Sturday, June 24, at 10PM at the Casa Rurale ex Croce Rossa in Gerfalco, we will have a BuioMetria Partecipativa evening.
Andrea Giacomelli, MS and Phd in environmental engineering, creator of the project in 2008, will help the participants in conducting measurements of night sky quality, while learning about various issue related to artificial light at night and gaining insights on nightscapes.
The inner parts of Southern Tuscany are in fact one of the areas with the lowest level of light pollution in Italy. This allows residents and tourists to benefit of night skies which are comparable to those of much more exotic locations, while enjoying in parallel the unique historical, cultural (and food) heritage of the Tuscan territory.
The event takes place in the context of a collaboration which started with the Municipality of Montieri last Fall, given the interest of this administration to promote its territory starting from its lesser known peculiarities. These found a good match in the outreach and citizen science activities which were started nine years ago by the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, which also created important links both nationally (National Research Council and Universities) and internationally (with the active presence in networks for the promotion of night skies).
After a brief presentation, there will be a walk in the village and its immediate surroundings, in order to verify with the BuioMetria instruments both the level of light pollution in the areas, as well as the lighting levels and types of illumination used in various sites.
Should weather conditions not allow the outdoor measurements (overcast or rain), a presentation will be given providing in any case information on how to conduct the measurements, showing various clips concerning light pollution, and planning with potential volunteers future data collection activities.
Admission to the event is free
For more information: Andrea Giacomelli, info@pibinko.org