For more information: o 3317539228 – please also note the event on the following day, Apr. 28, in Punta Ala, not far from Tirli, with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band, which will play some songs with the palla a 21 balls.

For more information: o 3317539228 – please also note the event on the following day, Apr. 28, in Punta Ala, not far from Tirli, with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band, which will play some songs with the palla a 21 balls.
Realizzata nella seconda parte dell’intervento nell’ambito del corso di formazione per il patentino dell’ospitalità del Comune di Castiglione della Pescaia (GR), giovedì 7 marzo a Tirli (vedi annuncio e articolo su Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto).
Geo Bernardini, introduced by Massimo Signori (aka The Boss , and ball-maker) tells how the palla eh! or palla a 21 ball was made just after WW2.
Thanks to Cristian from Il Leccio Moro for their hospitality, and to Carolina Corsali for the organizational support.
The, if you are curious of checking how the ball is made today, see the videos with Ilo Ferrandi in Torniella ( 2007 or 2018)
I was invited by the Municipality of Castiglione della Pescaia to give a presentation for the “hospitality licence” designed for tourism facility managers.
For more information: or +393317539228
a “senior” afternoon set of palla a 21/palla eh! games in Tirli, Southern Tuscany, following the traditional events.
Kudos to the Tirli community for arranging the event