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Presentazione dell’esperienza “Citizens in Tuscany” alla conferenza INSPIRE, Firenze

Avendo appreso che la conferenza INSPIRE 2013 si sarebbe tenuta a Firenze, città che era gemellata con la bassa Toscana nel progetto in cui operavo come citizen science coordinator, proposi ai referenti ENVIROFI di organizzare un evento di coda (in effetti a progetto concluso) in modo da poter condividere i risultati del lavoro svolto nell’ambito di questa importante rassegna. La proposta fu accettata e ne scaturì uno workshop presentato qui sotto, organizzato assieme a Jose Lorenzo (responsabile del progetto) e Carlos Granell (referente tecnologico per il Joint Research Centre di Ispra).

Nello workshop presentavo anche in dettaglio le attività che si erano tenute fra il 2012 e il 2013 nello scenario “Citizens in Tuscany”:

ENVIROFI: Environmental Services in the Future Internet

Jose Lorenzo, Andrea Giacomelli and Carlos Granell

(Submission #56)


Workshop description and goals As part of the Future Internet –Public-Private Partnership programme, the ENVIROFI project consolidates the Future Internet requirements from the Environmental Usage Area perspective and provides technical specifications and prototypes of interoperable geospatial Environmental Enablers. At the INSPIRE 2013 conference the ENVIROFI workshop will showcase:

• The Biodiversity Survey Application (BIO App) aims to support the preservation of biodiversity enabling users to survey, analyse, quality assure, persist and disseminate biodiversity data.

• The Personal Environmental Information System (PEIS) is a fully customizable, interactive mobile application that enhances the human to environment interaction by providing personalized information on air pollutants, pollen and meteorological conditions. • The Marine Asset decision Support Tool (MAST) is a web portal that mashes together a number of freely available information and data feeds to monitor operational weather conditions in Galway Bay, Ireland.

It should be noted that the BIO App included a specific series of testing activities in Tuscany, and in Florence in particular, with the use of open data on trees provided by the Municipality. For this reason during the whole duration of the conference it will be possible for attendees with an adequate Android smartphone to test the application itself in the surroundings of the conference area, or in other parts of the city they will be visiting during their stay.

The main goals of the workshop will include: • Reporting on lessons learned, i.e., how the environmental and geospatial informatics community can benefit from Future Internet technology, but also vice versa. This will basically encapsulate our project activities over the last two years and provide the forum for demonstrating the ENVIROFI applications we developed.

• Introducing the concept of open innovation, related methodologies and the arising potential to the environmental and geospatial sector.

• Presenting and simulating discussions around possibilities for connecting environmental and geospatial information and services with the capabilities of ‘foreign’ domains, in order to establish common benefits and impacts.

Intended audience The workshop addresses researchers, innovators, SMEs, public administration, and citizens in general interested in ICT based solutions, particularly those with a strong interest in contributing with or benefiting from geospatial and environmental information and services and Future Internet technologies.


Multi-disciplinary e-infrastructures
Marine and coastal environment
Public and Private Sector partnerships
Air quality and emissions
Nature and Biodiversity
Citizen science/crowd sourcing
Environment and health ( pesticides, noise, genetically modified organisms, air/water/soil pollution)
Cloud computing
Sensors and Sensor web

A Firenze: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2013/index.cfm/page/ws

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