Tag Archives: buiometria partecipativa

BMP Poster at the International Astronomy Union General Assembly in Beijing, China

This poster was presented at the International Astronomical Union assembly in Beijing, China, in August 2012 …we can’t post a full resolution version to this site, but if you download the image you should get a readable copy of the file.

You may also check our greetings to the IAU 2012 attendees, visit the full BuioMetria Partecipativa web site, or just send an e-mail if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

Poster at the International Astronomy Union General Assembly in Beijing, China

This poster was presented at the International Astronomical Union assembly in Beijing, China, in August 2012 …we can’t post a full resolution version to this site, but if you download the image you should get a readably copy of the file.

You may also check our greetings to the IAU 2012 attendees, visit the full BuioMetria Partecipativa web site, or just send an e-mail if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

Summer BMP lending point at Loriano Bartoli’s farm


Nell’ambito della Campagna BuioMetrica Estiva, il terzo centro di prestito è stato istituito nella bottega dell’azienda agricola Bartoli




Nei giorni dispari, sarà presente presso il centro di prestito anche un assistente a quattro zampe:








Vi ricordiamo inoltre che durante la C.B.E. 2012 saranno attivi anche i centri di prestito presso l’osteria Pacianca, e presso il  bar del centro commerciale PAM.

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BuioMetria Partecipativa at the Greening Camp (Rome)


We gave a presentation of the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, with its implications for promotion and protection of the “upper half of the landscape”, at the Greening Camp. This was as event organized by the Italiacamp association under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment.

Our project had a good ranking and was mentioned among the best practices in the summary session of the event.