Ten years of shorts with pibinko.org: a recommendation for your next rainy day at home

desoda-snapshotIn Fall 2006 I started to produce videos, initially from VHS footage I had since 1997, and then shooting new material.

From the combination of an evening course in video-making, the reading of seminal work (from Age & Scarpelli to Ėjzenštejn) and interactions with the indie videomaker scene in Milano, Italy, we have reached to date some fitfy works talking about culture, environment, open innovation (and some healthy live music).

Nine videos are co-productions with  Lucio Monocrom, Orsola Sinisi, Giulia Ceccarini, Manuel Schianchi, and Francesco Giubbilini.

I recently decided to tidy up the list of the videos, which at this point may be conveniently browsed during your inevitable time at home during any upcoming gloomy week-end. Almost all of the production in online, but the longest features are on DVD.

Enjoy it on http://www.pibinko.org/services/videos/.