Key projects

See also the timeline view

Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation (2012/8 - 2012/12)

Description: Series of conferences
Role: Creation of the format and overall management of the event
Web page:

ENVIROFI Citizen Science Coordination (2012/2 - 2013/7)

Description: European research project (FP7)
Role: Creation and coordination of a social network (not a virtual social network) to support the testing of advanced services to support the collection of biodiversity data
Web page:

Participatory Sky Quality Monitoring (2008/2 - ongoing)

Description: An awareness-raising project on light pollution
Role: In team with Francesco Giubbilini, creation, promotion, and execution of the project
Web page:

Geographic information systems, data management, and web (1993/1 - ongoing)

Description: Various projects (see link for details)
Role: Various roles
Web page:

Real Good Recipes (2011/2 - ongoing)

Description: A site with traditional recipes, mostly from Southern Tuscany
Role: Site creation and administration; support in communication and promotion
Web page:

LO-FI Milano (2010/11 - ongoing)

Description: Associazione ARCI LO-FI
Role: Site creation and administration; support in communication and promotion
Web page:

Emiliano Baldi (2011/2 - ongoing)

Description: A young painter from Southern Tuscany
Role: Site creation and administration; support in communication and promotion
Web page:

Palla 21: From Tuscany to Chicago (and back) (2006/12 - 2007/7)

Description: A mission of players of an ancient Tuscan hand ball game to The Art of Play
Role: Creation and overall coordination of the initiative
Web page:

Between Dusk and Dawn (2009/12 - 2010/10)

Description: Photo contest
Role: Creation and overall coordination of the initiative, in the context of the Toscana Foto Festival
Web page:

M(')appare Milano (2008/3 - 2008/6)

Description: Participatory mapping campaign in Milano, in connection with the OpenStreetMap community and under the aegis of
Role: Creation of the communication plan...and of the M(')appare concept (a combination of "mapping" and "appearing"
Web page:

Riflessioni sul tema(tismo) (2007/11 - 2008/1)

Description: A promotional video for the association, shot in Tuscany
Role: Script, direction, and production
Web page:

The revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies (2006/11 - 2007/2)

Description: A movie (by Lucio Monocrom)
Role: Author of the script, executive producer, and social agitator
Web page: (2006/9 - 2010/2)

Description: Non-profit association for the promotion of free geographic information. is also the Italian OSGEO Chapter
Role: Founding member. Board member (2007-2008), and vice president (since 2008). Mainly active in communication/marketing, and relatioships with other entities
Web page:

Lots of photographs (2004/1 - ongoing)

Description: Portraits, landscapes, situations...
Role: Author
Web page:

Culture, environment, and free software: which opportunities for our territory from the integration of different topics ? (2008/4 - 2008/6)

Description: A conference where we explained some experiences and some ideas to a wider public
Role: Creator and coordinator
Web page:

Capodanno in piazza (a) Napoli (2006/12 - 2007/1)

Description: Somebody called this a social engineering experiment: I organized a double new year's eve party: one in Milano, in Napoli Square, and one in Napole, in Milano street, with the support of a renown Milanese radio station
Role: Creator
Web page:

Lots of videos (2006/9 - ongoing)

Description: Short films, documentaries, and animations
Role: Mainly 100% pibinko production
Web page:

Photo exhibition - Le palline sulle colline (2008/4 - 2008/7)

Description: Within the Toscana Foto Festival 2008 edition
Role: Creation and coordination of the initiative
Web page:

Photo contest - Chi la vede è bravo (2008/7 - 2008/10)

Description: Within the Toscana Foto Festival 2008 edition
Role: Creation and coordination of the initiative
Web page:

Ermanno X (2008/5 - 2009/5)

Description: A movie (by Lucio Monocrom)
Role: Partcipation to the initial concept creation, actor, webmaster
Web page:

Ortinconca (2008/11 - ongoing)

Description: A project for the promotion of community gardening in Milan's balconies, with an eye for biodiversity and seed saving
Role: founding member, webmaster
Web page:

Mostra fotografica - La piazza intorno alla palla (2008/6 - 2008/11)

Description: Hosted by the Institute of Italian Culture, San Francisco, CA
Role: Creation and coordination of the event
Web page:

Rete AGA (2008/3 - 2008/7)

Description: AGA network
Role: Delegate for the Torniella and Piloni game communities
Web page:

Capo Danno party 2009-2010 (2009/10 - 2010/1)

Description: A New Year's Eve party involving a small rural community and over sixty visitors from Milano, all with a common interest for good music
Role: Creator and coordinator (kindly supported by Unione Sportiva Torniella, Cristina Muzi Parrucchiera, Alessio Serragli, Bar Vineria La Combriccola, Circolo ARCI, Casa Bazar)
Web page:

L'altro lato de L'Altro Lato: La strana festa di fine programma (2009/11 - 2010/1)

Description: An event to celebrate the conclusion of the radio show L'Altro Lato
Role: Creation and organization (together with Federico Taddia, Claudia Ceroni, Albachiara Rondelli, Annalisa Gibi)
Web page:

Other activities

GIS/Data management/web

Older projects

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