In the midst of the preparations for the Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour, Wolfgang will send periodic shots from his wheat field in the Bruna Valley, Southern Tuscany. For previous pictures:
Between 4 and 5.2PM on May 21 we will be hosted on TV9 in the #221 show. We will be proposing a few songs and giving some news about the upcoming Gran(i)tour.
In addition to Digitale Terrestre in Tuscany, it is possible to follow the show via web streaming on:
To present the Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour and to invite people to help us with the “farm to fork” participatory mapping exercise… [in italian]
While the Gran(i)tour preparations are proceeding, Wolgang’s wheat is growing. You can find a picture from April 10 here…for more information, or if you are growing wheat and would like to send a picture from your fields:
Also Mauro Tirannosauro has verified: the first batch of T-shirts is ready, so we can start their distribution to support the 2024 Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour.
What is the peculiarity of this apparel? All drawings and all of the printing process is made by hand, just like Gutenberg!
To order your T-shirt please write to or +393317539228, indicating the number of shirts per size. The cost of one T-shirt is 20 Euro, plus shipping. In general, we like the idea of delivering our products personally, or that we can give them to you directly at one of our events, but this is not always possible, so shipping is an option!
Today Dario (Canal) and Wolfgang (Scheibe) are at work in the Tattistampa shop, for the hand-made printing of the first batch of T-shirts for the upcoming Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour between Tuscany, Trentino, and Germany, from June 14 to June 29.
It is possible to pre-order your T-shirt writing to or +393317539228, indicating the size and the number of T-shirts per size. The cost of one T-shirt is 20 Euro, plus shipping, if required.
As you can see from the header image, the subject of the shirts is kept as a mistery for now, but you can review the shirts from the last years:
The June Gran(i)Tour has been advertised by the Institute of Italian Culture in Stuttgart among “Other happenings in the institute’s area of operation”…in the past we have collaborated twice with Institutes of Italian Culture: in 2007 for the palla a 21 mission to Chicago and in 2008 with the Institute in San Francisco for the “Square around the ball” photo exhibition, so we appreciate this form of attention.
An English version of “Rock in Milano, Blues at la Rocca” by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, adapted on the fly by Jack O’Malley during the “Rural Citizen Science” session at the ECSA Conference in Vienna (April 4, 2024). A city dweller and a country guy interact on their perceptions of urban and rural dimensions..
Following two teasers, here we go with the full Tatti Twist by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with its extended crew of biped and quadruped dancers! We hope you like it, and if you like it a lot you can also support our project (click here). For more information and booking: or +393317539228.
In between the grooves, see how the JBCM operates.
I went down to Tuscany looking for a place to be and I found its name Tatti, oh yeah
Then I found myself a house, with a bird a cat and a mouse, and a great big scenic view, and you
Tatti bar (x6)
Se tu balli il twist – con Wolfgang – balli il twist con chi – con Wolgang – se tu balli il twist, o yeah
I play music with my friends, we play music ’till we bend, the amusement never ends, oh yeah
but there’s something that I miss, just to reach my total bliss, and it’s your great big wet kiss, oh yes
More background information about the song
At times we try to sing about somewhat technical topics (e.g. nutrition), in other cases about “cosmic” issues (night sky and light pollution), at times about alternative viewpoints on “slow mobility”…with the Tatti Twist we decided to take a lighter approach…
Wolfang Scheibe: 77 anni e 3’44” di twist come se non ci fosse un domani.
….we put together our one-string bass player’s track record as a twist dancer (in the Sixties Wolfgang Scheibe used to compete in national dance contests), with the story of many foreign folks who discover Tuscany as a promised land. Unlike other lyrics, where we tend to draw a conclusion, here the story remains suspended, and the beat takes over (but we will write the final lyrics at some point).
Since January we then sent invitations to our community, to do the Twist in their favourite location, and the results of this call was edited in the video. Participation was quite good…we had numerous expressions of interest, and within these, a less-shy gang of around forty people, two dogs, and a horse became our pop-up dance company (we don’t know if a dancing horse has already been seen in a musical video, but we think it is quite rare if not unique!)
The reference to “Tatti” in the lyrics is in fact about two places…one is the village in the territory of Massa Marittima, Southern Tuscany, in the Metalliferous Hills, where two of the band members live. The other is the Tatti Bar (today called “Tatti Stay and See”), a very hip place downtown Stuttgart, Germany, which in fact took its name from the Tuscan hamlet (this story is further detailed in this newspaper article from last year).
The Tatti Twist is one of six songs produced by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere during the Winter, which you will be invited to check out together with the rest of our repertoire while the Spring unfolds, as we approch the June Gran(i)Tour in Germany.
For those of you who would really like to dig deeper, we encourage you to watch the December 2021 show at Radio Deejay Fox (with a transcript in English), and this presentation from last September.