Tag Archives: ComMap

The catalog of the pibinko.org travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.

To be translated

Questa e’ la parte sostanziale dell’allestimento del micromuseo itinerante di pibinko.org per il 23/2/2019 all’Hotel Lombardi di Firenze (vedi articolo).

Il catalogo completo e’ disponibile su ordinazione, in edizione sia digitale che cartacea, al costo di Euro 750 (comprensivi di tutti gli oneri fiscali) piu’ eventuali spese di spedizione.

NOTA 5/3/2019 – per questioni di tempo non ci e’ al momento possibile inserire link di approfondimento sui singoli articoli. Alcuni di questi sono gia’ documentati sul sito pibinko.org e potete ritrovarli tramite ricerca per parole chiave. Per altri andremo a creare voci specifiche nelle prossime settimane.

Se avete domande o commenti potete comunque scrivere a info@pibinko.org e saremo lieti di rispondere.

  1. Olio extravergine di oliva az. agricola Ixtlan, Tatti (GR), 2018
  2. Manufatti da tornitura elettronica B.M. di Torniella (GR), 2018
  3. Portatabacco Caffe’ Ricasoli (GR), 2018
  4. Chioccolo prodotto da Edo Giacomelli, circa 1980, da Follonica (GR)
  5. Buiometro Cariddi (2008)
  6. Miele millefiori az. agricola Pacha Mama, Tatti (GR), 2018
  7. Birra Guadagnata, birrificio 26 Nero, Poggibonsi (SI) 2018
  8. Birra Ipnotica, birrificio 26 Nero, Poggibonsi (SI) 2018
  9. Portaqualcosa del Caffe’ Ricasoli, Grosseto, 2018
  10. Insaporitore agli 11 aromi di Tattistampa, Tatti (GR), 2018
  11. Melanzane piccanti az. agricola Loriano Bartoli, Pian d’Alma, Scarlino (GR), 2018
  12. Filo verde per legature agricole (2016)
  13. Metro da muratore (2016)
  14. Accordatore per chitarra (analogico, 1980 circa)
  15. DVD di Six String Samurai (ANNO DA INSERIRE)
  16. Stampa “Maremma stai attento” di Tattistampa (2005?)
  17. Libro di geografia per le colonie estive della Montecatini (1952)
  18. Mappa di comunita’ della Val di Farma, ed. maggio 2018
  19. Articolo sul Bar Moderno di Roccastrada che disdice l’abbonamento a una pay TV per avere piu’ fondi per eventi dal vivo (2018)
  20. Pacchetto turistico che si definisce per esclusione, in collaborazione con Picasso Viaggi, Venturina Terme (LI), 2019
  21. Attrezzi antichi da falegname, dalla bottega di Roberto Serragli, Scalvaia (SI – da datare)
  22. Libro sulla Maremma del Grottanelli (ristampa di edizione ottocentesca)
  23. Originale dell’animazione “Vendetta” (1990?)
  24. Zafferano az. agricola Ixtlan, Tatti (GR)
  25. Vista dell’abbazia di S. Galgano, Olio su tela di Pietro Crivelli, 70×100 (2019)
  26. Palline di palla a 21 o palla eh! (varie epoche a partire dagli anni ’70)
  27. Panforte (il gioco, non il prodotto) – da datare
  28. Magliette GFOSS.it (2008)
  29. Guantoni da boxe (due paia), prestati dal Boxing Club Firenze – da datare
  30. Giu’ la Testa degli Etrushi from Lakota (CD, 2017)
  31. Striscione Jug Band Colline Metallifere (2018)
  32. Alberi in filo di ferro e perline di Forestano Giacomelli (1990 circa)
  33. Shardana e Sardegna, di Giovanni Ugas, 2016
  34. Chitarra acustica LAG (acquistata ad Ajaccio), 2017
  35. Spazzole per batteria
  36. Video dell’Ing. Fabio Bettio che racconta la storia della digitalizzazione dei Giganti di Mont’e Prama

Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends

NB: Participation to the event is free, but given the limited space and the possibility of “jazz improvisation” in parts of the schedule please write in advance to info@pibinko.org or +393317539228 to let us know when you may show up.

The pibinko.org network, in collaboration with Hotel Lombardi is organizing on Feb 22, 23, and 24 a set of experiences in Florence which will introduce you to a lesser known group of subjects operating since 2007 via the integration of rural issues, social innovation, communication technologies, and art.

If all this sounds strange, you can start “The Seeker” by the Who,
Vedi cara” by Francesco Guccini, or Supermarket covered by the Metalliferous Hills ione della Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere. Once the soundtrack is running, you can visit random sections of the pibinko.org site, with news, project summaries, media coverage and more. Or you can give ten minutes of your time to read the pibinko.org network 2018 activity summary (see link).

Radio Popolare Milano, May 2015

This is not the first time that we are showing up in Florence. With some 130 presentations since 2008, we counted six or seven between Fortezza da Basso, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the Oblate Library, and the Casa della Creatività. However, this is the first time we will be bringing products, offers of services, and people to represent them.

The breakfast room at Hotel Lombardi will become the set for a “micro-museum” with articles and works kindly lent by different subjects, listed below in stream of consciousnessmode:

Antica falegnameria di Roberto Serragli, Scalvaia (SI), Birrificio 26 Nero, Poggibonsi (born in Scalvaia), B.M. Mechanical Works, Torniella (GR), Pietro Crivelli painter, decorator, and guitarist from Piloni (but born in Florence), Az. Agricola Ixtlan (Tatti, GR), Az. Agricola Pacha Mama (Tatti, GR), Farma Valley and Tatti community maps, citizen science with BuioMetria Partecipativa, Picasso Viaggi (Venturina Terme), palla a 21 (o palla eh!), the game of panforte, the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band, IRIS Ambiente from S. Casciano V.P., hand-made prints and bread by Tattistampa, Etruschi from Lakota, Tana del Bianconiglio, Az. Agricola Loriano Bartoli (Pian d’Alma, Scarlino), Fabio Bettio from the Centre for Research, Development, and Advanced Studies in Sardinia, Bar Moderno Roccastrada, ASD Boxing Club Firenze.

Pietro Crivelli, M’Illumino di Meno 2017 a Gerfalco (Foto di Federico Giussani)

A “linear” version  of the same items will be the core of the pibinko.org presence during the fifth edition of TourismA . This is a national exhibition about archaeologic and cultural tourism, being held in the same days at the Florence Convention Centre. On the morning of Friday 22 pibinko.org will attend as a seller the “Buy Cultural Tourism” B2B session. On Saturday afternoon, pibinko.org will represent the network in a session on community-based management of cultural heritage. With these subjects, since 2007 we have been working to promote and protect various lesser know assets, leading to interesting results in the combination of socio-economic impact, media coverage, and international research and technology transfer collaborations.

Babbo Natale legge uno degli articoli sulle nostre storie (dicembre 2016).

The most progressive part of the event will in fact be held outside of TourismA, at Hotel Lombardi. This is run by Vincenzo and Valeria Albanese, originally from Torniella (one of the villages involved in our network), and is just a few steps away from the Florence Convention Centre. The hotel will serve for a couple of days as a demonstration and tasting space, allowing the public to learn about a series of experiences and subjects which are very difficult to meet, unless you are willing to dedicate several full days to explore a remote part of Tuscany (having in parallel the possibility of learning about connections of these places to Sardinia, Milano, free-open source geomatics and rock blues).

This initiative is intended to re-propose in Florence the third Farma Valley Winter Fest, held on Dec. 14-15-16 2019 in Tatti, Piloni, Torniella, and Scalvaia, integrating it with the presence of additional subjects from the Florence area.

Below is a schedule summarizing options to make contact with the pibinko.org network.

  • Fri. 22: PM in the TourismA space. Evening: Hotel Lombardi
  • Sat. 23: until 6PM in the TourismA space. From 6PM to 8PM at Hotel Lombardi, with some tasting of typical Southern Tuscany products (reservation required at info@pibinko.org or +393317539228 ).
  • Sun. 24: in the TourismA premises or at Hotel Lombardi

Participation to the event is free, but given the limited space and the possibility of “jazz improvisation” in parts of the schedule please write in advance to info@pibinko.org or +393317539228 to let us know when you may show

On the right side of this poster, a version of the pibinko.org network story as of February 2017, at the FOSS4G-IT conference in Genova.

On Feb. 23 the Farma Valley Winter Fest goes to Florence in a “bonsai” version

Between Dec. 14 and 16, 2018, the third Farma Valley Winter Fest was held in Southern Tuscany, in four hamlets halfway between Siena and Grosseto (Piloni, Torniella, Scalvaia, and Tatti).

The Farma creek “canaloni” during the Winter

The motto for the initiative was “three days of pici, love, and music”, recalling the Woodstock festival and a typical pasta from Southern Tuscany. The festival was launched in 2016 as an original way to animate a scarcely populated area (some 400 residents in 120 square kilometres) which in the Winter months is essentially seen as a wild boar hunting ground (which is ok, but may be integrated by other ideas). The festival is raising increasing interest, and in 2018 it saw the addition of a new location out of the valley: the village of Tatti, which in fact is related to it as it is just by the Farma creek springs.

On Saturday, Feb. 23, at Hotel Lombardi in Florence, via Fiume 8, the organizers of the Winter Fest, collaborating with some subjects from the Florence area, will propose an adaptation of the mid-December event, tailoring it to the size of a budget hotel close to the Santa Maria Novella railway station, and fitting to an eight-hour schedule the program which in the Farma Valley was proposed in three days.

Attendance is free, but to you need to register in advance by sending an e-mail to info@pibinko.org  or calling +393317539228 by Feb. 20, 2019.

During the event it will be possible to review the pibinko.org network activities held in 2018, and to brainstorm on new projects being developed for 2019, especially in relation to the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band and PORGEP 2019. We can do this in Italian (if you speak it or would like to improve it), English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish (for a start).

vintage moustache for vintage guitars.

Coming to the Florence event will enable you to (1) help compose the free/open source community maps of the Farma Valley and Tatti, (2) play “panforte”, (3) see the rendering of prehistoric Sardinian monuments, (4) dance some twist, (5) try to rock-made nutcrackers, (6) learn more about prehistoric quarries, medieval iron works, protected and non-protected species; (7) get acquainted with night sky promotion and protection initiatives where rural bartenders are co-authors with senior researchers in international publications; (8) use ancient carpenter tools, (9) listen to some badass riff played with a vintage Eko guitas (or play it directly, if willing and able). But, most of all(10) try to play with the ball of an ancient game, forbidden by Florentine laws in the 13th century, but still routinely played in our home locations.

…this is just to mention the main attractions which will be presented. If you then browse the News section for pibinko.org, you may review what happened at the last Winter Fest and get an idea of what may occur in Florence in a few days. For this we are redirecting you to the Italian version of the pibinko.org site, since things were spinning so fast that we could not handle the real-time translation of our material: http://www.pibinko.org/tag/fdi-vdf/ and you can then switch to the English version again.

Photographic evidence of the fact that ugliness and beauty can co-exist in the same space (just kidding, Vincenzo!)

How will all this fit in a 25-square metre breakfast hall and one single room? This is our part of the business. You can start by saving the date: “Florence, via Fiume 8” for Feb. 23. We are working on the hours of the event in the meantime. The core happening will be between 6 and 8PM. You should expect to find an exhibition and some information material starting early PM. Next Monday we expect to issue a more detailed schedule.

The Farma Valley Winter Fest in Florence is an idea by pibinko.org in collaboration with Hotel Lombardi, and various partners…a full list will be provided at the end of the event since it is in a very lively state during the preparations.

The Feb. 23 event also reconnects to a preview of the festival given in the same location on Nov 15, 2018 (article in Italian, with photos).

If all this is enticing you and you want to learn why/how this is happening, feel free to browse the pibinko.org org site, send an email to info@pibinko.org or call +393317539228.Informazioni e contatti stampa: Andrea Giacomelli – info@pibinko.org – 3317539228

Nov. 21, 2018: brief Talk on bottom-up Activities at the Workshop on Citizen Science and Environmental Monitoring: Benefits and Challenges

A one-page presentation of the pibinko.org network activities, in particular with reference to the collaboration with the Farma Valley, Tuscany, communities and the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band was included in the scene setting presentations of a workshop on Citizen Science and Environmental Monitoring: Benefits and Challenges held on Nov. 21-22 at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy.

You will find the slide at the end of a long but interesting series on this page, or -if you are in a hurry- in the screenshot below. You may also check out the 2018 pibinko.org activity summary (4-page PDF), if you would like to learn more.

Thanks again to Marina Manzoni for the invitation.

3rd Farma Valley Winter Fest, 14-16 Dec. 2018 – Southern Tuscany

[Last update: Nov 27, 2018]

This is the official page for the

Third Farma Valley Winter Fest

December 14-15-16 2018

…three days of pici, love, and music in Southern Tuscany

Details on the event are being gradually disclosed. For more information or inquiries: info@pibinko.org.

To check out what happened in the two past editions, see these blog posts. For the current edition, please check this page, and the sub-menu pages you will fine on the Winter Fest menu on pibinko.org

Waiting for FVWF3

We are running events where we speak about the Winter Fest before the Winter Fest (some of these are presente on the Italian version of the   pibinko.org news section):

  • 14-11-2018: Amish from Jack White @ Dribbling bar- Grosseto
  • 15-11-2018: Firenze – Hotel Lombardi
  • 16-11-2018: Amish from Jack White @ Tanta Roba – Massa Marittima (GR)
  • 17-11-2018: Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere @ Ganesh 0588 – Pomarance
  • 22-11-2018: Politecnico di Milano
  • 23-11-2018: Torino – festa Alter.Polis with Etruschi from Lakota live
  • 1-12-2018: Madrid (venue tbd)
  • 4 o 5-12-2018: Milano (venue tbd)
  • 13-12-2018: Grosseto (Caffé Ricasoli from 6.30PM to 8PM)

At the Winter Fest you will find culture, environment, open innovation, and music

General notes:

  • all the core activities will be indoor
  • meals and overnight stops are at your discretion. We invite you in any case to consider food and lodging options in the hamlest hosting the festival. For more information: info@pibinko.org

Friday, Dec. 14

5.30 PM – Tatti – Opening of the Winter Fest and open mapping

6.30 PM – Tatti – debriefing aperitivo

9PM – Piloni – open mapping + sidebar recreational activity

Saturday, Dec. 15

From sunrise: with good weather, possibility of promenading in the Valley (check at the info point)

Noon – Torniella – webinar with a far away expert on an innovative topic

3PM – 6PM – Torniella – interactive social sandbox

5PM-6PM – Torniella – tutorial for a stand-up act

6PM-7PM – Torniella – test for tutorial participants

10PM-11.59PM- Torniella – Amish from Jack White live

Sunday, Dec. 16

10AM-5PM: Torniella, CAAT 2018 conference

Noon – Torniella – debriefing on Day 1 and Day 2

4.30PM – 5.30PM – Torniella – guided visit to a site of interest for the industrial history of the Valley

From 5.30PM – approximately, following the activity above: Scalvaia – Dalle 17.30 circa – Scalvaia – guided visit to a site of interest for the arts & crafts history of the Valley

7PM – Scalvaia – Closing of the Festival


pibinko.org (idea, communication, and management), Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella (local host).

With support by Associazione Filarmonica Popolare Torniella, Circolo ARCI Torniella, Circolo ARCI Piloni…and other subjects. A full list will be provided after the event.

Patronage (without funding)

Municipality of Massa Marittima


A new edition for the Farma Valley Community Map

After about a year from its first publication (see post), an updated version of the Farma Valley Community Map was published. The creation of the map started in 2014, with points of interest being gradually added to the official 1:10000 base maps, leading to document water springs, old gardens, hunting sites and other toponyms related to the life of the communities of this lesser known part of Southern Tuscany.

With respect to the previous version, the map has bee enriched with place names provided in the past months by the Community of Scalvaia, and the area of interest has been expanded to the East, including Poggio alle Pigne, while new surveys are being conducted in this area. Last but not least, the readability of the map has been improved.

The data collected are made available as open data and are published on the Tuscan Region  Open Data portal.

Kudos to Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella for supporting the printing, and once more to the communities of Torniella, Piloni and Scalvaia for the data which they are sharing.

For more information: info@pibinko.org

Farma Valley Winter Fest 2017: how did it go

[For a general presentation of the Festival see the Nov. 28 post]

Some visitors reached the valley already in the morning, enticed by the idea of getting to know this lesser know part of Tuscany.
Indoor activities started early PM, with a printing workshop by Wolgfang Scheibe from Tatti, who delivered t-shirts, cards and other souvenirs with his printing kit.
While the set was being prepared for the main act, Wolfgang, Guglielmo Eboli and Pietro Crivelli had a jam session, bringing the attendees to 6.44PM, when the Etruschi from Lakota started their performance. The band shaked the audience with a selection of their songs, mainly proposing their new album (Giù la testa), but also some older hits, with everybody dancing from Corn Flakes onwards.

The versatile Wolfgang (followed by Guglielmo Eboli) was then called on stage for some covers, such as “Everyday I have the Blues” e “Who do you love”.

A sidebar items to the music, the Farma Valley Community Map, which during the past months was updates with new place names in the north side of the Valley (Scalvaia and surroundings), and a measure for the buiometria partecipativa project, reading 21.13 mag/arsec2, at 12.45PM on Dec. 18, Certopiano, to close the long day.

Special thanks go to:Circolo ARCI di Torniella, Associazione Filarmonica Popolare Torniella, Emanuele Marcatili, Casa Bazar, pizzeria ristorante Il Boscaiolo, agriturismo Casa del Chiodo, Claudio e Fabiano Spinosi, Alessandro Gaido, Andrea Bartalucci, Antonella Pocci.

The Farma Valley Winter Fest is back: see you in Torniella (Southern Tuscany) on Dec. 17, 2017

One year after the experiment with which we launched a Winter Fest where things happen if at all, in the Summer, here we are with the second edition. Below the flyer, more information is provided:

The action will  be on Sunday, Dec. 17 in  Torniella, Southern Tuscany. The program will be in a single day, still maintaining the gist of  last year’s event, bringing together culture, environment, open innovation, and a cool live soundtrack.

If the weather is good, you are invited to reach the valley from the morning, and enjoy a relaxing hike surrounded by forests, creeks, medieval iron works and castles.

In the afternoon, we start with indoor activities. At 2.30 PM we have an enticing printing workshop by Wolfgang Scheibe . You may also bring along a T-shirt and get it printed live with your own design, under the supervision of “Steppenwolfgang”.

While the ink dries up, the set up the live show by Etruschi from Lakota will be prepared. In 2016 they were the main act and the revelation for many at the Winter Fest. This year they are back during the tour to promote their third album, Giù la testa. The band will play their  new tracks, as well as some of their greatest hits. Rock ‘n’roll is assured.

As a backdrop to these events, and as a link to the surroundings, we will have the presentation of the updated version of the Farma Valley Community map. This has been assembled since 2015, documenting place names and other indications which are now missing from official base maps through interviews with residents in the valley. Finally, with a clear sky, starting from the late afternoon we will run some BuioMetria Partecipativa. This is a citizen science project, in fact started from the Farma Valley in 2008, and developed with national and international connections, in order to raise awareness about night sky quality.

For information on potentiali itineraries, to check about food, lodging and other enquiries, please contact mappare@attivarti.org .

The Farma Valley Winter Fest was created by pibinko.org and is promoted by Attivarti.org, Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella, Associazione Filarmonica Popolare di Torniella.