This was a presentation co-authored by Giacomelli and Cavallini (prepared 90% by Giacomelli), with the idea of representing the point of view of the Italian Chapter of the Open Source Geospatial Consortium (OSGEO) , also known as, for which I served as the communications manager between 2007 and 2009.
For your information if you are not in the European geomatics field: INSPIRE is a Directive published in 2007 concerning Spatial Data Infrastructures in Europe.
Initially I proposed “So you thought you had nothing to do with INSPIRE” as an actual session for the conference to be held on July 4-5-6 luglio in Porto, Portugal. Eventully I had only one abstract sunmited (from Brasil!), and several “expressions of difficulty” to understand the sense of this Directive by many experts who in theory should have been seeing it as a great support to their activities. So the session was reconfigured as a single presentation, which is available here:

Some anecdotes:
- The image in the final slide is the logo which I designed for the Geographic Information Systems lab of the Centre for Research, Development, and Advanced Studies in Sardinia, when I went to work there in 1997. The logo was hand-drawn, and then digitized.
- during the conference social dinner I was asked by the organizers to arrange a screening otff “The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies”. This was set up at any bar downtown Porto, and the header picture portrays a moment of the show (if you would like to see the movie, it is now available in streaming).