Books, magazines, and other press publications. Whole items or excerpts. Dating from the early 20th century onwards. The list is presented in a random order (reload the page to see a different one). Click here to return to the Stuff-o-theque entry page.
- Endurance (paperback)
- La Scienza Illustrata (January 1951)
- Uma história portuguesa
- 150 Years of Photo Journalism
- La Scienza Illustrata (April 1951)
- Vetulonia: Illustrated History and Art Tourist Guide (1979)
- The 2,000 Most Famous Sardinians Vol. 1, Abbo-Arrius (2005)
- Friendship is the Warmth of Life
- Homeri Opera: Tomvs I (1963 edition)
- The Panther in Maremma really exists (Il Tirreno Grosseto Edition, Aug. 3, 2011)
- Le Bilan du Monde (2019)
- Shardana e Sardegna
- La Scienza Illustrata (June 1951)
- Brief Marx Course (1951)
- When the Choir had a Duet with one of the Rolling Stones
- Garage Rock
- The “Why’s” and Names of Geography
- Successo nella Vendita
- Blue Caravan (1946)
- Great Universal, Autumn and Winter 1978/79
- Psicologia medica e abilità relazionali
- Visit Leghorn (map)
- Who Rules the Waves? (2010)
- Storia degli errori militari (From the Jaws of Victory)
- The Accesa Castle and its district (2002)
- Tausha