The BuioMetria CORDILIT station restarts its measurements under the Sassoforte

The BuioMetria Partecipativa project, in addition to managing a pool of sky quality meters which are borrowed by citizens in all of Italy, also owns a monitoring station with a logger. This can be deployed in any (enclosed) site and will record time series of data. The sensor is part of the Italian Coordination for the collection of light pollution data (i.e. Coordinamento Italiano per la raccolta dati sull’inquinamento luminoso or CORDILIT). Since 2011, CORDILIT receives data from sensors in various Italian regions.

The BMP sensor was first installed in 2014 above Torniella, in the Farma Valley in a location named “Il Colle“. In 2015 the sensor was removed and spent some time at Politecnico di Milano for some tests. A few weeks ago we brought the instrument back home and just a couple of days ago it was re-deployed in the hills. During the Winter the sensor will be staying by the pool of Villa San Martino , with the owner, Fabio Bartalucci. The senso will be taking measurement just under the Sassoforte , and will enjoy with Fabio the view towards the sea and part of the Tuscan archipelago, while we roam through frosty hills and foggy plains to promote the project.

For more information on BuioMetria Partecipativa or CORDILIT:

In the picture, Fabio Bartalucci at the end of the station installation exercise.