Tag Archives: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band

Metalliferous Hills Jug Band “long playing” presentation

A few days ago I published a detailed presentation of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band project. This is a six-page PDF document which may be downloaded form the following link:

We will then prepare an abridged version of the same text, as suggested by some reviewers. In any case, reading six pages (including a large-format photo, a summary and various headers) never hurt anybody, at least according to WHO reports.

Thanks to those who provided comments to the draft (Fabio B, Marino M, Andrea d F, Elio A, Daniele S, Vittorio G).

For more information on the project you may also write to jugbandcm@pibinko.org.

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany

sabato 5/1/2019 a Torniella (GR) con:

  • Peter Crivelli, guitars and vocals
  • Wolfgang Scheibe, one-string bass
  • Dario Canal, lead vocals, guitar, washboard
  • Jack O’Malley, drums, guitar, vocals
  • Simone Sandrucci, guitars, vocals
  • Fabiano Spinosi, drums
  • Peter Marini (guitars and vocals in “Noi non siamo figli” and “Sognando il Vaticano”, then transforming into Pyro DJ with his vynils for the after show.

Informazioni sulla Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere a questa pagina o all’indirizzo jugbandcm@pibinko.org

versione 1 (Dario Canal a chitarra e voce)
Versione 2 (Jack O’Malley chitarra e voce, Fabian Spines alla batteria)

Audience response (probably during the “Voodo Chile” cover).

Photos by Sonia Masini.

Jack O’Malley explains how crowdfunding might work for a JBCM buiomusical tour (Madrid, Dec. 1, 2018)

This video was shot by the Stars4all European project team during a crowdfunding workshop which they held from Nov. 30 to Dec. 1, 2018, at the Madrid, Spain,European Business School (ESCP).

After an introductory day, each participant was asked to present a crowdfunding project dealing with awareness raising and promotion of night skies.

Andrea Giacomelli, in his role as Jack O’Malley, presentede the case of a buiomusical (musica + buiometria partecipativa) tour by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Milano, Italy, which may be easily adapted to other destinations.

At the time we did not yet know about the tour to Germany. At this point, the video is really handy to explain you may support our end-of-May mission.

We thank the Stars4all project for providing travel support for the participation to the Madrid workshop.