24-30 BuioMetria Summer Campaign, guest starring Zoltan Kollath

27-28, Scalvaia, Palla a 21 Tournament