Tag Archives: Torniella

Study mission by the Schumacher College
A few hihglights of the visit in Torniella by the Schumacher College (Dartington, Inghilterra), promoted by Tuscany Wild Tuscany. I managed the palla a 21 and BuioMetria Partecipativa presentations.
A palla a 21 game proposed by folks from Piloni e Torniella, and a demonstration of the construction of the ball by Ilo Ferrandi:
Organization of the New Year’s Eve concert in Torniella
In collaboration with other local associations: http://www.pibinko.org/pib/?p=2984
organisation of a live rock night with Simposio
ENVIROFI Workshop in Torniella (Grosseto)
With a two-day meeting of the Work Package 1 group, and a morning workshop open to the public.
Palla a 21 demonstration and prize draw for the “pro Chicago” lottery (in Torniella)
PDF flyer , 1 Mb.