Tag Archives: buiometria partecipativa

BMP installation at the “Seconda Luna” exhibition

Having won one of the prizes of the Seconda Luna national contest, we were invited to show an installation on BuioMetria Partecipativa in the exhibition sponsored by the Municipality of Leifers (South Tyrol).

We prepared a large-format print with the measurements collect up to the date of the exhibition. Luca Delucchi handled the rendering of the map based on OpenStreetMap. We also sent some of our videos.

The exhibition was on from Sep. 3 to Oct. 11, 2009.

The first SQM observation provided by a “non-BMP” sensor

In this period we had the first observation supplied by somebody with an SQM sensor not borrowed from the BMP sensor pool. So: someone we do not know is feeding data to the BuioMetria Partecipativa project. Nice!

The award by “La seconda luna” for BuioMetria Partecipativa

The BuioMetria Partecipativa project won the Special Award for scientific and technologic innovation passion of the “La Seconda Luna” national prize, by the Municipality of Laives/Leifers, Sudtirol.

The contest required to apply with a presentation of one’s passion. The contest web site is not longer online, unfortunately. There were over 1000 participants from all over Italy. BuioMetria Partecipativa ended fourth.

As a peculiar situation: the contest rules explained that there would have been three prizes, for the first three “passions”. The prizes were also interesting (15000, 10000, and 5000 Euro). For some reasons, the jury decided that BMP was something that needed to have some recognition, so they proposed creating a slot for a fourth winner (and 2000 Euro, which was not bad). This money was used to sustain various BuioMetria Partecipativa operations (buying some sensors in addition to the one we had been using in the first year, stickers and other information material etc.).

You can get some hints about the Seconda Luna contest from this press clip, and from this video (subtitles in English)

Below is the full picture from the award ceremony